Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 130 Can Tian Yuan drive Mount Buzhou?

"Crazy! These witch ancestors are crazy. What do they want to do?" Di Jun looked at the scene below with astonishment in his eyes.

Fuxi's sudden appearance made him look happy, but he didn't expect Di Jiang and others to crash into Buzhou Mountain.

The top of Buzhou Mountain stands on the ground, it is the pillar of the world, and it is the ancestral vein of the prehistoric land.

Once it collapses, it will not be a simple mountain collapse. It will inevitably affect the entire prehistoric world, and the demon court supported by the thirty-three heavens will also have a great impact.

Taiyi did not speak, with cold eyes, staring at Buzhou Mountain.

The actions of the witch ancestors also made him very angry, but the power of Buzhou Mountain shocked him even more.

Buzhou Mountain is shrouded by the power of heaven and earth, and all the creatures who have been there know it, but why did they sweep it out and easily shake off the witch ancestors.

The witch clan was transformed by Pangu's blood and essence. They could ignore the power of Buzhou Mountain in the past, but now they are in such a situation.

Glancing at the figures standing proudly on the mountain, Taiyi said in a deep voice: "Tianyuan must be the enemy of the Demon Court!"

Although Taiyi didn't know what happened, it was definitely related to the stone man of Buzhou Mountain.

Now, beside the stone man, in addition to a group of witches, there is also a demon king of the Demon Court.

They had guessed earlier that Fuxi was taken away by Tianyuan, but they didn't expect that he would surrender to the other party like the captured ancestor witch.

Although Taiyi didn't pay much attention to the affairs of the Demon Court, he was very clear about Fuxi, the firm guardian of the Demon Court.

Previously, many decisions of the Demon Court were almost all suggestions from the other party.

The Demon Court was able to establish its power in the prehistoric world so quickly, and Fuxi's help was definitely indispensable.

But such a die-hard supporter of the Demon Court has now stood on the side of Tianyuan.

The ancestor witch and the demon king have switched sides, and those captured witch and demon tribes are afraid that they will also surrender to Tianyuan.

Constantly capturing creatures in the prehistoric world, no matter how strong the opponent is, they can be used for their own purposes. This is really too horrifying.

Di Jun had a gloomy face and did not speak, but the solemnity between his eyebrows was no less than Tai Yi.

Originally thought that it was just a fight between the two tribes of witches and liches, but now the threat of Tianyuan is even greater than that of the witch tribe.

More importantly, what is the relationship between the stone man and Buzhou Mountain? Di Jun inexplicably thought of the Sun Star.

This thought in his mind immediately made Di Jun's expression change drastically. He immediately turned his head to look at Tai Yi next to him, but he just met the other's gaze.

The two people who looked at each other saw shock in their eyes.

If that was the case, it would not be as simple as a big enemy.

The two people took a deep breath, stopped talking, and stared at the bottom.

The actions of Di Jiang and other ancestor witches may be able to test some situations.

Compared with the shock of the two demon kings, many innate sacreds around were particularly angry.

Buzhou Mountain is the pillar of heaven, blessing the entire prehistoric world. If it collapses, the ancestral vein will collapse, and the water of the Tianhe River will also pour down, ravaging the earth, and the prehistoric world will be devastated.

Yuanshi Tianzun suppressed the urge to attack, and couldn't help cursing: "These ancestor witches really have no brains!"

Fortunately, Buzhou Mountain is now powerful, and it is possible that it will be knocked down by these ancestor witches.

The prehistoric world was opened by the Father God. This witch clan is unworthy of being called the authentic Pangu. Only the Three Pure Ones in the world are the real authentic Pangu.

Laozi and Tongtian didn't say anything, but they were both annoyed.

The ancestor witches don't know the destiny, and they will fall between heaven and earth.

But none of them moved, just looking at the towering Buzhou Mountain in doubt.

In the past hundreds of thousands of years, Buzhou Mountain has been shaken repeatedly, and its power has become stronger day by day, but it still shocked them that the ancestor witch was easily swept away.

