Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 148 Borrowing the Luck of Heaven and Earth

Tian Yuan Youyou opened her eyes and saw two golden scorching suns in the sky.

It was Emperor Jun and Taiyi who were flying towards Buzhou Mountain, wrapped in the golden flames of the great sun.

Obviously, after such a long time, Di Jun finally discovered that ten little golden crows were missing.

Tian Yuan stood up slowly, jumped up, and stood proudly on the top of Buzhou Mountain.

Unfortunately, what made Tian Yuan regretful was that Di Jun and Tai Yi, who came with great force, did not rush up Mount Buzhou in one go.

"You're really careful!" Tian Yuan muttered, with a little regret.

Although the innate treasure Chaos Bell is great, it is obvious that Taiyi has not been completely refined. If the two dare to enter Buzhou Mountain, they might be able to suppress them directly.

If the Demon Court loses two Demon Emperors, it can be said that it will fall apart and wait for him to harvest them one by one.

"Tian Yuan! Where is my son?" Di Jun stood in the distance, looking at Buzhou Mountain with a gloomy face.

After not seeing each other for a while, the power of Buzhou Mountain has become much stronger.

Looking at the towering Tianzhu, Di Jun felt very puzzled.

Tianyuan communicates with Buzhoushan's will and can frighten living beings with the power of Buzhoushan. Will is born from the Fire Cloud Cave, and can escape with the red cloud wrapped in it.

The two brothers have communicated with Sun Star for a long time, but now they can only obtain some simple information.

If he could also control the Sun Star, there would be no need to be so concerned about Tian Yuan.

"Tian Yuan, we don't care if you capture many demon clans in the Demon Court. My nephews are only golden immortals, so why are they like this?" Donghuang Taiyi beside Hou Li also spoke softly.

If he hadn't fought against Tian Yuan earlier and knew that Bu Zhou Shan was extraordinary, how could he have spoken like this.

The Chaos Bell was launched directly, knocking the stone man to pieces.

Di Jun suppressed the anger in his heart and said gently again: "That's right, Tianyuan, there is no enmity between us. If you return your son to me, you can say whatever you want."

Seeing Taiyi, who had always been stern, say so many words for the first time, Tianyuan still looked indifferent.

He walked forward slowly and said with a smile: "The ten princes are on Mount Buzhou. If the two demon emperors are brave, they will come up and let you see them."

After finishing speaking, he slowly fell down and stood on Buzhou Mountain.

Tian Yuan's leisurely words floated out, and the faces of Di Jun and Tai Yi in the air darkened.

They are the Demon King of the Demon Court. Who dares to talk to them like this after they have transformed.

Just feeling the power coming from the front, the two demon kings fell silent.

Witnessing with their own eyes how many ancestral witches from Buzhou Mountain swept away Dijiang, how could they dare to be so careless.

Just ordinary things, but this is Buzhou Mountain in front of us, Tianzhu Buzhou Mountain.

Kunpeng and others who came later also heard Tianyuan's words, and Xihe responded loudly: "I'll go!"

After saying that, he plunged into Buzhou Mountain without any hesitation.

Di Jun and Tai Yi looked at each other in the air and immediately caught up with Xi He, but there was a big clock ticking in the void beside them.

A strange color flashed in Kunpeng's eyes as he appeared, but he did not follow him.

Almost in an instant, the three of them were approaching Mount Buzhou. The powerful aura coming towards them made all three of them change their expressions slightly.

Xihe couldn't help but said to Di Jun beside him: "Brother Demon Emperor! This matter is yours."

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Di Jun waving his hand.

As the Demon King of Demon Court, if they were so scared that they dared not go up Mount Buzhou, how could they have the dignity to walk in the wild land in the future.

Whether it was for the face of Demon Court or for the ten princes, they had to come.

Seeing the three people landing firmly on Buzhou Mountain, Tian Yuan looked surprised, and then said with a smile: "In that case, the three of you should restrain your momentum, and I will lead you there."

It would be best if we could trick Di Jun and the others into that space without using force.

After all, Di Jun and Tai Yi are the Demon Emperors of Demon Court, and no one knows how many tricks they have.

Once Tianyuan takes action, he is not completely sure.

But after entering the Buzhou Mountain consciousness space, everything is decided by him, whether he has the destiny of heaven and earth to gather, or he has the innate treasure to protect him.

There is a high probability that no one can stop the siege of hundreds of Hunyuan Jinxian stone men.

"You" Di Jun looked angry.

It's just a matter of setting foot on Mount Buzhou. They would never dare to go to that space.

