Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 145 Swallowing the destiny of humanity

Looking at the void passing by, Hong Yun's face was excited.

Huoyun Cave had indeed become very unusual. Just now, he was just thinking about escaping immediately, but he didn't expect Huoyun Cave to carry him directly.

"Could it be that Huoyun Cave also has a will?" Hong Yun thought of Buzhou Mountain unconsciously.

Tianyuan controls the will of Buzhou Mountain and can easily drive Buzhou Mountain, so his Huoyun Cave may also have this ability.

The more Hong Yun thought about it, the more excited he became. In this way, who else can enter his Taoist temple?

Excited, Hong Yun immediately bowed heavily in the direction of Buzhou Mountain: "Brother Tianyuan's kindness, Hong Yun will never forget it!"

Everything happened after entering the consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain.

Hong Yun knew very well that it was probably because he became the master of humanity that there were so many changes.

Whether it was the Zhutian Qingyun or Huoyun Cave, it was all because of Tianyuan. It was Tianyuan who gave him so many great fortunes.

Without waiting for Hong Yun's order, Huoyun Cave automatically fell in a valley.

Instantly, an ordinary cave was formed, and nothing could be seen from the outside.

"Haha. Now I can practice in peace for a while." Looking at the unfamiliar environment outside, Hongyun was very satisfied.

Now as long as he does not take the initiative to expose himself, no one knows where the Fire Cloud Cave is.

Hongyun plans to practice in peace for a while, and then move the cave to Buzhou Mountain or Wanshou Mountain.

It also saves Zhen Yuanzi from always talking about it. Hongyun has begun to imagine Zhen Yuanzi's shocked expression.

Hongyun, with an excited face, put away the distracting thoughts in his mind and continued to refine the Heavenly Celebration Cloud.

Fortunately, there is the Fire Cloud Cave this time, otherwise he will definitely not be able to face Kunpeng and Di Jun with his current strength.

He can't shrink in the dojo all the time, and the defensive treasure of the Heavenly Celebration Cloud must be refined.

In the consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain, after seeing off Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi and chatting with Hou Tu for a few words, Tianyuan walked leisurely in the eastern land.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and the light curtain supported by the four innate spiritual roots of bitter bamboo and banana trees has been connected into one, but it is only a circle at the foot of Buzhou Mountain.

It does not cover any farther places, and the height is also very limited.

I don’t know if it is because the radiation range of the spiritual roots is limited, and the light curtain has almost no growth behind.

Of course, it may also be related to the reduction of free will in the eastern land. At the beginning, the spiritual roots were able to expand by devouring free will.

These wills are now all gathered in the sky, and they also know the danger of the light curtain, and they almost never approach it.

"Maybe we can consider capturing some creatures and try it." Looking at the continuous mountains in front of him, Tianyuan whispered softly.

The area covered by the light curtain is not very large for him, but it is still quite vast for weak creatures.

Tianyuan, who was thinking, immediately planned to act, after all, he had this idea a long time ago.

Tianyuan, who was in the disappearing field, arrived at the foot of Buzhou Mountain in a short time, and swept through with a powerful divine thought.

Suddenly, weak creatures and fierce beasts disappeared in the mountains, rivers and lakes.

Because of the limited space, Tianyuan did not capture many creatures, only 100,000, after all, it was just an experiment for the time being.

Returning to the consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain again, Tianyuan waved his hand and saw the creatures scattered all over the light curtain. Of course, most of them were walking on the ground and swimming in the water.

Under the will of Buzhou Mountain, he could clearly see the situation of each creature.

They looked around in panic. After finding that there was no danger, except for those beasts without wisdom, the rest began to explore the surrounding environment.

The spiritual energy in the air became different. There seemed to be an inexplicable sky curtain above their heads. Buzhou Mountain in sight was also shrouded by layers of Xuanhuang Qi, which was not a place they were familiar with.

Some creatures flew towards the sky, but felt a vast pressure falling, and they could not fly very high.

Tianyuan just took a look, and then he suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.

In that direction, it was the place where the Fire Cloud Cave appeared, and there was a mysterious energy overflowing.

This sudden change startled Tianyuan. His figure flashed and disappeared on the sacred mountain.

When he reappeared, he came to the sky above the second main vein, where the red mist was diffused.

The red clouds surged, and the slightly outlined Fire Cloud Cave had mysterious energy spewing out, and sprinkled towards the light curtain below.

After taking a closer look, Tianyuan's eyes slightly opened.

"Huh! Luck! It's actually luck!" Tianyuan took a deep breath, with an incredible look in his eyes.

Although the energy was extremely weak, he would never be wrong, it was the luck of humanity.

The Fire Cloud Cave was actually swallowing and spewing out the luck of humanity!

Under Tianyuan's gaze, the luck that surged out of the Fire Cloud Cave slowly fell into the light curtain, and then sank into the bodies of the creatures in it.

As the luck continued to fall, Tianyuan vaguely felt that the light curtain was slightly expanding.

"I didn't expect there would be such an unexpected surprise!" Tianyuan's face was full of smiles.

A long time ago, he planned to completely improve the environment here, hoping to become the second prehistoric land.

However, there were many free wills in the air, and even if the innate spiritual roots supported the light curtain, it was very limited.

Tian Yuan thought that when the eastern earth veins were completely purified, there might be some changes. Unexpectedly, Huoyun Cave helped him.

The three paths of heaven, earth and man really complement each other. Perhaps there are more things he has not discovered.

Looking at the nearby Huoyun Cave, Tian Yuan's eyes sparkled.

