Innate top-grade spiritual treasure!

Seeing the power of this treasure, Guhuo's eyelids trembled.

This is an innate top-grade spiritual treasure, and there are twelve of them!

There are only a handful of such spiritual treasures in the prehistoric world.

How can the ant-like human race have such a treasure?

Guhuo's eyes were full of greed.

But the next second his eyes suddenly changed to fear.

He turned around and ran away!

"Let me sacrifice the Dinghai Divine Pearl, you are indeed the first one."

Since Ye Chen broke through the Xuanxian, he has been refining the Dinghai Divine Pearl for the rest of the time.

His cultivation and spiritual awareness have become stronger, allowing him to refine twelve restrictions on the Dinghai Divine Pearl. He has been able to use it freely and can exert one-tenth of the power of this treasure.

Originally, he did not plan to use this treasure easily.

But he did not expect to encounter such a strong enemy.

If it were usual, he might fight with the opponent.

But today is different. He has taken the opportunity of Shouyang Cave Heaven.

If he is discovered by other great powers, he will be in danger.

So he must kill the opponent and leave here as quickly as possible.

"Daoist friend, I can pretend that I saw nothing. I swear by the way of heaven!" Gu Huo pleaded desperately. He had just escaped a hundred feet when he was imprisoned by the law of the void. The starlight was shining brightly around him, wrapping him up like a winding stream. This was the space of the two major laws of Dinghai Shenzhu, the law of water.

"You are unlucky to meet me, I will return this sentence to you."

Ye Chen's eyes were cold. If this witch had seen him, he would definitely destroy his soul.

Only in this way could he feel at ease, and he had already driven the twelve Dinghai Divine Lights to fix it.

Ignoring the desperate roar of the witch, Ye Chen coldly cast a spell.


Gu Hu, who was trapped by the Dinghai Divine Light, was touched by the five-color divine light. His consciousness, soul, and body turned into nothingness in an instant, and he completely fell from the prehistoric world, and even lost the chance of reincarnation.

"The innate top-grade spiritual treasure is indeed extraordinary."

Ye Chen took back the Dinghai Divine Pearl.

Most of the mana in his body disappeared, and driving this treasure consumed too much.

It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. After making sure that nothing was missed

, he fled immediately. For safety reasons, Ye Chen wandered around on the way back.

He did not go directly to the tribe, and used the fetal transformation to change his appearance and breath.

He also stayed outside to replenish his mana, and then returned to the tribe safely.


Not long after Ye Chen left, two people appeared at the Shouyang Cave Heaven.

One was from the Wu Clan, and the other was from the Yao Clan.

At this moment, the two sides were on the verge of a fight.

"Gu Yang, what else do you have to say!" A gloomy old man in a black robe in the void asked viciously.

Gu Yang, the elder of the Wugu tribe, came here to track down Gu Huo.

Gu Huo was the pride of the tribe. He was a genius that was one in a million in thousands of years.

His soul returned to heaven this time, and the tribe leader was furious.

He asked him to investigate the matter, but he unexpectedly tracked it here.

He encountered the demon tribe.

Gu Yang:"I say it again, the death of the black tiger has nothing to do with our Wu tribe. I came here to find our tribe's pride, Gu Huo. Tiger King, you are entrenched here. Could it be that the death of our tribe's pride is related to you?"

"Good, good, you dare to blame me, Wu Clan, you have crossed the line, so let's have a fight!" The black-robed old man had a bad temper to begin with. He was instantly furious when he was framed by this old enemy of the Wu Clan. He roared across the sky, the sky changed color, and rolling demonic energy swept across a thousand miles.

A black tiger phantom was formed, and the tiger's roar shook the void, and all living things crawled. It was a golden fairy demon!

