Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 108 Brother, just give in to my little sister

Silver light flashed, and Kunpeng plunged into the starry sky.

After glancing at the direction Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun were leaving, he was about to catch up, but unexpectedly there were words coming from behind him.

Kunpeng frowned slightly, but still stayed in the air.

He turned around and cupped his hands. "Kunpeng has met two demon kings."

Although he did not want to be involved in the calamity of heaven and earth, he still wanted to give the two demon emperors face.

Seeing Kunpeng's arrogant look, Taiyan raised his eyes slightly, his expression a little cold.

Now that he has joined the Demon Court, he should think about the Demon Court. Taiyi is very dissatisfied with Kunpeng.

Di Jun didn't seem to notice the displeasure on Kunpeng's face, and said with a chuckle: "Does the Demon Master want that Hongmeng Purple Qi?"

Nuwa betrayed the Demon Court and took Fuxi away with her. Two of the four Demon Emperors of the Demon Court were gone.

The Demon Court's top combat power was instantly weakened, and Emperor Jun naturally did not want to lose this Demon Master again.

He has the ambition to dominate the ancient world, and naturally he is not a stingy person. He doesn't care much about Kunpeng's little mood.

Hearing Emperor Jun's words, Kunpeng's heart immediately tightened, and he responded unhurriedly: "This is Kunpeng's private matter, and there is no need for the Demon Emperor to worry about it."

Hongmeng Purple Qi is the foundation for becoming a saint. Apart from Hongyun, only a few disciples of Dao Ancestor have obtained it. How could Kunpeng not be greedy for it?

Besides, there was a place for him among the six futons in Zixiao Palace.

The way to kill three corpses and finally merge them into one is definitely not that simple, and the Hongmeng Purple Qi is something special.

This should be the key to why Sanqing and others were given the Hongmeng Purple Qi. But what made Kunpeng a little angry was why Hongyun received the Hongmeng Purple Qi, but he did not.

He also grabbed a futon, but was treated differently, which undoubtedly made Kunpeng even more angry.

Hongyun, Hongyun, they are all such hateful guys.

Kunpeng will never let such a huge cause and effect go unnoticed!

Di Jun just glanced at Kunpeng and said solemnly: "The Demon Master is a member of the Demon Court. The Demon Master's business is the Demon Court's business. Besides, that Hongyun is with Zhen Yuanzi all day long. It is difficult for the Demon Master to be afraid of him alone." ”

Kunpeng frowned, as Di Jun said, if it weren't for Zhen Yuanzi, why would he wait until now.

If Dijun and Taiyi help, Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi will naturally have nothing to fear.

It's just that Hongmeng Purple Qi is related to becoming a saint. Whether it can fall into his hands by then is another matter.

As if he could see Kunpeng's worries, Di Jun said with a smile: "Wuyou, Demon Master, the Hongmeng Purple Qi is your opportunity, and I am not very interested."

Next to him, Donghuang Taiyi opened his eyes slightly and looked equally disdainful.

Cultivation relies on oneself, and there is no need for external things. They have the confidence to become holy alone.

Kunpeng stood in the air, slightly moving. He still believed in what Di Jun and Tai Yi said.

Since the other party has made a promise, he will not go back on his word.

But once he accepted the love of Emperor Jun and Taiyi, he would not be able to stay out of the calamity of heaven and earth, and it would be difficult to fish in troubled waters again.

But if it were him alone, it wouldn't be that difficult to regain the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Hongyun himself is not weak, and with Zhen Yuanzi, he is no match.

If the other party was exposed to Hongmeng Ziqi and became a saint, then he could only break his teeth and swallow it in his heart.

Don't talk about the cause and effect when the time comes. Hongyun won't cause trouble for him, but he will burn incense.

Kunpeng was very torn between the opportunity to become a saint and the calamity of heaven and earth.

Di Jun saw Kunpeng's hesitation and walked forward with a smile.

"The Hongmeng Purple Qi matter needs to be discussed carefully. Let's go back to the Sun Palace first!" With that said, Emperor Jun picked up Kunpeng and flew towards the thirty-third heaven.

