Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 13 An unexpected surprise

He is really teasing me!

Wu Tie's eyes were bloodshot, and his face was flushed red.

He was thrown away easily with an angry blow.

His body did not move, and his breathing was not abnormal at all. The opponent was not only physically strong, but also far superior to him in realm.

If this stone man is so amazing, why did he run away when he met them earlier?

Every time he saw this stone man, no matter how many people there were, he would run away quickly. Why did he catch him now?

Thinking of this, Wu Tie looked around, and his expression was stunned. Only then did he see the surrounding environment clearly.

The golden spiritual energy flowed past, and he seemed to be in the sea of ​​spiritual energy.

The spiritual energy under Buzhou Mountain was abundant, but it was not so terrifying. What kind of place was this?

But after just a moment of distraction, Wu Tie's eyes were once again focused on the stone man in the distance.

After his face changed repeatedly, he stepped forward again.

He really couldn't accept that he was defeated by a stone man in the strongest physical strength.

He didn't believe it!

Tianyuan turned around and caught the opponent's fist steadily: "Young man! Stop it!"

Wu Tie's punch was like a child in his eyes. In the simple fight just now, Tianyuan knew his physical strength very well.

Wu Tie was ashamed and angry, but he couldn't refute it at all. "Who are you?"

Looking at Wu Tie who had calmed down a little, Tianyuan waved his hand and strode forward: "Follow me!"

If you want the Wu clan to sort out the earth veins obediently, it is definitely not enough to crush them with force.

And this method is a bit time-consuming. It is impossible for him to do it several times in person for every Wu clan member he catches.

The Wu clan does not worship the sky or the earth, but only respects Pangu, and this is the world of the will of Buzhou Mountain.

The demon clan can only feel the vast power on the sacred mountain shrouded by the Xuanhuang Qi, but the Wu clan is definitely different.

From the vast will of Buzhou Mountain, they may be able to feel the existence of Pangu.

Buzhou Mountain originally represents Pangu's unyielding will.

If there is such a method, it will definitely greatly reduce his time, and it may even be possible to mobilize the entire Wu clan in the future.

The situation on the other three sides of Buzhou Mountain is unknown, and the Wu clan may be very useful.

Wu Tie hesitated for a moment, stepped forward. Looking at the spiritual energy flowing through his body, Wu Tie frowned slightly.

Because they don’t have a soul, they don’t practice magic power, and spiritual energy is not very useful for the Wu clan, but the spiritual energy around him actually gave him an extremely comfortable feeling.

After walking for a while, Wu Tie’s eyes were stunned for a moment, and then he hurriedly accelerated.

He broke through the golden spiritual river and stared blankly into the distance.

There was a towering sacred mountain, shrouded by the mysterious and yellow air, exuding an ancient and vast atmosphere.

He was very familiar with the breath, which was the same as the Pangu Temple in the holy land. But the key is that this breath is even stronger than that in the holy land.

Wu Tie knelt in the air with a pious and respectful expression: "Father God!"

A wisp of chaotic will surged in the air and went straight to Wu Tie. Tian Yuan was about to stop it, but saw that will suddenly pause in the air, as if it had encountered something extremely terrifying, and fled away in panic.

Tian Yuan, who was already happy behind, saw this, and his eyes flashed with brilliance.

He waved his hand and a ray of Xuanhuang Qi emerged, surrounding his body, blocking the many chaotic wills that came in from all directions.

After opening up the second branch, he could walk outside the earth vein with the will of Buzhou Mountain.

But Wu Tie was not only not afraid of those wills, but even made them feel scared.

No wonder the power of a clan alone could challenge the prehistoric clans. The Wu clan was indeed not simple.

Tian Yuan was very happy, and he suddenly regretted not capturing the Wu clan earlier.

If he had discovered that the Wu clan had such a miraculous effect earlier, he might have stepped into the Daluo Jinxian.

"Where exactly is this place? Who exactly are you?" Wu Tie's voice interrupted Tian Yuan's meditation.

He stood in the air, looking at Tian Yuan with a look of surprise, but his peripheral vision was looking around.

This is not the prehistoric land. The stone man in front of him is not simple. Perhaps he is related to the Father God.

"Inherit the will of the great god Pangu, sort out the prehistoric earth veins, and bless this world." Tianyuan turned his head and looked at the earth veins at the foot of the mountain.

He also didn't know much about this space, but the most urgent task was to dredge more earth veins.

Wu Tie was stunned and looked at Tianyuan strangely. He didn't believe what Tianyuan said, but just thought of the other party's strong body.

In addition to the legacy of the Father God, I'm afraid no one can match the Wu clan in terms of physical strength.

"Look at your fist!" Tianyuan didn't care and reminded softly.

There was still a tiny energy fluctuation on the bronze skin.


Wu Tie frowned, he didn't notice the subtle changes in his fist.

After a careful sense, the weak energy penetrated into the body, which seemed to strengthen his blood.

Such a discovery made Wu Tie's pupils open sharply, and he looked up at Tianyuan in astonishment.

"Only the Wu Clan can easily clear and purify the earth veins." Tian Yuan said, and turned back to the earth veins.

Wu Tie followed and saw the foreign objects floating in the air around him.

He walked forward and easily smashed one, and the familiar weak energy poured in.

"Huh!" Wu Tie took a deep breath, with surprise in his eyes.

Just breaking an inconspicuous piece of stone actually had such a miraculous effect.

After smashing several in a row, Wu Tie walked forward: "This matter is very serious, I have to report it to the clan."

Whether it is this strange earth vein or the sacred mountain that exudes the strong will of the Father God, he will personally report to Hou Tu Zu Wu.

"No! This secret must not be known to anyone!" Tian Yuan refused casually.

It's not that he doesn't trust Wu Tie, this is his biggest secret, and no one who comes in can leave.

He has Buzhou Mountain as a backup, who knows if Wu Tie, who leaves this space, will be felt by the one in Zixiao Palace, and he must not take this risk.

Besides, those ancestor witches are probably thinking about dominating the prehistoric world.

Seeing that Wu Tie was about to speak, Tian Yuan waved his hand to stop him directly: "If you want to go out, beat me first."

After that, he strode out and walked towards the sacred mountain in the distance.

Wu Tie, who was standing in the field, had a changing face, and finally looked at the miscellaneous stones in the earth veins.

Thinking of Tian Yuan's humiliation just now, he gritted his teeth and stepped towards the miscellaneous stones around him.

No matter what the relationship between this stone man and the Father God is, their witch clan is the authentic Pangu, and only they have truly inherited Pangu's power.

He wants to defeat this stone man!

Tian Yuan came to the top of the sacred mountain, looking at Wu Tie rushing in the ground veins below, with a smile on his face.

Things were going more smoothly than he had imagined.

The Wu Clan did not need the help of the will of Buzhou Mountain, and could easily sweep away the rocks in the ground veins with their flesh.

It would not take long for him to enter the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

His figure gradually dimmed, and Tian Yuan appeared on Buzhou Mountain. There were roars at the foot of the mountain, accompanied by rumbling vibrations.

The Wu Clan cutie came to the door!

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