Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 125 The Wheel of Time of the Ancestral Witch Zhu Jiuyin

Looking at the billowing waves of blood in the distance, Tian Yuan's expression became a little solemn.

The sky was filled with blood, and he could only see a few broken corpses clearly.

Pangu created the world and killed three thousand Chaos Demon Gods. That was more than just three thousand.

Anyone who can survive the Kaitian God's ax with a broken body is definitely a powerful Chaos Demon God.

He has been practicing on Buzhou Mountain for these years, and there has been no movement from the Wu Clan. He doesn't know what realm Di Jiang and others have entered.

Tian Yuan withdrew his gaze and looked at Hou Tu beside him: "The formation covering the Wu Clan is a bit troublesome, and we have to rely on you."

The densely packed stone pillars in the Blood Fiend, as well as the mysterious Taoist patterns, are most likely the heritage that Pangu left to the Wu clan.

All living things in the prehistoric times, the Wu clan has indeed always followed the path of Pangu, and the legacy left behind is certainly not simple.

Houtu and Gonggong were both ancestral shamans, so they must have known the details of those stone pillars.

The ancestral witch wanted to catch him, but if there was a chance, the ordinary witch clan Tianyuan wouldn't want to let it go.

"Yeah! Those Dao patterns are taken from the temple, and only the blood of the ancestral witch can break them." Hou Tu nodded, not at all surprised.

In addition to the heart of Father God, the dense Taoist patterns in Pangu Temple are the greatest legacy of God Father.

The strongest foundation of the witch clan, the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation, was obtained by the ancestral witches from the numerous Dao patterns.

Tianyuan was not surprised, and his eyes swept over every figure in the field.

He is the strongest. He is in the late stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal. Houtu, Gonggong, and Hu are in the middle stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal. The remaining five great witches, Fuxi, Calabash Boy, and Xingtian, are all in the early stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal. There are eleven in total.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, Di Jiang had already broken into the Hunyuan Golden Immortal. Tian Yuan didn't know what level he had broken through to now.

But what he can be sure of is that the ten ancestral witches must all have the realm of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

"On this trip, we will try to capture the Witch Clan as much as possible. It would be best if we could capture the Ancestral Witch." As he spoke, Tian Yuan looked at the Witch Clan tribe in the distance.

Jianba smacked its mouth, and there was a look of aftertaste in its eyes. It missed the taste of flesh and blood.

Xingtian, Kuafu and other great wizards were all gearing up, looking eager to try.

It didn't matter whether they were arresting the witch clan, they just wanted to see if they could defeat the ancestral witches.

Born from the blood pool, they were often beaten violently by the ancestral witches. Beating the ancestral witches was what they longed for most.

Gonggong stood quietly, the slightly helpless expression on his face slowly turning into determination.

He was able to break through so quickly, and he had to admit that it was indeed Tian Yuan's fault.

It has not been seen for hundreds of thousands of years, and the power of Buzhou Mountain is no longer what it used to be.

This feeling of being surrounded by Father God made him very comfortable, and he could even feel the closeness within it.

Because he chose Tianyuan, even God Father loved him a little bit.

This inexplicable thought in his mind still made Gonggong a little weird.

Gonggong put away the distracting thoughts in his heart and spat out Houtu beside him, and a cloud of blood mist emerged.

They were like ripples flying through the air, quickly heading towards the witch tribe in the distance.

The blood mist arrived instantly and enveloped the stone pillars. Immediately, he saw a flickering light in front of him, and he instantly regained his composure. The formation had been broken.

At the same time, Tian Yuan's figure flew out and broke into the Wu tribe in an instant.


Sure enough, several excited roars rang out from behind, and several great witches from Xingtian rushed over screaming.

For the Wu clan, acting in secret is not their style, which Tian Yuan expected.

Glancing at the many corpses suspended above his head, Tian Yuan rolled up his big hand, and he took away the meditating figures one by one.

With the help of the remains of the Chaos Demon God, and hundreds of thousands of years of hard training, all the shamans in the field became Taiyi Golden Immortals, including many in Da Luo.

Those powerful fluctuations made Tianyuan very satisfied.

The manifestation of the Three Thousand Laws is not only for more powerful stone men, but also to strengthen Buzhoushan's will.

Following closely behind Tian Yuan, Hu pounced on the many corpses suspended in the air.

Calabash Baby dove into the ground and disappeared in an instant. His mission was to capture as many Wu clansmen as possible.

Although Hou Tu broke through the great formation that enveloped the Wu clan, no one knew when it would be opened again.

Regardless of Hou Tu or Gong Gong, they have not been in the Wu clan for a long time.

After finally dispatching the whole team, we naturally had to make complete plans.


Almost instantly, there were roars and explosions in the Pangu Temple, and powerful momentum rose up.

"Tian Yuan!"

Amidst the roaring roar that shook the sky, a terrifying ferocious beast took the lead to charge towards Tianyuan, it was Xuan Ming, the ancestral witch.

After not seeing it for a while, the originally dark black giant beast has been dyed a little bright red.

Paired with those blood-colored eyes, it looks extremely weird.

"Middle stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal! These ancestral witches are indeed making rapid progress!" Feeling the fluctuations on Xuan Ming's body, Tian Yuan was slightly surprised.

Hundreds of thousands of years are a long time for him, but for those innate saints like Anhuang, even a casual retreat is more than that.

Xuan Ming can break into the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, which can be said to be a fast practice.

Without any unnecessary movement, Tianyuan swung out his right fist.


The void shattered, and the bloody evil energy that enveloped the air shot out, and Xuan Ming's huge figure rolled out.

In the same realm, the ancestral witch can still fight with him, but in a lower realm, there is a lot of difference.

