Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 17: Operation Great Witch

Tian Yuan returned to Mount Buzhou and leaped, intending to escape to the eastern land.

Before he landed, he looked towards the northeast, where he felt a surge of blood.

Taiyi Jinxian Late Stage, this is the second Taiyi Jinxian Late Stage Wu Clan he encountered.

The other party searched back and forth at the foot of the mountain, sometimes stopped, and sometimes looked at Mount Buzhou strangely.

After sweeping away many Wu Clan, powerful Wu Clan occasionally appeared a long time ago, but they were also captured by Tian Yuan.

Whether in the tribe or on the road, no one is his opponent.

The last Taiyi Jinxian Late Stage Wu Clan he encountered was in the first tribe he swept away a hundred years ago.

At that time, he just happened to pass by, and because the other party was quite powerful, he took it away.

Unexpectedly, after a hundred years, these Wu Clan have already explored Mount Buzhou.

"The speed is really fast, it seems that they have suspected me." Tian Yuan muttered, feeling a little depressed.

The Wu Clan is born with laws, and many of them have the ability to communicate with spiritual creatures. It was expected that they would find him, but they didn't expect it to be so fast.

Fortunately, I didn't choose the direction of other Wu Clan at the beginning, otherwise I would have led to the ancestor witch.

He opened his mouth and spit out rolling yellow soil, and the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil wrapped around the other party.

If he was at the perfect level of Taiyi Jinxian, he might fight hand-to-hand, but if he was at a weaker level than him, there was no point in competing.

The Wu Clan member who was exploring seemed to have sensed something, looked up at the sky, his expression changed slightly, and immediately turned into a blood light and fled into the distance.

Seeing the other party's movements, Tianyuan just curled his lips.

Even if you use the method of Yuanshen to perform magical powers, you may not be able to escape, let alone the Wu Clan.

With a swish, the blood light faded, and it was already wrapped by the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil.

Qianli Dizhi didn't move his body, and he had captured the enemy with a flip of his hand.

Tianyuan also understood why everyone in the prehistoric world was keen on powerful magic weapons.

In the same realm, having a powerful magic weapon is an overwhelming advantage.

His figure disappeared, Tianyuan casually threw the witch into the earth vein, and then stood up and fled towards the east.

He wanted to capture more witches before attracting the attention of the ancestor witch.

The difficulty of breaking into the Golden Immortal of Daluo was greater than he imagined. Since the last breakthrough, Tianyuan has accumulated six branches, but he has no sense of breakthrough.

With his current Taoism, he can travel hundreds of thousands of miles in an instant, but the prehistoric land is too big.

Occasionally encountered powerful monsters along the way, but Tianyuan was no longer interested.

Compared with the witches, the speed of those monsters in dredging and purifying the earth veins is too slow.

Now the fourteen branches that have been purified, the monsters only occupy two, except for the one dredged by the three thousand stone men, the rest are all done by the witches.

The witches have such a miraculous effect, Tianyuan is not interested in catching any monsters.

A few years later, the rolling might of the air behind him came, accompanied by the rumbling sound of thunder, and another branch was unblocked.

"The Golden Immortal of Daluo is indeed a hurdle!" Tian Yuan, who was flying in the soil, felt a little regretful.

The Zixiao Palace had just begun to preach, and the group of innate saints were only Golden Immortals of Daluo. If he could step into Daluo, it would be much easier to do things.

In a swamp in the east, there were flashes of thunder and howling winds.

A huge body leaped down from the sky and fell heavily into the mud.

The strong man was hundreds of feet tall, with strong muscles all over his body, and two slender yellow snakes wrapped around his arms. As his messy hair swung, two petite yellow snakes were hidden and stretched out to his earlobes, spitting out bright red tongues.

The yellow snakes were wrapped around his body, snakes were hanging from his ears, and he was a burly figure. He was the famous witch Kuafu of the Houtu tribe.

With a rumbling sound, the splashed mud was like a round silk thread that spread all around. Kuafu, who was standing in the pit, reached down and grabbed.

The whole swamp began to shake violently, sewage and mud surged, and a low roar sounded.


Kuafu snorted angrily, and pulled out a huge figure with his big hand.

It was a strange snake, hundreds of feet long, with two heads, a red body, and a pair of bloody flesh thorns on its back, but its breath was a little depressed at the moment.

The strange snake was held by Kuafu's lifeline, struggling hard, and had no power to escape. The two heads begged for mercy: "Mercy! Mercy!"

Kuafu turned a deaf ear to it, grabbed the tail of the strange snake with his other hand, and then swung it hard to the ground.

The deafening sound drew huge gullies in the continuous swamp. The strange snake was begging for mercy at first, but then it slowly became silent, and blood flowed from its mouth and nose.

Seeing the monster in his hand dead, Kuafu dragged it away to the distant forest.

There, there were huge figures standing, all of which were hundreds of feet tall, exuding a monstrous murderous aura.

The four yellow snakes wrapped around his body jumped out and rushed towards the corpse dragged on the ground, licking the blood.

Kuafu ignored it and strode forward.

In the distance, a figure passed by in the sky and fled towards Kuafu.

Seeing the person coming, Kuafu laughed loudly and said, "The monster has been captured by me, no need for brothers to take action!"

The person who came had six arms, four eyes, and was ten feet tall. He was wearing a beast skirt and animal skin. He was Hou Yi, another great witch of the Hou Tu tribe.

Hou Yi landed in front of him and said solemnly: "Brother! There is something wrong with the tribe under Mount Buzhou."

Kuafu, who was originally in a good mood, was stunned when he heard this, and roared: "Is there a big monster escaping to the back?"

After the first catastrophe of Longhan, the Wu tribe began to move towards the wilderness, and the tribe had long been radiating from Mount Buzhou to the surrounding areas.

It's just that in recent times, they have accelerated their pace and no longer concealed their whereabouts.

The heart to dominate the prehistoric world is known to all races.

Along the way, they destroyed many tribes, killed the big monsters, and kept the rest in captivity to make food or train the younger generation.

Naturally, many big monsters were angry. Because they did not dare to confront the witch tribe, they had to stir up trouble in the rear. They went to kill them from time to time, but the foot of Buzhou Mountain was the base camp of the witch tribe.

Could it be that those big monsters knew that the ancestor witch was not there, so they made trouble at the foot of Buzhou Mountain?

Houyi shook his head, and his expression was still puzzled.

Seeing Houyi's strangeness, Kuafu threw the strange snake away and said in a deep voice: "Brother, tell me in detail!"

When Houtu Zuwu left, he left the affairs of the tribe to them.

Houyi looked up and told them the strange things under Buzhou Mountain. Kuafu frowned when he heard it.

"Only the tribesmen above the Golden Immortal were captured, but the women and children were left alone?" Kuafu had a gloomy face, and his eyes were full of confusion.

They like to eat monsters, and these monsters have killed witches a lot, but they have never been so merciful.

"Something is strange, you go back to Buzhou Mountain immediately!" Houyi nodded.

Even the witches in the realm of Taiyi Jinxian have disappeared, and only their great witches can solve this problem.

"Okay! I'll go now!"

Saying goodbye to Houyi, Kuafu picked up a wooden stick in the distance and ran towards Buzhou Mountain with a rumble.

The four yellow snakes that were still licking on the ground twisted their bodies, and there was a glow in the distance.

Looking at Kuafu's figure going away, Houyi murmured softly: "Is it related to the unusual movement of Buzhou Mountain?"

In the past thousand years, Buzhou Mountain has occasionally displayed its power, and it seems that it is not that simple.

But once my brother goes, everything will be settled!

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