Demon Emperor Fuxi and the restless witch clan all surrendered to Tian Yuan for no apparent reason. Who knows what weird tricks Tian Yuan has up his sleeve.

More importantly, they actually need to restrain their momentum. Isn't this an initiative for Tianyuan to control?

Di Jun suppressed the anger in his heart and said in a deep voice: "Tian Yuan! Don't go too far!"

Being so humble was already his biggest concession, but he didn't expect that in exchange for Tian Yuan's extravagance.

Taiyi didn't speak, but his expression was obviously very bad.

Xi He next to him also remained silent. After all, Tian Yuan's request was too much.

Tian Yuan sighed softly and had no choice but to say: "If that's the case, then don't blame me."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly saw the black and yellow energy on Buzhou Mountain surge up, and a powerful aura surged up.


Almost at the same time, a loud bell echoed.

The Donghuang Bell hidden beside Taiyi emerged, hanging steadily above the heads of several people, and the black and yellow energy was released, protecting the three of them.

However, the mighty power of Buzhou Mountain fell away, and all three of them sank, and their expressions became extremely ugly.

Tian Yuan flew down from the air and reached out to grab the three people under the Chaos Bell.

If the opportunity cannot be missed before it comes again, it should be resolved quickly.

Dang Dang Dang!

The powerful momentum of Mount Buzhou made Taiyi dare not use the Chaos Bell at all, and he could only ring several bells in succession.

Unfortunately, the sound was shattered in the void as soon as it was heard.

When he got close, Tianyuan hit the Chaos Bell with his right hand.

The Chaos Bell, which was already suppressed by the power of Mount Buzhou, shook violently, and Di Jun and Xihe in it rolled out.

"Brother!" Taiyi saw this and looked anxious.

Tianyuan was not afraid, the most troublesome thing was Mount Buzhou, the power of which was no less than that of the innate treasure.

Without the resistance of the Chaos Bell, Di Jun instantly felt the vast power falling, and his body was about to be unstable.

At this moment, Di Jun understood why the ancestor witch Di Jiang was swept away easily, and this power could not be resisted by human power.

With a roar, Di Jun saw a golden column of air rising above his head, instantly piercing through the sky and piercing into the thirty-three heavens.

In an instant, countless lucks gathered and wrapped up Di Jun's whole body, resisting the might of Mount Buzhou.

"Borrowing the luck of heaven and earth! It's not that easy!" Feeling the luck shrouding Di Jun, Tian Yuan's eyes were slightly shocked.

The figure flying down slightly bent, and stretched out his hand to grab Xihe.

Xihe Fei, the demon king of the demon court, could not borrow the luck of the demon court, and was now struggling to resist the might of Mount Buzhou.

Tian Yuan was quick-witted and suppressed him with a flip of his hand, and disappeared in his palm in a blink of an eye.


Seeing this, Di Jun was furious and flipped his hand to shoot out a golden dragon of luck.

Donghuang Taiyi, who was also shrouded in a golden light column, also sacrificed the Chaos Bell and smashed it towards Tian Yuan.

Facing Di Jun's attack, Tian Yuan ignored it at all and punched the flying Chaos Bell.

With a deafening sound of "Dong", the Chaos Bell bounced back, and the rushing golden dragon of luck directly sank into Tianyuan's body and disappeared.

The Yao Court had the luck of heaven and earth gathered, but Buzhou Mountain was the pillar of heaven, and was also covered by great luck. How could Tianyuan be afraid of such an attack?

Seeing that Tianyuan ignored the luck attack, Di Jun and Taiyi's faces changed suddenly at the same time.

In addition to the last foundation of the Yao Court, the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, luck was their biggest reliance at the moment, and they didn't want Tianyuan to ignore it completely.

Taiyi's Chaos Bell shook, and he hurriedly shouted: "Brother, get down from Buzhou Mountain first!"

The power of Buzhou Mountain was too terrifying. Without the protection of the innate treasure and the luck of heaven and earth, they were afraid that they would be suppressed in an instant.

Buzhou Mountain, Tianyuan can really drive the pillar of heaven, Buzhou Mountain.

Not only did he fail to save the Ten Golden Crows on this trip, but he was also captured by Tianyuan and Xihe.

Although Di Jun was extremely unwilling in his heart, he could only escape from Buzhou Mountain in a hurry.

Things happened too fast. In the distance, Kunpeng and others could only see the gushing of Xuanhuang Qi. With the sound of bells, Tianyuan captured Xihe.

Then, the two demon kings, who were shrouded in rolling luck, retreated in panic.

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