Although they were angry at what Dijiang did, the other party was a quasi-saint after all, and was already the top existence in the world.

Hou Tu and others who landed on Mount Buzhou were also shocked.

But they saw many witch ancestors flying backwards with strange expressions on their faces.

After absorbing the flesh and blood of the Chaos Demon God, Di Jiang and others became more violent and no longer cared about the importance of Mount Buzhou.

Hou Tu looked at Di Jiang and others rushing towards them from the sky in the distance and sighed softly.

There was no other possibility to rescue these witch ancestors except to suppress them by force.

Di Jiang, who was supposed to be the calmest among the twelve witch ancestors, has now become the most irritable one.

Hou Tu knew very well that it was because Di Jiang absorbed too much blood from the Chaos Demon God and had been seriously affected.

Looking at the many witch ancestors who were connected in the distance and collided as if they were one body, she was confused.

Gong Gong and others felt the blood waves coming from afar, and their brows were solemn.

The wings on Di Jiang's back were shaking more and more rapidly, and the visible blood-colored Dao patterns emerged, quickly covering Xuan Ming and other witch ancestors.

At a glance, the entire eastern land was filled with blood waves, covering the sky and the sun, and there was no other thing.

Feeling the inexplicable will surging in the space ahead, Calabash Boy whispered: "Father Mountain!"

The changes in the ancestor witch were somewhat beyond his imagination.

Not only did his strength become stronger, but he seemed to have gained other opportunities.

"Don't worry!" Tianyuan looked indifferent, his eyes constantly sweeping over Dijiang and the others.

With the help of Hongjun, Tianyuan guessed that Dijiang must have other backgrounds, but now Buzhou Mountain is not the same as before.

Previously, the ancestor witch could be shaken away, and now a main vein is completely unblocked and purified, which is far better than before.

Not to mention the few in front of him, even if the twelve ancestor witches rushed together, he would not be afraid.

Almost in an instant, a stream of Xuanhuang gas from the mountain under his feet pierced the sky, like a huge Xuanhuang pillar piercing through the sky and the earth.

The pillar shook slightly, and a visible aura of Xuanhuang swept out, sweeping towards the eastern world.

The sound of Tiandi Weng shook the whole body of Dijiang and others who were coming from afar. They stopped in the air one by one, and then disappeared into the sky.

Dijiang and others who were coming fiercely were blown away by the might of Buzhou Mountain before they approached Buzhou Mountain.

Many of the innate sacred beings standing between heaven and earth also flew out, with horror in their eyes.

Above the heads of the Three Pure Ones, a small Xuanhuang tower spun around, covering the three people.

"Brother! Is this... Is Buzhou Mountain going to change its shape?" Yuanshi Tianzun suppressed his inner shock and asked in a hurry.

The Xuanhuang aura swept away many ancient witches, and the remaining force made it difficult for them to stop.

Yuanshi Tianzun only now understood that this sacred mountain standing quietly between heaven and earth had such a might.

With such a foundation, Yuanshi Tianzun could not imagine if the other party could change his shape.

"Buzhou Mountain carries the cause and effect of the sky and the earth, how can it easily take shape." Laozi's indifferent words came, but secretly he quickly urged the Tai Chi diagram to deduce.

Just now he calculated Tianyuan, and now he is trying his best to deduce Buzhou Mountain, but the catastrophe has come, and there is no gain.

Tongtian didn't say anything, but looked at Tianyuan on Buzhou Mountain with a pair of fiery eyes.

Looking at the other party's leisurely expression, the changes in Buzhou Mountain must have a great relationship with the stone man.

"Father Mountain is great!" Calabash Boy's eyes lit up, and his eyebrows were full of excitement.

Gonggong and others next to him couldn't help looking at Tianyuan, and their shock was no less than that of the Three Pure Ones in the air.

