Facing the red light in his eyes, Bai Ziyu's originally dull eyes gradually regained some spirit.

"Haoyi-kun, dinner is ready, let’s go!"

""Okay, okay!"

Bai Ziyu nodded with a slightly stiff expression, and then followed Kuraki Yuriko and slowly walked out of the room.

In the living room, he saw a strange man following his mother, a girl in a red and white sailor suit, with purple hair and brown eyes, with a vigilant look on her face:"Mom, who is he?!"

"He is your fiancé and the future master of the Kuraki family!"

When these words came out, the girl immediately slammed the table and said,"I don't want to marry a strange man!"

After that, she set off towards her room.

Looking at the girl, Bai Ziyu's eyes flashed with some interest:.

"Name: Kuraki Reina

Age: 18

Personality: Strong, Tsundere, Kind

Hobbies: Swimming, Reading

Sensitive Area: Three inches below the right neck

Talent: Kuraki Power

Appearance: 93

Favorability: 0

Strength: Lower First Stage

Recent Thoughts: I don't want to marry this man I've only met once..."

But just as Kuraki Suzuna was about to pass the two, Kuraki Yuriko's eyes flashed a faint red light again.

The next moment, the girl's movements suddenly froze, and then she sat back in her seat obediently.

Then, Kuraki Yuriko looked at Bai Ziyu, with a gentle smile on her lips:"Kouichi, let's eat!"

After a while, three people came to the table, and a girl dressed in black and white maid clothes, with a charming face and amazing figure, came up with plates of food.

Looking at this little maid who was still a girl, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly:

"Name: Chunchuan Zhimei

Age: 18

Personality: Smooth, smart

Hobbies: Cleaning housework

Sensitive part: Lower back

Appearance: 91

Favorability: 10

Strength: First level lower rank

Recent thoughts: This is the future master, he looks pretty handsome..¨‖."

During the meal, the three of them looked at each other in silence, just quietly finishing the food in front of them.

After finishing the meal, Bai Ziyu and Kuraki Reina returned to the bedroom together.

At this time, Chunchuan Yiping slowly emerged from the shadows, looked at the backs of the two people, and said in a hoarse voice:"Madam, the only sacrifice that meets the requirements now is Zhimei. When will the sacrifice mentioned in the master's letter arrive?"

"If we can't arrive before the 15th of next month, I'm afraid..."

"You don't need to worry about this matter. The sacrifice is on the way. How is the preparation for the ceremony going?"

"All preparations have been completed. We only need to fully activate the power of Yaki and Kuraki during this period...."

Hearing this, Kuraki Yuriko nodded lightly, her expression indifferent:"Very good!"

Not far away, Chunchuan Zhimei stood there quietly like a puppet, with a dull expression and motionless.

In the bedroom, looking at the charming face in front of him, the pink cherry lips flashing with waves, and the girl who looked delicate and charming, Bai Zi couldn't help but flash a little eagerness in his heart, and the distance between the two was getting closer and closer.

But just when the two lips were about to touch, a burst of clarity suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Seeing the big face so close, he was suddenly startled:"Da Me~"

Then, she didn't know where the strength came from, and she pushed Bai Ziyu back a few steps.

Looking at the terrified girl in front of him, Bai Ziyu showed a little apology on his face, and hurriedly said"sorry", and turned away.

Just as he walked out of the door, he saw Kuraki Yuriko dressed as a widow.

He nodded slightly and walked slowly towards the courtyard.

Slowly pushing open the door, she saw Kuraki Reina curled up beside the bed with a worn-out teddy bear doll in her arms, and Kuraki Yuriko walked up to her slowly.

She sat beside her, gently held her in her arms, and gently stroked her purple hair.

The girl, who originally had a bit of fear on her face, gradually became indifferent and calm as she moved.

At the same time, Bai Ziyu came to the courtyard and saw Chunchuan Tomomi standing under the camellia tree with her hands clasped together and praying silently.

The bright moonlight shone on the girl, as if she was covered with a layer of white veil.

Hearing the footsteps, Chunchuan Tomomi slowly turned around, and when she saw that the person coming was Bai Ziyu, a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth:"Master!"

Bai Ziyu heard this, and a hint of"doubt" immediately appeared on his face":"Why do you call me master?"

"You are the young lady's fiancé, and the future head of the Kuraki family. Zhimei naturally has to call you Master!"

"So I am the fiancé of that girl just now?"

".` Master, Zhimei has other things to do. If you need anything, just tell me directly!"

After that, he put his hands together on his lower abdomen, bowed slightly, and Chunchuan Zhimei left.

Looking up at the gorgeous and blazing camellia, Bai Ziyu frowned slightly.

At this moment, a red light suddenly burst out from the camellia.

After a moment, he slowly emerged from behind the camellia tree. Seeing Bai Ziyu with a faint red light flashing in his eyes, Chunchuan Yiping looked indifferent:"The power of Yaqi has not been fully stimulated. It seems that we need to speed up!"

After that, Chunchuan Yiping gently waved his right hand.

In an instant, the red light in Bai Ziyu's eyes dissipated.

"Master Yushan, it's getting late, so don't stay in the courtyard too long!"

After saying that, Chunchuan Yiping turned and left.

Looking at his back, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly.

How to activate the power of Yaki? The original play has already given the answer!

Unfortunately, he is not the real Yushan Yuyi, but he accepted the delicious food.

On the way back to the room, he took the time to check his task panel. He saw that under the task of Sawaguchi Huayoko, there were two more:

【Mission requirements: Stop Kuraki Suzuna from performing the Moon-Serving Ceremony. Mission rewards: Rescue points +500, Appearance +1, Mission���Defeat, no punishment】

【Mission requirements: Save Chunchuan Zhimei and prevent her from falling. Mission rewards: Save points +500, Length of a certain place +1, Mission failure: No penalty. 】

Seeing this last reward, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but be moved.

Although eighteen is already very good, who would think it is too little? Change!

Therefore, Chunchuan Zhimei must be saved. But he doesn't want to alert the enemy yet, so he can only temporarily save Chunchuan Yiping's life.

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