Kunpeng's face was sullen, and he couldn't tell what he was thinking, but he still followed Di Jun to the Demon Court.

Everything has a yin and yang, and any opportunity comes with risks.

This is also the reason why Di Jun and Tai Yi knew about the birth of Liang Jie but still didn't take it seriously.

It would also be a great blessing to be able to unify the prehistoric world and enjoy the destiny of heaven and earth alone.

If you can really obtain the Hongmeng Purple Qi, the risk of calamity is not unbearable.

In the distance, Zhen Yuanzi breathed a sigh of relief as he saw Di Jun and the others leaving.

He glanced at Hong Yun, who was still complaining next to him, and couldn't help but said angrily: "Hong Yun! The Kunpeng Zixiao Palace has not gained anything, and it must be more and more unbalanced in the heart. You must be extremely careful in the future."

Zhen Yuanzi is still very envious of Hongyun's good fortune, but it's just the character of a good friend.

It would be fine if it were an ordinary creature, but Kunpeng was of an extraordinary origin and was a Demon Master of the Demon Court, so how could he not be worried.

When Hongyun heard this, he didn't care at all, and muttered: "If Kunpeng feels uncomfortable, he can go to Dao Ancestor and ask Dao Ancestor to give him another excuse."

Hongyun said, carefully looking inside the body.

An extremely bright purple light entrenched deep in the soul. No matter how he drove it, the other party remained motionless.

Zhen Yuanzi was at a loss for words and didn't know how to answer. Finally, he said helplessly: "Let's go to my Wuzhuang to watch and sit down, and we will discuss the Tao with you."

Originally, Zhen Yuanzi wanted to go to Buzhou Mountain to meet Tianyuan, but Hongyun was not alert at all, so he planned to go back to Wanshou Mountain first.

As for meeting Tian Yuan and asking about the law and enlightenment, we can only find time later.

"I won't go to Wuzhuang Temple! I want to go back to the cave, so that I can experience this Hongmeng Purple Qi." Hongyun waved his hand, rejected Zhen Yuanzi's proposal, and turned around and flew towards the Fire Cloud Cave.

Hongmeng Purple Qi is so magical, Hongyun is still very curious.

"Hey hey hey"

Seeing Hongyun leaving, Zhen Yuanzi called out again and again.

However, Hongyun ignored him and flew towards Huoyun Cave.

Zhenyuanzi, who was standing in the air, looked helpless, but he still followed Hongyun. He was relieved when he saw him enter Huoyun Cave.

He was really worried that his good friend would wander around in the prehistoric world again.

After glancing at the direction of the demon court, Zhenyuanzi fled to Wanshou Mountain.

The importance of Hongmeng purple air was known to all the three thousand guests in Zixiao Palace, and no one was not jealous.

Zhenyuanzi did not think it was a good thing that Kunpeng, Dijun and others left, and he had to seize the time to practice in silence.

Whether it was to help Hongyun or the catastrophe that enveloped the world, Taoism and strength were the foundation of everything.

From the prehistoric starry sky, Nuwa landed on Buzhou Mountain.

Just as she landed, a figure strode towards her from a distance. It was Tianyuan.

"Brother Dao!" Nuwa was delighted and stepped forward quickly.

After carefully looking at the other party, Tianyuan smiled and said, "Let's talk about it in another place."

Looking at the expression on Nuwa's face, it was obvious that the trip to Zixiao Palace was fruitful.

Nuwa nodded, suppressed the anxious words in her heart, and let go of her mind.

Just like the familiar fluctuations before, the picture flashed, and she came to the consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain.

As soon as she appeared, Nuwa couldn't wait to speak. "Brother Dao is right. The trip to Zixiao Palace not only obtained Hongmeng purple air, but also many magic weapons."

I admired Tianyuan earlier, and now I admire him even more.

Tianyuan is obviously in the prehistoric world, and his Taoism is only Daluo Jinxian, but he knows everything in Zixiao Palace.

Big brother's divination skills are amazing, but in front of Brother Tianyuan, it is not worth mentioning at all.

As Nuwa said, she waved her hand, and suddenly saw a piece of spiritual treasure floating in the air.