Huoyun Cave was originally Hongyun's Taoist temple. After Hongyun fell, it was unknown.

After the witch and demon calamity, the human race rose. The Three Emperors also retreated to Huoyun Cave to guard the destiny of the human race.

He knew that Huoyun Cave was not simple, but he did not expect it to be so extraordinary.

At this moment, the cave that looked like a nebula was breathing in and out with a faint breath of luck, and Tianyuan could not help but think of the Six Paths of Samsara.

Buzhou Mountain and the Six Paths of Samsara are both alternative lives in the prehistoric world, and this Huoyun Cave may also be.

The Six Paths of Samsara is closely related to the underground, while Huoyun Cave is closely connected to the human way.

Tianyuan, who had many thoughts in his mind, immediately calmed down a little, and immediately had a weak will.

"Huha! Huha"

A childish and rhythmic childish voice sounded in Buzhou Mountain's heart, continuously.

It was also like the call of the Six Paths of Samsara, it was a pure exchange of will.

It was not that Tianyuan did not cover the Huoyun Cave with the will of Buzhou Mountain, but there was no movement, but now there was such a change.

It was those creatures, those ordinary creatures he captured, that aroused the Huoyun Cave.

Sure enough, all creatures in the prehistoric world, no matter how powerful they are, are beneficial to this space.

"Brother Dao, this is..." Hou Tu exclaimed from the side.

Hou Tu, who showed up, looked at the red misty Fire Cloud Cave in front of her in surprise.

As the master of the underground tunnel, she could easily see the appearance of the Fire Cloud Cave.

She had studied it before, but there was no abnormality. I didn't expect that there would be such a drastic change now.

"Yes! It is swallowing and spitting out the luck of humanity!" Tian Yuan nodded, feeling better than ever.

It was just an attempt, but who knew there would be such an unexpected gain.

But when Bu Zhoushan tried to communicate with the Fire Cloud Cave, there was no response. The other party just swallowed and spit out the luck of humanity.

Tian Yuan guessed in his heart that it might be because the Fire Cloud Cave had not yet been fully manifested.

In the netherworld, the Six Paths of Reincarnation had already manifested, but it was broken for unknown reasons, but the Fire Cloud Cave was still just an outline.

When it is fully manifested, it can communicate normally with Buzhou Mountain like the six reincarnation disks.

Hou Tu retracted her gaze, cupped her hands, and praised loudly: "Brother Dao is really amazing. With the gathering of human luck, this space may be far beyond the prehistoric land."

The prosperity of humanity depends on the gathering of luck.

The more prosperous the luck, the more creatures there will be, and the easier it will be to practice. This space can develop rapidly.

While being happy, Hou Tu became more and more puzzled. Tian Yuan obviously did not belong to the three paths of heaven, earth and man, so why did he know so much.

Knowing her path, knowing Hong Yun and Nuwa's path, Hong Yun, the master of humanity, did not know the situation of Huoyun Cave, but Tian Yuan could make Huoyun Cave absorb and spit out the luck of humanity.

At this moment, Hou Tu really wanted to ask Tian Yuan what his origin was, and he actually knew so many things.

"Haha. I will need the help of fellow Daoists in the future!" Tian Yuan laughed loudly, very happy.

The prosperity of humanity can feed back to Mount Buzhou and also revitalize the earth.

The gradual recovery of the three ways of heaven, earth and man is also strengthening the consciousness space of Mount Buzhou.

Of course, in the current situation, the one who has gained the most is probably Hongyun, the master of humanity.

Huoyun Cave is closely related to it, and it is unknown whether the opportunity that Hongyun went out to find is related to this.

"Blessing the prehistoric world is our duty!" Houtu responded solemnly after hearing this.

After many ancestor witches in the temple were captured, Houtu planned to let the witch clan stay in this space.

The consciousness space of Mount Buzhou is becoming more and more perfect, how can she not be happy.

Glancing at the scattered creatures in the distance, Tianyuan said softly: "I will go to the prehistoric land to capture some creatures back."

With the gathering of luck and the slow expansion of the light curtain, Tianyuan naturally wanted to catch more creatures.

Although the light curtain connected into a piece is not large, it is still no problem to live with millions of creatures.

"Okay!" Houtu nodded, still curiously looking at the Huoyun Cave in front of her.

After a while, she felt that the Fire Cloud Cave seemed to be more solid.

She was surprised and even happier.

Tianyuan didn't stay for long. He escaped from the consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain and went to the prehistoric land to capture creatures again. He came back immediately after a few breaths.

"Sure enough, the luck that is swallowed and exhaled has increased a lot." Feeling the luck that the Fire Cloud Cave swallowed and exhaled, Tianyuan was delighted.

He immediately went out to capture creatures, just to see if there would be any changes in the Fire Cloud Cave.

Unexpectedly, the luck that the Fire Cloud Cave swallowed and exhaled was not fixed, but was related to the number and strength of creatures.

Weak creatures have little luck, while powerful creatures have more luck.

If it weren't for the limited space of the light curtain, he would have to clear the area under Buzhou Mountain.

Powerful creatures were thrown into the earth veins, and weak creatures were thrown into the light curtain.

This is the rhythm of emptying the prehistoric land, but Tianyuan likes it very much.

Hou Tu, who was waiting on the side, was also surprised. It was obvious that this person was much more mysterious than her.

After observing carefully for a while, both of them left.

I overconfidently trusted my typing speed, and I still remembered that I would finish the two chapters within this week.

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