At midnight, a slight"creaking" sound suddenly sounded in the originally quiet villa.

He slowly pushed open the door, and before his right foot stepped in, a snow-white hand suddenly stretched out from the darkness, and then...

The next moment, the door was tightly closed.

In the bedroom, with the bright moonlight, Bai Ziyu could see the whole appearance of the beauty in front of him. He couldn't help but be slightly stunned:"Zhimei, you..."

Facing Bai Ziyu's astonished gaze, Chunchuan Zhimei couldn't help but blushing on her snow-white skin, and whispered:"Master, isn't going to punish Zhimei? Zhimei is ready."

While speaking, the little maid gently straightened her chest and pretended to be martyred.

Extending his right hand and gently stroking the delicate jade cheek, Bai Ziyu said lightly:"You are quite cooperative! In this case, considering that you have such a good attitude of admitting your mistakes, I can be gentler!"

But as soon as the voice fell, the little maid took the initiative to refuse:"Master, Zhimei knows that she has made a big mistake and dare not ask for your forgiveness...."

"Are you sure? If so, I will not show mercy even if you cry and beg for mercy!"

"Zhimei is sure! In order for me to remember this lesson deeply, please do not show mercy and punish Zhimei severely!"

Since the little maid insisted so much, Bai Ziyu naturally couldn't say anything more.

As she said, only by letting her remember this lesson firmly can we prevent such incidents from happening again.......

The next morning, she slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw was a handsome face.

The golden sunlight shone on his fair face, making him look like a god.

The more she looked, the happier she felt. She couldn't help but slowly put on a happy smile.

She didn't know how long she looked at him. Seeing that the other party was about to wake up, the girl subconsciously pretended to sleep.

But the next moment, she reacted and stopped the impulse.

Why should she hide?

This is her fiancé, she can see him if she wants!

Then, Bai Ziyu opened his eyes and saw Kuraki Reina, who was staring at him like a brave fighter.

At first, he was still confused.

But soon, looking at her inner voice, a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes. He never thought that the other party would actually compete with him. It's just that it should be said or not, such a girl makes people want to bully.

And Bai Ziyu has always been a doer.

The criterion he believes in is that action is better than heartbeat!

Standing in front of the door, listening to the sound coming from inside, Chunchuan Zhimei couldn't help but think of what happened last night....

Gradually, the maid's cheeks flushed and her legs became slightly weak.

More than an hour later, Bai Ziyu pushed the door open and walked out.

As soon as he walked out, he saw a faint light not far away.

For a moment, his brows slightly frowned. How could this little maid do things? She couldn't even do such a small thing well.

It seems that the punishment for her last night was too light!

But now he has important things to do, so he can only write this matter down in a small notebook and leave it for later.

On his way to the back mountain, he met Chunchuan Yiping with a gloomy face.

On his body, Bai Ziyu smelled a faint scent of powder.

This scent did not belong to anyone in the villa. It should be the prey he captured from outside.

Recalling the scene shown in the original drama, it is obvious that the other party is preparing for the ceremony in the near future.

Seeing Bai Ziyu, Chunchuan Yiping put down the hoe in his hand and said in a hoarse voice:"Master Yushan, the back mountain is not a good place. You'd better not run around!"

"Mr. Chunchuan, you don't have to worry about this, I know what to do!"

After saying that, Bai Ziyu walked past him and left slowly.

Staring at his back, a deep shadow appeared on Chunchuan Yiping's old face.

At this moment, Kuraki Yuriko, dressed in a black gauze, suddenly appeared beside him.

She left a sentence indifferently,"The moon-serving ceremony is about to begin, don't make trouble!", and then she left.

Looking at the exquisite body under the gauze and the attractive round of Hunyuan, Chunchuan Yiping stretched out his broad tongue, licked his slightly cracked lips, and a deep greed flashed in his eyes.

After a moment, Bai Ziyu came to the cave with ease.

Passing through the dark and damp corridor, he successfully arrived in front of the wooden temple....

Holding a hydrangea, she stood quietly in front of the door, like a woman waiting for her husband. When she saw Bai Ziyu, her beautiful eyes suddenly lit up.


Accompanied by a cheerful call, the girl came hurriedly with small steps.

Then, she threw herself into the broad arms like a young swallow flying into the forest.

Opening his arms and catching her steadily, Bai Ziyu gently stroked the three thousand black hair.

Feeling the warmth from the big hand, Kuraki Mizuna narrowed her eyes slightly, like a lazy kitten.

After a while, in the wooden hut, the girl who had recovered some strength, supported her body and looked at Bai Ziyu:"Jie, Jieyi, I feel so strange in my body, am I sick?"

Hearing this, Bai Ziyu gently stroked the elastic cheek and said softly:"This is a normal phenomenon of the interface, Mizuna is not sick"

"is that so?"


In the next two days, Kuraki Reina went to school every day, and Bai Ziyu, who had regained his freedom, stayed with Kuraki Mizuna for almost half of the day.

With his company, the girl finally learned to speak completely. Although her speaking speed was a little slow, she no longer stumbled.

When she finished her first sentence, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but hold her in his arms.

Looking at the sparkling cherry lips, he couldn't help but lower his head.

In response, the girl not only did not refuse, but slowly closed her eyes.

After a while, he let go of the already breathless girl, and Bai Ziyu said gently:"Mizuna, will you marry me and be my woman?"

Hearing this, Kuraki Mizuna's clear eyes revealed a bit of confusion:"What does marry mean?"

"If you marry me, we will be a family in the future and we will never be separated again."

As soon as these words came out, a hint of joy appeared on the girl's face:"If Mizuna marries Yuichi, can she be with Yuichi every day in the future? Can you tell me a story?"

"Of course!" Knowing that she could be with him every day by marrying him, the girl agreed without hesitation:"Then Mizuna is willing to marry Yuichi!".

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