One punch knocked back Xuan Ming's Tianyuan, and another punch came with his backhand. A red figure with a human face and a snake body fell out of the void. It was at that time that Ancestral Witch Zhu Jiuyin appeared.

Looking at the realm of the same middle stage of Hunyuan Jinxian, Tianyuan was slightly surprised.

Because of the difficulty of practicing the law of time, Zhu Jiuyin was not very prominent among the twelve ancestor witches, but now he has surpassed them.

Seven figures escaped from the distance. Except for Dijiang, the leader of the ancestor witches, the rest of the ancestor witches were there.

In addition to Zhu Jiuyin and Xuanming in front of him, there were three people who broke into the middle stage of Hunyuan Jinxian, and the rest were only in the early stage of Hunyuan Jinxian.

Tianyuan looked at the Pangu Temple, where a strong aura was fluctuating up and down.

Dijiang, the leader of the twelve ancestor witches, was on the verge of a breakthrough, and the other party was about to enter the late stage of Hunyuan Jinxian.

The strength of the ten great ancestor witches has improved, but it is still within Tianyuan's expectations.

While Dijiang has not yet broken through, capture a few ancestor witches first.

With a swish, Tianyuan flew past and punched Xizi, who had a human face and a bird body, a green snake hanging from his ears, and a red snake in his hand.

With only the cultivation of the early stage of Hunyuan Jinxian, Tianyuan blasted him to the ground.

Amid the deafening sound, the roars of Xuanming and Zhu Jiuyin came from behind.

They had fought with the ancient witches many times, but Tianyuan still had to admire their strong bodies.

Xuanming and Zhu Jiuyin were fine, but Xizi, who had smashed the mountains, also climbed up and roared continuously.

Although he looked extremely embarrassed and blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth, it was obvious that he still had the strength to fight.

As soon as the thought came to his mind, Tianyuan's figure appeared in front of Xizi and stretched out his hand to grab the other party.

Silver starlight flashed around repeatedly, and Tianyuan felt that the speed of his outstretched right hand was getting slower and slower, and his figure had a tendency to retreat.

"The law of time is really an enviable law." After a glance, Tianyuan understood in his heart.

The right hand shook slightly in the void, white light flashed, and the surrounding space shattered and became normal.

With a wave of his hand, he grabbed Xizi's neck and took him into his pocket while he was in a daze.

No matter how extraordinary the ancestor witch was, his realm was very different. More importantly, he also had the body of an ancestor witch.

Xizi, who had just escaped from Pangu Temple, was captured by Tianyuan before he could see the surrounding environment clearly.

After capturing an ancestor witch, Tianyuan clearly felt that the atmosphere of Pangu Temple became impatient.

"Tianyuan! Damn stone man!"


Xuanming and Zhu Jiuyin in the back roared and roared, and rolling Yuanshui emerged, accompanied by silver starlight.

The ancestor witches were helped by the flesh and blood of the Chaos Demon God, and their strength improved by leaps and bounds. They didn't expect Tianyuan to practice faster than them and even reached the late stage of Hunyuan Jinxian.

Thinking of the reason for Tianyuan's breakthrough, the two were even more furious.

Thanks to the Wu clan's dredging and purification of the earth veins, they turned to deal with them, the ancestor witches.

Glancing at the two, Tianyuan had no intention of fighting.

Just now, after two punches, the two guys were still alive and kicking. Thick skin and flesh are just such troubles.

It would take a lot of time to knock them down with the suppression of realms, so it would be better to catch the one who had just entered the Hunyuan Jinxian first.

Seeing that Tianyuan was about to escape again, Zhu Jiuyin was shocked, and a silver halo appeared on his chest covered with red scales.

At the same time, the surrounding sky was densely packed with silver stars, covering a large area of ​​the sky.

In a blink of an eye, the blood waves outside were no longer visible, and the space was actually isolated.

"Huh!" Tianyuan stopped and looked at Zhu Jiuyin in the distance in astonishment.

The ancestor witch has a strong body, but this is the first time he has seen such means.

Tianyuan didn't know whether it was the power of the law of time or the other party had gained something in recent years, but he didn't care.

Although there are still three ancestor witches in the middle stage of Hunyuan Jinxian outside, the strength of Gonggong and the other two is not weak, especially Hou Tu among them.

Being able to communicate with the will of the earth, Hou Tu is no longer a simple ancestor witch.

Moreover, Tian Yuan is very confident about the fierce beast, Hou.

The ancestor witch is just the essence of Pangu, while Hou is the product of Pangu's forehead bone.

In a one-on-one fight at the same level, ordinary ancestor witches may not necessarily defeat the other party.

Thinking of this, Tian Yuan's body was full of dazzling white light, and he waved his hand to blast the starlight that enveloped the surroundings.

No matter how many methods you have, I will break it with my own strength!

As soon as Tian Yuan's fist arrived, he saw endless Yuan water surging in the void, blocking him in front of him.


In the flashing silver light, the dark Yuan water exploded and swept the entire space.

Just like this, two violent figures behind him collided with each other.

One punch after another, Xuan Ming and the two who flew over were knocked away by Tian Yuan again, roaring continuously.

Standing in the air, Tian Yuan looked up at the top of his head, where a silver time wheel appeared.

The wheel of time hung above his head, and silver starlight continued to fall, spreading throughout the space.

In an instant, the surroundings seemed to have turned into a vast galaxy, with countless stars shining.

Feeling the rich laws of time around him, Tianyuan frowned slightly.

The ancestor witch's proud body was nothing in front of him, and he didn't expect that the power of the laws he controlled would make him a little strenuous.

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