Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 15 Our race should unify the wild world

"It's just a hundred years, and there are such effects. It's really wonderful." Tian Yuan stood on the sacred mountain, smiling happily.

The ground vein that flowed into the Wu clan was golden, much brighter than the ground veins of hundreds of thousands of monsters.

According to his estimation, this branch vein will be completely purified and unblocked in fifty years at most.

You know, the number of Wu clan he invested in that branch vein is far less than that of monsters.

More than a hundred years is not a long time in the prehistoric world.

Let alone cultivation, the creatures in the fairyland may take more than this nap.

The Wu clan is indeed an absolute expert in combing the ground veins.

At this speed, plus he continues to capture the Wu clan, the 108 branches of the Eastern Land can be unblocked in tens of thousands of years.

Although the three main veins are huge and span the entire Eastern Land, Tian Yuan is still very confident.

Looking at the many ground veins with expectation, Tian Yuan's figure faded in the consciousness space.

Under Mount Buzhou, Tianyuan kept shuttling underground, flying rapidly into the distance.

He visited almost all the tribes around him. However, there were no large tribes. The largest was the tribe of 10,000 people he met last time, and the rest were all in the thousands.

The tribes of the witch clan were far apart, and because of the expedition to the prehistoric world, the rear was almost full of women and children.

If he wanted to find a tribe now, he could only keep going east.

Tianyuan had also captured witches below the Golden Immortal level, but he found that although they were also not afraid of the free will in the air, the effect of dredging the earth veins was almost non-existent.

As for the tribes under the jurisdiction of other ancestor witches, Tianyuan still resisted the idea of ​​going there.

The unexpected surprise of the witch clan, the speed of dredging the earth veins was much beyond his imagination, so there was no need to take the risk.

At most, he would spend some time to hurry on the road, and being targeted by the ancestor witch would be a big trouble.

Of course, when he entered the Golden Immortal, he would not have to worry about so many things.

After flying for a month, Tianyuan saw a tribe that was neither big nor small, with about 5,000 witches, but only half of them were in the Golden Immortal realm, and there were two Taiyi.

The Nine Heavens Breathing Soil was sacrificed, and all the witches above the Golden Immortal realm were captured.

Ignoring the panicked witches in the tribe below, Tianyuan continued to rush forward.

It was a long way to go back and forth, so it was naturally impossible to do just this one job. These guys were all in the Golden Immortal realm, and they would not starve to death anyway.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Tianyuan opened his mouth and inhaled, and the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil turned into a rosy glow and disappeared into his mouth. "Huh! It's almost time."

It has been decades since he came out this time, and he estimated that the branch would be unblocked.

However, this action did not make Tianyuan very satisfied.

There were many witch tribes encountered along the way, some of which were even dozens of miles long, but there were not many witches among them, and their strength was not very strong.

Tianyuan guessed that most of the witches were conquering all directions, and the middle became a gap.

The powerful witch tribes were all in the front.

Tian Yuan, who was thinking in his heart, suddenly trembled and immediately looked up into the distance.

At the end of his sight, there was a sky pillar standing, rumbling and emitting rolling power.

Another branch vein was cleared and purified!

"It's faster than I thought!" Tian Yuan exclaimed.

The mountain under his feet was filled with rolling laws and spiritual energy, but he did not enter the late stage of Taiyi Jinxian.

The higher the Taoism, the greater the difference between each realm, which was also within Tian Yuan's expectations.

It is estimated that if he purifies another earth vein, he can break through the current realm.

Touching the chest that was shining with nine-color light, Tian Yuan's figure escaped into the soil and rushed towards Buzhou Mountain.

The Jiutian Xiran can gradually recover. In addition to his nourishment from eating natural materials and treasures, it is naturally indispensable to the help of Buzhou Mountain.

In the distant eastern land, there are densely packed simple stone houses in the mountains and forests stretching for tens of thousands of miles.

Many figures passed by, they looked strange and varied in size.

On the top of a mountain that was ten thousand feet high, there stood a giant who was several hundred feet tall. He looked up at the direction of Mount Buzhou, his eyes full of reverence.

On the shoulders of the giant stood a figure that was one foot tall, shaped like a human from the past, but with six arms and four eyes.

There was a golden light gushing out of his two eyes, as if he could see through billions of spaces and converge on Mount Buzhou, the pillar of heaven.

The man lifted the quiver on his back and said in a gentle voice: "Mount Buzhou is moving, it is time for our Wu clan to unify the prehistoric world!"

Even though they were so far away, he could still clearly feel the power of Mount Buzhou.

"The weak races cannot compare with our Wu clan." The giant spoke, like a rolling thunder, shaking the clouds in the sky.

In just a thousand years, Mount Buzhou had a series of strange phenomena, all of which showed that the Wu clan was going to prosper.

Mount Buzhou was transformed from the spine of the Father God, representing their Wu clan.

In the prehistoric land, only their Wu clan is the authentic Pangu!

"When the ancestor witch comes back, the prehistoric land will be in the hands of our clan." The giant spoke again, not taking the prehistoric tribes into consideration at all.

They came to the foot of Buzhou Mountain, and there was little resistance along the way, and all the tribes retreated.

They fled to the sea and the prehistoric starry sky, and did not dare to look directly at the Wu clan.

The tribes were just food for their Wu clan.

The man who was listening raised his head and looked at the sky, his expression a little solemn.

That day, he also heard the sound of Tao that was sung throughout the prehistoric world. That might was far above him, even inferior to the ancestor witch.

As if sensing the man's action, the giant also looked at Chaos, and a rare trace of caution appeared between his eyebrows.

Becoming a saint? Is it the realm after the Daluo Jinxian? Perhaps it will only be clear when the ancestor witches come back.

The two did not speak again, but just looked at the Buzhou Mountain in the sky from afar with a look of reverence.

At this moment, in that world of consciousness, in that dredged earth vein.

The colorful clouds were dazzling, the auspicious air was rising, and the rich golden light swept over himself.

Many Wu clansmen who were searching in the earth veins stopped their steps and looked at their bodies in shock.

The golden light that passed by strengthened their bodies, and the laws poured into their bodies again and again.

It has only been a hundred years since they entered this place, and their strength has increased greatly.

"Tianyuan! Come out!" Wu Man jumped out of the earth vein and roared loudly.

Just now, he broke into the middle stage of Taiyi Jinxian.

Although he was able to break through because of Tianyuan, Wu Man will never forget the scene at the foot of the mountain.

Now that he has finally broken through a realm, he wants to regain his lost face.

There are many people who think the same as Wu Man, and they are shouting the name of the stone man everywhere, wanting to fight him.

However, under the gray sky, there was no movement, only their roars echoed.

Just as the witches were angry, a mysterious aura rose from their feet, surrounding them one by one.

The aura emanating from it made them all look shocked.

The aura of the Father God!

Before the witches were shocked, they saw a flash of light in front of them, and they appeared in another place.

Wu Man glanced around, and his expression changed continuously.

Another vein of the earth!

Is this the method of the stone man, or.

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