Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 33: The Origin of Earth

"Brother!" Kuafu shouted in shock, his whole body was throbbing with rage.

Before he could recover from the shock of Tianyuan's breakthrough, he saw Houyi covered by a ball of yellow dust, and a figure struggling in it could be clearly seen.

Kuafu, who had been hunting Tianyuan for hundreds of years, naturally knew what it was.

That top-grade innate spiritual treasure had swept away so many tribesmen, and now even the great witch was fooled.

Kuafu roared, holding the wooden stick upside down and ran towards Tianyuan.

On the huge muscles that looked like a dragon, rich blood gushed out, and Kuafu sped up.

However, Tianyuan was prepared, and he opened his mouth and sucked the Nine Heavens Xirang wrapped around Houyi into his stomach.

In the past hundreds of years, he had never sacrificed this innate spiritual treasure to Houyi and Kuafu, just for this moment.

If they were familiar with it earlier, how could it have such a miraculous effect.

Now that the matter happened suddenly, Houyi had not expected him to do this, saving Tianyuan a lot of time.

As for the remaining Kuafu, it was much easier to deal with.

After rubbing his fists, Tianyuan rushed forward with great interest.

The taste of the law of force made him very eager.

Boom boom boom!

The most brutal and direct way of fighting, looking at the fist that was shining with a faint earthy yellow light, Tianyuan's eyes were filled with joy.

He still remembered the first battle with Kuafu clearly.

The terrifying law of force made his right arm full of cracks, so he had to escape far away.

Now they fought again, although he could still feel the horror of Kuafu's fist, his body could barely resist.

Not only because of the breakthrough, but also because of the Buzhou Mountain and the Jiutian Xirang on his chest.

The origin of the earth, there is no magic weapon in the world that is more suitable for him than it.

Without these two things, how could he have such a strong body.

Every time Kuafu attacked, gray impurities overflowed from his body, and Tianyuan was tempering his body with the law of borrowing force.

The more Kuafu fought, the more frightened he was.

He was helpless against Tianyuan before, because the opponent was fast and couldn't get close to him at all.

The scene of their first meeting was also vivid in Kuafu's mind.

He punched out, and the stone man fled in a panic, never daring to fight him again.

Now he has only broken through a realm, but he is fighting him on equal terms?

Thick blood overflowed from his body, and his whole body was shrouded in blood mist. This was the performance of fully activating the body of the great witch.

The breakthrough in Taoism made the body become terrifying?

Could this guy really be the same as their witch clan?

It's just that the cultivation of the body is not that simple, the roots have already determined its upper limit.

Thinking that the other party is not afraid of the power of Buzhou Mountain, Kuafu's heart was in a mess.

Sucking the blood mist around, the yellow snake on Kuafu's shoulder swelled up and pounced towards Tianyuan ferociously.

Tianyuan didn't even look at it, grabbed the snake's head and threw it to the ground.

Unexpectedly, the yellow snake was also amazing. It struggled twice and immediately climbed up again, wrapped around Kuafu's waist, spitting out its tongue but not daring to move forward.

The other snake was ready to attack, but quickly withdrew its attack and quickly swam around Kuafu.

A pair of brown snake eyes stared at Tianyuan, looking for an opportunity.

Tianyuan didn't care. Looking at his arm that had shrunk slightly, he couldn't help laughing excitedly. "Haha! The great witch is really amazing!"

His Taoism is profound and his magical powers are amazing, but he is still no match for my strong body.

Tianyuan is already looking forward to Kuafu's law of power.

Hearing Tianyuan's praise, Kuafu didn't feel happy, but felt humiliated instead.

Born from the temple, no one in the prehistoric land could touch its edge. Now not only were his brothers captured, but he was also powerless.

Knowing that he was powerless to take down Tianyuan, Kuafu swept the wooden stick in his hand and turned to run towards Pangu Temple.

The original plan was to go to the temple to inform the ancestor witch, but now he should go there even more.

This stone man is really weird!

"Hehe! It's too late to leave now!" Seeing Kuafu flying away, Tianyuan opened his mouth and spit out rolling yellow earth.

The yellow dust rolled towards Kuafu like a yellow cloud.

Touching his chest and looking at the faint nine-color light in it, Tianyuan liked this magic weapon more and more.

The Nine Heavens Xiran was obtained by Nuwa. Except for a small part used to create humans, most of the ancestral source of the earth was displayed in the Nuwa Palace.

Such a powerful spiritual treasure can only be left to eat dust, which is really a pity.

In the future, this top-grade innate spiritual treasure will surely shine in his hands in the prehistoric world.

Kuafu, who was running with a thump, suddenly felt a heavy weight on his back, as if thousands of mountains were pressing on him.

He turned around in surprise and saw golden soil emerging from the yellow mist behind him, attached to his body, and spreading rapidly around.

Kuafu was shocked, his body shook, and he punched the golden soil.

There was no sound, no resistance, and the soft touch. The soil exploded, but more yellow soil extended, and they wrapped around him like they had life.

"What kind of weird spiritual treasure is this!" Kuafu widened his eyes.

He smashed the wooden stick in his hand heavily, and the yellow soil splashed and broke easily, but the soil seemed to grow and rolled over again.

The wooden stick in his hand sank, and it was already attached with a layer of golden color, which was gradually getting thicker.

There was also soft yellow soil covering his feet, making it difficult for him to walk.

Kuafu had tried many magic weapons of the demon clan, but he had never encountered such a strange thing.

The yellow snakes spat out their tongues and swam quickly on Kuafu's body, making rapid hissing sounds. Facing the golden mud, they did not dare to move forward.

"Tsk tsk tsk! I wonder how powerful it will be after it is fully restored!" Tianyuan's eyes lit up as he looked at the loess that had already climbed up to Kuafu's waist.

Kuafu struggled hard and ran away, but he couldn't dodge at all because of his burly figure.

Now Kuafu could still resist, which was entirely due to the failure to activate the innate Wu Earth Divine Thunder.

Otherwise, even a great witch would have to surrender to the infinite innate Wu Earth Divine Thunder.

"Tianyuan, what on earth is this?" Kuafu danced with both hands, and the wooden stick had fallen somewhere.

As the loess was swallowed continuously, it seemed as if it was carrying the entire Buzhou Mountain!

Tianyuan, who strode forward, did not hide it and said loudly: "Nine Heavens Xirang!"

It was really a pile of soil!

Kuafu's face trembled slightly, but he felt extremely aggrieved in his heart.

Amid roars, it was gradually covered by golden mud. The two large and two small yellow snakes that wanted to escape were also wrapped in it.

In the golden mud giant hundreds of feet high, Kuafu's struggle became smaller and smaller.

Looking at the completely still giant, Tianyuan opened his mouth and sucked, and the Nine Heavens Xiran turned into a ball of yellow cloud and swallowed it into his stomach.

Kuafu and Houyi, who were in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, were both captured by him.

Getting two strong hands to dredge the earth veins also means the manifestation of the law of force and the law of space.

Glancing at a group of witches rushing in from a distance, Tianyuan picked up Kuafu's wooden stick and turned to escape into Buzhou Mountain.

The loss of two great witches will definitely attract the attention of the ancestor witch, so he has to hurry.

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