""Yuri-chan~, Yuri-chan~"

The next morning, Yuri Himeno, who was still asleep, was suddenly awakened by a soft female voice.

She opened her eyes in a daze, and saw a red color like a flame.

Rubbing her sleepy eyes, the girl yawned loudly, sleepily:"Um~, Shoko, what's wrong?"

""Onii-chan asked me to wake you up for breakfast, hurry up and change your clothes!"

After saying this hurriedly, Shoko Sugimoto casually handed over a light white long skirt.

As close friends, it is natural that they can't help but joke with each other while changing clothes.

But how can Himeji Yuri, who has been quiet for more than ten years, be a match for this little witch Shoko Sugimoto?

After a few words, she blushed, and a layer of light pink appeared on her snow-white and crystal skin.

In the end, she couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately used"justice" on him, slowly stretched out her snow-white and soft hands, and went to his waist.

The magnificent bedroom suddenly-vivid!

More than ten minutes later, the two women came to the living room with slightly red cheeks.

��Seeing Bai Ziyu sitting at the dining table, Sugimoto Shoko hurried forward:"Ouni 910 sauce~"

After a gentle kiss, he slowly stepped down and enjoyed his breakfast.

Seeing this, Himeno Yuri, who was not far away, was not willing to be outdone and hurried over.

Such a delicious and rich breakfast cannot be enjoyed by the other party alone.

Seeing the two women fighting for a bite of food, Bai Ziyu was a little helpless.

Is it that serious? Breakfast is enough!

More than an hour later, the two women who were a little full patted their slightly bulging belly, burped a lot, and lay on the sofa to start lying.

Seeing this, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but shake his head gently. He couldn't eat and forced it, and now he is full!

But lying like this all the time is not a good thing, so he suggested in a gentle voice:"If you are bored, you can go shopping!"

Sugimoto Shoko heard this and waved his hand gently, not wanting to say a word.

Now they just want to lie down and digest what they got before.

As for going out shopping?

Let's talk about it after digestion!

Slowly walking out of the room, Bai Ziyu came to the Lamborghini, opened the door and walked in.

He had already agreed to continue learning yoga with Nanao Akane, so he naturally couldn't break his promise.

And having learned from yesterday's lesson, he changed into a black sportswear today, so that he would not be afraid even if he sweated a lot.

Soon, at Nanao's house, he opened the door and saw the visitor. Nanao Akane's cheeks were slightly rosy, and she slightly leaned to the side to let him in.

Looking around, he didn't see the beautiful woman, so Bai Ziyu couldn't help but feel curious:"Akane, where is your aunt?"

"My mother went to the hospital."

"Oh~, so my aunt is not here, what a pity, I also want to try the cookies made by my aunt~"

With a slight sigh of regret, he immediately looked at the girl in front of him, with a studious look on his face:"Then Akane, let's continue practicing!"

The snow-white jade neck gradually turned pink, Nanao Akane nodded lightly, and whispered:"Okay, okay! Then let's go to my room..."

But before she could finish, she was interrupted by Bai Ziyu:"Qian's room is too small, it's hard to move around, why not stay here!"

"What? Here?!"

Faced with this suggestion, the girl's beautiful blue eyes widened immediately.

Here? What if my mother suddenly comes back? What if... But this is not over yet. The next moment, Bai Ziyu took out a set of energetic girl's clothes from his schoolbag.

"Qian-chan, put on this set, so you can teach better!"


Looking at the clothes in Bai Ziyu's hand, the girl turned into a steam engine again, with hot air rising from her head.

But in the end, she still couldn't beat the other party, so she could only change it reluctantly.

After a moment, looking at Nanawei Akane, who turned into a lively girl, wearing a golden wig and full and ready to burst out in front of her, Bai Ziyu's eyes revealed a deep surprise.

Beautiful! It's so beautiful!

Being swept by that fiery gaze, Nanawei Akane didn't know why her forehead was slightly hot, and her cheeks became like the sunset in the sky:"Yu, Yuichi-kun, what are you looking at?"

Awakened by the girl's voice, Bai Ziyu shook his head gently and said softly:"Nothing! Akane, let's start practicing now!"

During the period, a small episode occurred, and the girl sprained her waist.

But despite this, she still taught with injuries, which made Bai Ziyu feel moved.

After all, there are not many such serious teachers now.

It was near noon when the two finished this study.

Looking at the girl who was sweating all over and whose purple hair stuck to her fair forehead, Bai Ziyu took out a few tissues and wiped her gently.

Then, he helped her smooth her hair in front of her forehead with extremely gentle movements.

Feeling the warmth from the big hand, the girl's earlobes turned red and she whispered in a mosquito-like voice:"Thank you, thank you!"

"" I should be the one thanking Akane-chan. Thank you for teaching me how to practice yoga. It's just that I'm too stupid and I can't grasp the key points!"

Bai Ziyu couldn't help but show some apology on his face.

Seeing this, Nanao Akane hurried to comfort him:"I..."

But just as she opened her mouth, she heard the sound of a key being inserted not far away.

Then, seeing the door handle slowly turning, the girl's face turned pale.

Pushing open the door and looking at the neat and empty living room, the beautiful woman with mature charm showed a hint of doubt on her face.

At this moment, Nanao Akane walked out of the room with slightly trembling legs:"Mom, you're back~"

"Um! Qian, didn't Yuichi come today?"

"Here he comes! But he just left more than ten minutes ago, and before he left, he was still muttering that he felt sorry for not having eaten the cookies you made."

As soon as these words came out, the original doubt on the beautiful woman's face was instantly replaced by a bright smile.

She placed her snow-white hands on her delicate and tempting cherry lips and laughed sweetly:"Hehe~, I didn't expect Jie Yijun to like the cookies I made so much, then I will make them for him next time he comes."

"I think if Jie Yijun knew, he would be very happy!" I don't know what she thought of, and a happy smile slowly appeared on the corner of the girl's mouth.

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