In an instant, the rosy clouds were thousands of feet, and many spiritual treasures bloomed with various colors of brilliance, looking dazzling.

Just by taking a glance, Tianyuan saw many familiar spiritual treasures in later generations, including Nuwa's exclusive magic treasures, the Red Hydrangea, the Mountain and River Map, and the Treasure Lotus Lantern.

"Once the Hongmeng Purple Qi enters the body, it will not move. Otherwise, you can take it out for Brother Dao to see."

Without waiting for Tianyuan to reply, Nuwa continued, "If Brother Dao likes this magic treasure, just take it."

Nuwa is no longer wary of Tianyuan.

It is all Tianyuan's credit to be able to obtain so many innate spiritual treasures.

Not to mention the Hongmeng Purple Qi in the body, the matter of Fuxi alone is not something that the spiritual treasure in front of him can repay. Even if Tianyuan takes away all the magic treasures here, Nuwa will not complain.

Hearing this, Tianyuan was slightly stunned and chuckled, "This is the blessing of Brother Dao, Tianyuan has no intention."

The magic treasure is not the number, but the one that suits you. Besides, his physical body is comparable to the best innate spiritual treasure, so it is of no use.

There were not many magic weapons of the Three Pure Ones, and most of them became decorations in the end.

Nuwa was slightly startled when she heard this, and her face showed disbelief.

In Zixiao Palace, those innate gods who had not received magic weapons from Hongjun begged in a low voice and looked flattering, but Tianyuan was indifferent.

Among the many magic weapons in the air, the map of mountains and rivers and the red hydrangea were the top-grade innate spiritual treasures that even she was moved by.

Tianyuan just took a look and didn't care.

She could see that Tianyuan was not shirking, but really didn't want it.

"Brother Dao, Fuxi is deeply impressed!" A voice came from the air in the distance, and Fuxi's face was full of admiration.

He felt the breath of his younger sister Nuwa and hurried over, not wanting to see such a scene.

Putting aside the matter of the demon court, Fuxi still had a great impression of Tianyuan, and now he admired him even more.

Houtu, who came from another direction, looked up and down at Tianyuan with a pair of beautiful eyes shining with strange light.

They were all innate sacred beings, so they could see at a glance that the spiritual treasures in the sky were extraordinary.

Tianyuan's behavior shocked them.

It would have been fine if they didn't take the innate spiritual roots on Mount Buzhou, but now the spiritual treasures were directly in front of them, but Tianyuan was still unmoved.

Nuwa took a deep breath and said solemnly: "If it weren't for Brother Dao, Nuwa wouldn't have had such an opportunity, I hope Brother Dao won't refuse it!"

She also sincerely wanted to repay Tianyuan, and these spiritual treasures were the only things she could take out.

Moreover, if it weren't for Tianyuan, she would have missed these innate spiritual treasures.

Fuxi, who was next to her, also said loudly: "Brother Dao, just give it to me!"

Fuxi was also envious of the spiritual treasures, but he was not a person who didn't know how to repay his gratitude.

Moreover, during the thousands of years of traveling in the consciousness space of Mount Buzhou, Fuxi also put aside the matter of the demon court.

With such hospitality from Fuxi and Nuwa, Tianyuan no longer refused, and his eyes swept the sky, and his eyes lit up slightly.

"In that case, Tianyuan will take this thing."

It was a stone with a milky white halo. It was not very conspicuous among the many innate spiritual treasures, and the light it emitted was not strong.

With a slight wave of his hand, the thing fell into his palm.

Seeing that Tianyuan only took a stone, Nuwa's face was also helpless.

She was about to speak, but was interrupted by Tianyuan.

"Practicing oneself is the foundation. The spiritual treasure is of no use to me. Daoyou don't need to be polite anymore."

Whether it was to help Fuxi or to help Nuwa, Tianyuan never thought of getting any benefits from them.

The only purpose from beginning to end was to benefit the prehistoric world.

After Tianyuan said this, Nuwa no longer insisted and had to collect all the spiritual treasures.

But for Tianyuan, she admired him even more!

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