The next morning, after being forced to drink a full glass of milk, Nanao Akane arrived at Majo High School.

As soon as she arrived at the door, she was stopped by Sugimoto Shoko.

Seeing a bit of scrutiny in her eyes, the girl couldn't help but panic:"Shoko, what's wrong?"

Hearing this, she gently pinched her chin with her right hand, Sugimoto Shoko frowned slightly:"Akane-chan, I feel like you seem a little different from before.".

Of course it's different. Yesterday I was a girl, but now I'm a woman.

Nanao Akane secretly complained in her heart and forced a smile:"Maybe it's because I was sick yesterday."

Facing this explanation, Sugimoto Shoko's beautiful eyes flashed with a hint of teasing:"Is that so?"

At this moment, Nanao Akane felt that she had seen through her whole body.

"Of course! Let's go! Class is about to start!"...

In the supervisor's room, seeing Nanao Akane's figure that was even more voluptuous than yesterday, Togo Rizo roared in his heart:"Damn it! Damn it! An unknown bastard got to her first. Her virginity should be mine! It should be mine!"

But on the surface, he still pretended to be upright and resolute:"Manager Nanao, what do you want to talk to me about?"

""Coach Dong Gang, I want to quit the baseball club!"

As soon as these words came out, Dong Gang Li Zang's face changed drastically, and he subconsciously exclaimed:"What?! I don't agree!"

Although the other party's virginity has been taken away, she is still an excellent rbq.

Originally, he was thinking of completely turning her into Ma Chuan before the national competition, but now the other party is going to quit the club?

If she leaves, how can he have the chance to do it?!

Seeing the other party's appearance, Nanao Akane frowned slightly.

If she remembered correctly, the other party seemed to have appeared in the warehouse yesterday, and it was still a posture of catching an adulterer.

How did he appear so coincidentally? How could he know what happened in the warehouse?

It seems that the bad guy did not lie to him. What he did yesterday was really related to Dong Gang Li Zang.

At this time, Dong Gang Li Zang, who also realized that his attitude was a bit radical, coughed lightly:"Ahem~, Manager Nanao, we are going to participate in the national competition next month. It is a very irresponsible behavior for you to leave at this time...` .."

""Sorry! Director Dong Gang, I have a reason to quit the company, so I'm sorry!"

After saying that, Nanao Akane bowed slightly and turned to leave.

Looking at the other party's slender back and seductive Hunyuan, Dong Gang Li Zang said in a hoarse voice:"Since Miss Nanao wants to apologize, you must express your sincerity!"

After that, without waiting for Nanao Akane's reaction, he pounced on her like a shark that smelled blood.

Now that the other party insisted on leaving, the plan prepared before was naturally invalidated.

In this case, the simplest and crudest method will be adopted.

First ** her, and then take pictures, not afraid that she will not give in.

Although doing so will reduce a lot of fun, but now there is no time to care about these. If you hesitate any longer, I'm afraid this excellent rbq will fly away.

Hearing the heavy and hurried footsteps behind her, Nanao Akane hurriedly turned around, and then saw Dong Gang Li Zang's greedy face.

Seeing this, the girl's pretty face immediately revealed a deep fear:"Da Me!"

But at this moment, an extremely familiar figure appeared in front of her.

He raised his legs, kicked out, and retracted his legs, all in one smooth movement.

The next moment, Dong Ganglizang experienced the feeling of flying again, and hit the wall heavily and spat out a mouthful of blood.

After struggling for several times and failing to get up, he fainted gorgeously.

Without paying any more attention to the other party, Bai Ziyu turned around and looked at the frightened Nanao Akane in front of him:"Akira-chan, are you okay?"

"No, it’s okay!"

The girl shook her head with a pale face, then looked at Dong Gangli Zang by the wall with a worried look on her face:"But Jieyi-kun, he won’t die, right?"

"Don't worry, you won't die! Just leave it to me, you can go back to class first!"


Leaving the room and walking on the way back to the classroom, Nanao Akane kept thinking:"Yuichi-kun is so mysterious, he can appear in front of me in an instant, but he looked so handsome when he saved me just now, oh Akane, what are you thinking about, he is Shoko's boyfriend..."

In the supervision room, looking at the unconscious Dong Gangli Zang, Bai Ziyu pondered for a moment, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. Let's do it!

In the locker room of the baseball club, several young men opened the door and were about to change clothes. When they saw the woman lying on the chair, her long black hair like a waterfall, her clothes half exposed, and her full body about to burst out, they couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

"Herb man, who is this?"

"` ˇI, I don't know her either. Maybe I just went to the wrong place by accident. But she is so beautiful."

"That's right! His figure is comparable to Nanao-senpai's, and his looks are also what I like."

"So shall we go and have a look?"


Dong Gangli Zang, who was in a coma, felt pain coming from somewhere and was startled. Then he saw...

"Baka! How dare you bastards, get out of here!"

But to some people, the other party was saying:"Da Me..."

This shy look instantly made them feel like they were injected with chicken blood.

Standing outside the door, listening to the screams coming from inside, Bai Ziyu shook his head gently.

Miserable! It's really too miserable!

"I never thought that hypnosis is so useful, not bad! Not bad!"

Gently stroking the hypnotic pocket watch in his hand, Bai Ziyu whispered lightly, and his eyebrows raised slightly.

At this moment, several young men came over. In an instant, a burst of blue light suddenly burst out from the golden pocket watch. After a moment, the screams in the room became more miserable.

More than an hour later, a group of young people came out together, their faces full of excitement and joy.

After all, from today on, they are finally real men.

Listening to them discussing their experiences with each other, Bai Ziyu's face showed a bit of amusement. I wonder if you will still be like this when you know the truth.

Then, Bai Ziyu pushed open the door and walked in slowly.

Looking at Dong Ganglizang lying on the ground, covered with ** all over his body, Bai Ziyu shook his head, his eyes full of sympathy.

Hearing the footsteps, Dong Ganglizang's whole body suddenly shook, and then he looked up with fear.

Seeing that the person coming was Bai Ziyu, his eyes widened immediately:"It's you!!!".

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