In the evening, in a quiet alley, Yushan Haoyi looked at the blond beauty who had been silent in front of him, with a puzzled look on his face:"Senior Sawaguchi, where are you taking me?"

"You will know in a moment!"

Hearing this familiar answer again, Haoichi Yushan frowned slightly.

The next moment, he suddenly pulled out a dagger from his waist and rushed towards Chiyoko Sawaguchi:"You are not Senior Sawaguchi, who are you?!" Just as the cold blade was about to touch the snow-white and slender swan jade neck, a voice mixed with indifference and a little teasing suddenly sounded:"Tsk tsk, you are really vigilant~" As soon as the words fell, twelve sharp swords flashing with golden light cut through the darkness and shot towards him.

Sudden attack, Haoichi Yushan did not dare to hesitate and hurriedly waved the dagger in his hand.

Every time the dagger and the lightsaber collided, he took a step back uncontrollably.

After a moment, he was forced to the foot of the wall, and his back hit the cold wall heavily.

The tiger's mouth kept trembling, and Haoichi Yushan's face was as gloomy as water: -"Damn it!"

"" Pa pa~"

Just at this moment, a burst of applause suddenly sounded from this remote alley, and then a tall figure slowly emerged from the darkness.

Seeing the person coming, Chiyoko Sawaguchi's pretty face immediately revealed a deep attachment:"Master~"

As she said, she quickly came to Bai Ziyu's side, hugged his right arm, and rubbed it gently.

Feeling the warmth from his arm, Bai Ziyu slowly stroked the pink lips with his left hand:"Not bad! Not bad!"

Chiyoko Sawaguchi, who was praised, curved her eyebrows, and couldn't help stretching out her pink and tender lips to look at the scene in front of her. At this time, Haoyi Yushan also reacted. The other party was indeed Chiyoko Sawaguchi, but she was controlled by the man in front of her.

Seeing that his favorite goddess was now being wantonly raped like a **, Haoyi Yushan was immediately furious:"Damn it! What did you do to Senior Sawaguchi?"

Hearing this, Bai Ziyu raised his eyelids slightly and said lightly:"The blood of Yamata no Orochi is quite interesting."

That's right, the other party is the descendant of Yamata no Orochi, the legendary guardian beast of Japan.

This can also explain why he was chosen by the Kuraki family and why a black giant python appeared on his body in the original drama.

"Name: Hayama Koichi

Age: 18

Personality: Calm, withdrawn

Talent: Power of Eight Heads

Skills: Dagger Mastery, Purification...

Favorability: -50

Overall strength: Mid-level 2

Recent thoughts: Damn bastard, how dare you treat Senior Zekou like this, I'm going to kill you..."

"Ah! I'm going to kill you!"

Seeing that Bai Ziyu's right hand was actually placed in the place he had always dreamed of, Yushan Haoyi immediately let out a roar and rushed up waving a dagger.

Then, without any surprise, he was hit hard and flew out, falling to the ground, sliding for more than ten meters.

Pulling out his left hand, casually wiping it on Zekou Chiyoko's body a few times, Bai Ziyu slowly stepped forward:"Aren't you going to show your real skills? If you keep hiding, then I can only kill you, and then enjoy Huayoko's..."

With such strong stimulation, Yushan Hao's eyes suddenly turned extremely blood red, and a dark and evil aura emerged from his body:"Ah! You forced me to do this! Die! Die!" The black aura above his head turned into a dark giant python spitting out a long core.

The giant python looked down at Bai Ziyu with its emotionless vertical pupils.

""You are just a reptile made of blood, and you dare to look down on me? You are courting death!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a brilliant lightning flashed from his body, and it turned into dozens of thunderbirds that shot towards him.

Feeling that its majesty was challenged, the dark giant python opened its bloody mouth and swallowed the thunderbirds.

After swallowing dozens of thunderbirds into its stomach, the giant python continued to move forward.

Seeing that Bai Ziyu was about to be swallowed by it, at this critical moment, a deep blue Bagua suddenly rose under his feet.

On the Bagua, the Qimen kept changing, and the giant python, which was originally aggressive, suddenly became like a turtle crawling.

Strolling to Yushan Haoyi, looking at the other party's look that he wanted to eat his flesh and sleep on his skin, Bai Ziyu shook his head disdainfully.

""Gun finger!"

As the two words fell, Bai Ziyu's right index finger suddenly showed a layer of metallic luster and went towards Yushan Haoyi's heart.

As Bai Ziyu took the initiative to attack, the time around him returned to normal again.

0 ·······Request flowers··· ·····

The dark python landed heavily on the ground, splashing a large cloud of dust.

Looking down at the arm that had pierced his chest, Yushan Haoyi was full of disbelief:"How is this possible?..."

The other party was about to be killed by me, why did he suddenly appear?...

As he thought about it, he felt a strong sense of fatigue coming over him, and he couldn't help but want to close his eyes and have a good rest.

After a moment, when he completely closed his eyes, the dark python let out a painful whine, which slowly dissipated.

【Congratulations to the host for successfully killing the fourth-level evil creature, saving points +3000】

【Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: Kill Yushan Haoyi. Mission Reward: Reinforcement Points +1000, Skill: Misty Steps (Blue)】


Listening to the system prompt beside his ear, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly.

I never thought that there would be an unexpected gain!

Thousands of meters below Mount Fuji, with the death of Yushan Haoyi, a pair of huge vertical pupils suddenly opened.

After feeling it quietly, a touch of human doubts appeared in the vertical pupils, and then slowly closed.

In the alley, seeing that Bai Ziyu had killed Yushan Haoyi, Sawaguchi Chiyoko threw herself into his arms like a swallow into the forest:"Master~"

At this moment, another system prompt sounded: [The host has detected the blood of a higher creature. Would you like the system to recycle it?】

"System, what are you recycling this for?"

【Systems can also trade with each other. A system can sell it to other systems, or the system can transplant it as the host.】

【Does the host want a transplant?】

"Forget about the transplant. If I want a bloodline, it must be a five-clawed golden dragon, a Chaos God or something like that. A reptile with a broken bloodline is better than a dog!"


【The blue broken Yamata no Orochi bloodline is estimated to be worth 10,000 rescue points. Please check it. 】

As soon as the prompt sounded, another system prompt sounded: [Congratulations to the host for getting rescue points +10,000. 】

Looking at the system mall, seeing that the blue bloodline is basically the same price, Bai Ziyu gave his own small system 10,086 likes.

His small system is simply the conscience of the industry and the benchmark of the industry! With.

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