Slowly came to the living room, looking at the scene in front of her, Kuraki Yuriko's beautiful eyes were full of satisfaction.

After a moment, she left.

After a while, the originally noisy living room gradually fell into silence.

Gently stroking the light yellow hair, the red light in Bai Ziyu's eyes gradually dissipated.

Turning his head to look at the camellia tree outside the window, a few inexplicable colors flashed in his eyes.

The ability to confuse is even stronger than yesterday. Is it because of Kuraki Reina?!

At this moment, a sudden"gurgle" sound interrupted Bai Ziyu's thoughts.

Although the sound is not loud, it seems so clear and audible in such a quiet environment.

Raising her head slightly, Chunchuan Zhimei looked at Bai Ziyu, and a little doubt appeared on her pretty cheeks:"Master, are you hungry?"

Hearing this, Bai Ziyu couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, but still nodded gently:"A little!"

Embarrassment or not put aside first, the most urgent thing now is to fill your stomach.

You have to know that he hasn't had a drop of water since last night, and he has been doing a lot of high-intensity work during this period. It would be strange if he is not hungry!

"Please wait a moment, Zhimei will prepare it right away!"

With a faint smile, she lowered her head and gave a light kiss. Chunchuan Zhimei tidied up the wrinkles on her 230 maid outfit and slowly left.

Leaning on the sofa, looking at the back that was more plump than the previous few days, Bai Ziyu's eyes flashed with satisfaction.

After all, these are the results of his hard work!

Half an hour later, Bai Ziyu wolfed down all the food in front of him. He felt alive again, patted his stomach and breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as he was about to say something, he saw Kuraki Reina wearing a white casual outfit and walking towards him with a slightly strange pace.

With every step she took, her brows furrowed more.

Seeing this, Bai Ziyu hurriedly got up and stepped forward, showing concern:"Reina, why did you come out?"

Hearing this familiar voice and looking at the familiar figure, Kuraki Reina shouted angrily:"Get out!"

As she said, she was about to walk past him and go out the door.

But at this moment, a stronger pain than before suddenly attacked her from below, causing the girl to stagger.

Seeing that she was about to have an intimate contact with the cold floor, Bai Ziyu subconsciously hugged the slender but very elastic waist.

Feeling the warmth from the big hand, the girl suddenly recalled the scene last night. He was like this last night.

Immediately, Kuraki Reina kept struggling:"You bastard, let me go! Let me go!..."

Seeing the girl's violent reaction, Bai Ziyu had no choice but to let her go.

But without his support, she fell straight to the ground the next moment.

Looking at the black and white marble floor getting closer and closer to her, the girl subconsciously closed her eyes.

But the pain she imagined did not come, on the contrary, she felt like she was stepping into a warm embrace.

Slowly opening her eyes, looking at the hateful man in front of her, she wanted to say something, but suddenly her body went empty.

""Zhimei, go prepare another breakfast and bring it to Lingcai's room!"

Bai Ziyu ordered calmly, and then he carried the beauty and strode away.

Seeing that he actually regarded himself as the master, Kuraki Lingcai was immediately furious:"Baga..."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Ziyu frowned slightly.

How could such a beautiful girl say such vulgar words?!

He felt that as her fiancé, he had the responsibility and obligation to help her get rid of this bad habit.

So the next moment...

Looking at the beautiful woman's snow-white face which was gradually turning a little rosy, Bai Ziyu smiled faintly:"Lingcai, it's wrong to curse people. It doesn't fit your image as the eldest daughter of the Kuraki family."

Kuraki Lingcai, who was awakened by these words, felt the numbness coming from Hunyuan, and immediately felt like a little kitten whose tail was stepped on....

Looking at the two people who were playing and fighting and returning to the room, Chunchuan Zhimei put her hands together on her belly and smiled sweetly.

The master and the young lady are really a perfect match!

When the young lady marries the master in the future, then I will...

As she thought about it, a faint blush appeared on Chunchuan Zhimei's fair cheeks, and she gently rubbed Hunyuan's straight long legs under the black and white maid outfit.

Back in the room, Bai Ziyu had just put Kuraki Reina down when she raised her right foot and stepped hard on him.


Bai Ziyu couldn't help but gasp, a bit of"ferocious" appeared on his face, and his voice trembled slightly:"I, we should be even now, right?!"

As soon as the voice fell, the girl was furious:"You wish!"

Seeing her inner voice, seeing that the other party actually pushed all the responsibilities on himself, Bai Ziyu's eyes flashed with helplessness.

It seems that you are more ** than me last night!?

Of course, this sentence can only be said in the heart.

If it is really put on the surface, I am afraid that the difficulty of this strategy will increase exponentially.

Looking at the girl's angry look, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but show some playfulness in his eyes, wanting to tease this arrogant lady:"Oh~, then I wonder how Lingcai can forgive me?"

Facing that playful look, Kuraki Lingcai, who only felt annoyed in her heart, shouted angrily:"I will never forgive you, get out!"

After saying that, she stretched out her arms and kept pushing Bai Ziyu.

But the next moment, Bai Ziyu suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed that snow-white wrist.

Then, the playfulness in his eyes disappeared, replaced by incomparable sincerity.

Kuraki Lingcai, who had never expected that the other party would suddenly become like this, suddenly stagnated the movement of her hands, her eyes were uncontrollably erratic, and her voice trembled slightly:"You, what do you want to do?"

Looking at the girl's pretty face, Bai Ziyu said affectionately:"Lingcai, although I don't know why I was like that last night, I don't regret it, because if it weren't for this incident, I'm afraid I wouldn't be..."

"So, please give me a chance to take care of you for the rest of my life, okay?!"

Hearing Bai Ziyu's sudden confession, Kuraki Reina was stunned for a moment, her heart was in turmoil.

The other party did that to her yesterday, and she should hate him.

But the other party is her fiancé and the future head of the Kuraki family.

Although she didn't want to admit it, this is an unchangeable fact. The most important thing is that he is so handsome, and this serious look really makes people unable to hate him, Baka!.

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