Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 39 The catastrophe begins, and the catastrophe energy arises

In a branch, Tian Yuan carefully sensed the situation in the stone man in front of him.

There was a trace of bloodthirstiness in the violence and madness.

"Mad Law!" Tian Yuan whispered softly, with a look of surprise on his face.

The great witch was taken away by Jiutian Xirang without fighting, and he didn't know the details in advance.

Now it is manifested here, and it is also a powerful law.

It makes sense in my mind. How can a great witch master ordinary laws.

As the laws continue to manifest, the stone man's skin color becomes redder and redder, and finally his whole body is red, but with a hint of black.

As before, the stone man's Taoism is limited to the early stage of Daluo Jinxian.

Tian Yuan sank his mind and carefully sensed that in almost a thousand years, the silver stone man has entered the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian.

Although the white stone man manifested by the law of power is a little worse, his momentum is obviously much stronger.

"Not bad! Not bad!" Tian Yuan nodded, even happy.

They can practice independently, but there is a gap due to the difficulty of practicing the law, which is also expected.

The situation of the earth veins being unblocked was a bit depressing, but he was still very satisfied with these stone men.

When the three thousand laws are gathered, it will be extremely spectacular.

With the unblocking of the earth veins, if he can get out of this space, the three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace will be nothing.

Tianyuan, who was happy in his heart, was about to leave this space, but suddenly his body froze.

In the golden spiritual energy flowing above his head, a gray air bar hung down.

This is in the earth veins, covered by the will of Buzhou Mountain, how could there be a mixed will to get in.

Tianyuan, who was shocked in his heart, instantly moved up and reached out to grab it.

But as soon as it fell into his hands, his face changed slightly.

It was not a mixed consciousness, but a calamity!

With a little force on his right hand, the trace of calamity broke in his palm. In just a few breaths, the calamity recovered again and continued to slowly fall towards the earth veins.


Tianyuan looked up and his face became a little ugly.

Under the dim sky, there were wisps of gray air falling.

They fell towards the earth veins, and if they encountered the free consciousness, they would directly merge into one

Tian Yuan could clearly feel that those consciousnesses became irritable.

The witch and demon calamity was about to rise, and the heaven and earth had calamity energy, but Tian Yuan did not expect that these calamity energy would first appear in the consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain.

It is likely that it passed through the earth veins, and then rose from the many spiritual veins in the prehistoric world, covering the heaven and earth.

Tian Yuan's figure flashed repeatedly, and the calamity energy seemed to spread all over the eastern land, sparsely hanging down from the sky.

Standing on the sacred mountain, Tian Yuan looked at the sky.

The Zixiao Palace had just begun to preach, and the heaven and earth had calamity energy rising. It was too coincidental.

Tian Yuan did not know whether it was related to the Zixiao Palace, but this sudden calamity energy would definitely affect the dredging of the earth veins.

Kuafu in the main vein was the first to discover the abnormality above his head.

"Hey! What is this?" The burly Kuafu reached out and grabbed the air strip floating down in front of him, with a puzzled look on his face.

But before he finished speaking, the calamity energy actually drilled into his body.

Kuafu's body shook, and the air strip broke apart, turning into powder and sprinkling in the earth veins.

Who knew that in the blink of an eye, it healed again and slowly floated down.

"It's calamity energy!!!" Houyi exclaimed, and then his face changed slightly: "Is there a calamity rising in the world?"

The calamity is a great calamity that sweeps across the entire world. For most creatures in the prehistoric world, it is an absolute disaster.

But now that the witch clan is flourishing, they have the momentum to unify the prehistoric land, where does the killing calamity come from.

Under the leadership of many ancestor witches, who else in the prehistoric world can compete with them?

Houyi was a little confused!

"Calamity? My witch clan is flourishing, who can fight with us?" Kuafu shouted, with astonishment on his face.

The third great witch who had come up also nodded repeatedly, and was very unconvinced.

Houyi flew forward and shouted to the sacred mountain: "Tianyuan!"

For such a big thing, he had to ask the mysterious stone man.

The calamity energy was born in response to the heaven and earth, and it was definitely not something that Tianyuan could control.

"When the calamity rises, the calamity energy is born. This is the general trend of heaven and earth. You just need to concentrate on unblocking the earth veins!" Tianyuan's indifferent voice floated in the many earth veins.

Many witches and monsters who didn't know the reason were all shocked. There was actually a killing calamity in the prehistoric land.

Some were shocked, some didn't believe it, but the monsters were quite happy.

Hiding here to unblock the earth veins to improve strength, and also avoiding the calamity, is really a great fortune.

With Tianyuan's promise, Houyi's face became extremely solemn.

From the meaning of the other party's words, Houyi also understood that Tianyuan would not let them go.

"Brother! What should we do now?" Looking at the sacred mountain in the distance, Kuafu asked in a deep voice.

The way to leave this space may be on the sacred mountain.

However, in the past thousand years, Buzhou Mountain has moved several times, and the breath of the Father God has become more and more powerful. How dare they blaspheme?

Meeting the eyes of the two, Houyi rushed down.

He couldn't win the fight, what else could he do, he could only improve his strength as soon as possible.

The calamity energy just arose, and it must be a long time before the real calamity.

Tianyuan ignored the people in the earth veins, and his brows were slightly wrinkled.

Just now, he felt a little resistance when he spread the will of Buzhou Mountain to many earth veins.

The sudden emergence of calamity energy actually affected the transmission of the will of Buzhou Mountain, which meant that it might be difficult to directly transmit the living beings to each earth vein accurately in the future.

"We have to hurry up and recruit some witches." Tianyuan disappeared on the mountain after glancing at the dim earth veins in the distance.

Originally, he wanted to comprehend the law of force and the law of space, but now he could only continue to capture witches quickly.

Tianyuan appeared on Mount Buzhou, looked at the eastern land under the mountain, and fled towards a cleared earth vein.

Although the witches have no soul and do not breathe the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, their tribes are almost all concentrated on many spiritual veins.

And those spiritual veins are all attached to the earth veins.

As long as you search along the earth veins, you can easily find the witch tribe.

Tianyuan's figure swept past quickly, and the witches in the tribe were taken into the Nine Heavens Xirang one by one.

At this moment, in a huge canyon at the foot of Mount Buzhou, there were clouds and mists in the middle, and you could see a lot of sky-supporting stone pillars standing tall, and you couldn't see the top.

In the depths of the canyon, among the many stone pillars, there was a huge temple floating up and down.

A vast and boundless aura emanated from the valley. The valley was thousands of miles long, and no monsters came near.

At this moment, several figures gathered at the mouth of the valley. They paced back and forth, frequently looking into the valley.

However, the mighty power inside was so strong that they could not step into it at all.

Just as several people were anxious, a shout rang out behind them.

"Who are you? How dare you trespass into the clan temple!"

Several people were shocked, and immediately turned their heads to look, and their faces were overjoyed in an instant.

The person who came was burly, holding a dry halberd in his hand, exuding a monstrous fighting spirit.

With a little attention, there was a rolling mighty power rolling in, which made people tremble.

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