"Humph! Do you think my Wu clan is easy to bully?"Gu Yang was not willing to be outdone. He immediately used his magical power of Dharma Realm and transformed into a giant holding up the sky, holding a witch weapon, a mountain-splitting hammer. The two sides fought in an instant, causing mountains to collapse and the earth to crack. Living beings suffered and countless people were killed and injured!

In the end, the fight was evenly matched. The Black Tiger King found that he could not defeat the Wu clan.

He had to give up fighting with the Wu clan.

"Gu Yang, when my demon clan establishes the demon kingdom, I will crush your witch clan to ashes!"

Gu Yang of the witch clan watched the black tiger escape and sneered:"Tiger King, as long as my witch clan is alive, your demon clan will never dominate the prehistoric world again. I will spare your life today!"

After the black tiger escaped,

Gu Yang looked at the scarred earth and the countless lives killed and injured. He had no pity in his heart. He pondered for a moment and said:"If Gu Huo dies, I will put the blame on the demon clan, and then tell the clan leader about the Yao clan establishing the demon kingdom. It will be considered an explanation.



The tribe was calm.

The tribesmen were still building tree houses.

They were busy.

The women were skilled in using flames.

They cooked food, and men and women each performed their duties.

It was a thriving scene. It had been three days since Ye Chen came back.

Ye Chen did not practice immediately. He went out to look for opportunities this time.

It was too thrilling, and it was difficult for him to calm down.

So he accompanied his wife to travel around the mountains and rivers every day and taught them how to practice.

In his spare time, he went fishing and strolled in the woods.

He watched the sun rise and the moon set, the stars and the sea, and when he was in the mood, he would make his own barbecue.

Looking for the five flavors, sour, bitter, spicy and salty, and enjoying the appetite, these seasonings are not uncommon. The prehistoric resources are rich and easy to find.

Enjoying the strong atmosphere of fireworks and the world.

And Yue'er's belly was getting bigger day by day.

Ye Chen also showed a fatherly smile all day long.

He didn't say goodbye to his wife and went to the cave until his mood was calm and peaceful.

The first thing he did when he returned to the cave was that Ye Chen took out the Shouyang Cave Heaven Stele.

His figure flashed and disappeared into the cave.

After entering.

Ye Chen sighed again at the rich spiritual energy of this blessed land.

He secretly thought that wealth and honor are sought in danger.

This time he went out to look for opportunities.

He got a treasure from the blessed land of the cave.

In the future, he would not have to worry about the lack of spiritual energy in the tribe.

After so many days, he did not see the witch tribe and the monster tribe looking for him.

What surprised him was that after rushing out of the cave that day, he found that the speed of time in the space of Shouyang Cave and the outside world was different.

A hundred days passed here, but only one day passed outside.

This discovery surprised him.

In this case, he had more than a hundred times the time in the outside world.

He came to the Huangzhongli fruit tree, the innate spiritual root.

Ye Chen did not hesitate and picked a Huangzhongli fruit.

Then he sat cross-legged and thought for a moment.

He decided to practice with all his strength first.

There are countless great powers in the prehistoric world.

Just a Wu clan genius made him use the Dinghai Shenzhu, but he still felt that his strength was not enough.

Too insecure.

Looking at the lotus-shaped fruit in his hand, he felt the surging spiritual power fluctuations in the innate spiritual fruit.

He could not help but be overjoyed.

The six thousand peaches had made his cultivation soar to the realm of refining the spirit and returning to the void.

This Huangzhongli, which was far superior to the peaches, was unknown what realm it could take him to.

With anticipation, he opened his mouth and swallowed the Huangzhongli fruit into his stomach.

After swallowing the fruit, it instantly turned into terrifying innate spiritual energy.

In the blink of an eye, he saw it wandering in his limbs and bones.

The terrifying innate spiritual energy almost stretched Ye Chen's body apart in an instant.

Ye Chen was frightened.

The spiritual energy contained in this fruit was too terrifying.

He immediately began to use the Nine Revolutions of Mysterious Origin to devour and refine it.

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