They knew that Tianyuan had an inexplicable connection with Buzhou Mountain, but they didn't expect that they could directly drive Buzhou Mountain.

Mastering the will of Buzhou Mountain is completely different from driving Buzhou Mountain.

The top of Buzhou Mountain stands on the sky and the earth, and it is the trend of heaven and earth. If it can be driven by people, it is terrifying to think about it.

Let alone other unknown means, just using Buzhou Mountain to smash down, I am afraid no one in the prehistoric world can bear it.

Gonggong, Kuafu and others who were thinking about it could not help but swallow their saliva.

Houtu beside him asked with fiery eyes: "Brother, can you suppress the ancestors of witches directly?"

She knew that if a main vein was unblocked, the power of Buzhou Mountain would increase greatly, but she did not expect it to be so powerful.

Dijiang and others were no longer the brothers she was familiar with. Houtu certainly hoped that Tianyuan could subdue them all in one fell swoop.

"Not yet!" Seeing Dijiang appearing in the distance, Tianyuan's eyes flashed with disappointment.

He also planned to sweep Buzhou Mountain to sweep Dijiang and others away, and then sweep to the witch tribe.

Unexpectedly, the figure of Dijiang escaped back as soon as the ancestors of witches were swept away. He was worthy of being the leader of the twelve ancestors of witches.

Gonggong and others who listened took a deep breath. Tianyuan's words undoubtedly confirmed what they thought in their hearts.

Tianyuan can really drive Buzhou Mountain!

At this moment, their last bit of resentment towards Tianyuan completely disappeared.

Mastering the will of Buzhou Mountain can be said to be a trick, but controlling Buzhou Mountain is different.

Buzhou Mountain represents the unyielding will of the Father God. The person who can control Buzhou Mountain must be the one chosen by the Father God.

Hou Tu, who heard this, flashed a trace of disappointment in her eyes. She also knew that this was just her imagination.

In the consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain, the earth veins in the east have not been completely purified, and the other three sides are even more unknown. It can be said that Buzhou Mountain’s will has not recovered even one-tenth.

Not to mention that the tunnels are damaged, and the human way has no sound sequence.

If Tianyuan wants to completely control Buzhou Mountain, he still has a long way to go.

However, their harvest on this trip is still very rich. Together with Tianwu in their hands, they have captured a total of four ancestor witches.

In the distant sky, the ancestor witches who were swept away appeared one by one, but they did not rush over again. They all waited at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, looking at him violently, with madness in their eyes.

The four wings on Dijiang's back trembled rapidly, and the surrounding space was shattered.

His materialized eyes swept over the figures, and when he was about to speak, his face sank: "Where is Rushou?"

Tianyuan captured Ju Mang, Zhu Jiuyin, and Xizi, and Houtu captured Tianwu, but Rushou was not seen in the field.

Xuanming and others, who were angry and irritable, were all shocked when they heard the words, and immediately looked in the direction where the Qiong disappeared earlier.

But the sky was silent, there was no fluctuation of fighting, and there was no Rushou.

Dijiang's face trembled repeatedly, and the sound of wheezing echoed in the air, and the space in front of him collapsed and recovered again and again.

"You go back to the tribe and guard it, I'll go take a look!" Dijiang had a bad feeling.

If Rushou was captured again, there would be only five of the Twelve Ancestral Witches left, less than half.

Thinking of this, Dijiang couldn't help but rush wildly, smashing the Buzhou Mountain in the distance to pieces to vent his anger.

But if he continued to act recklessly with the terrifying power just now, he was afraid that Tianyuan would find an opportunity again.

"Brother!" Xuanming panted and stared at Tianyuan in the distance.

The rest of Zhurong and others looked at him at the same time, with a madness of burning everything in their eyes.

Dijiang suppressed the deepest desire in his heart, took a deep breath, and whispered: "Go back!"

If he stayed any longer, he was also afraid that he would not be able to hold back, and he could not help


After several angry roars, Xuanming and others all fled into the blood mist in the distance and disappeared.

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