Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 4: Contaminated Earth Veins

"Follow me!" Tian Yuan walked forward without looking back.

The place near the foot of the mountain had been cleaned up by the stone man transformed by the will of Buzhou Mountain, so he had to move forward.

He was not surprised at the respect of the blood dragon. The strong in the prehistoric world were respected.

Besides, no one in the world could remain indifferent to such a huge spiritual energy in front of him.

The blood dragon was slightly stunned, without any words, and followed respectfully. He did not dare to absorb the spiritual energy randomly, but just looked around curiously.

It was as if he was in a flowing golden ocean. He could clearly feel the flow of spiritual energy when he opened his hands.

It was warm and passed through every inch of his skin. Even the hair on his body was floating happily.

Walking slowly, there was no strange feeling, only a whole body of comfort.

The two walked one after the other for a while, and there was a messy knocking sound in front of them.

The blood dragon was puzzled, raised his head slightly, and his eyes shrank immediately.

Many stone men appeared in the flowing golden spiritual energy. Some of them were in the air, some were on the ground, and they were scattered all around.

Is this the lair of the stone men? Because of this spiritual vein, these stone men have become so extraordinary?

The blood dragon, full of doubts, looked at the hands of those stone men. They all held pickaxes and shovels, waving them in the spiritual vein, making clanging sounds, as if they were hitting something.

When he got closer, he could see clearly that they were pieces of strange-shaped stones?

How could there be foreign objects in the spiritual vein? Even if there were spiritual stones, they would be deposited at the bottom of the spiritual vein.

More importantly, those stones were of different colors, some were red, some were black, and some were gray, which were obviously out of tune with the surroundings.

However, when he saw those red stones, the magic power in his body trembled slightly. Perhaps this was the reason why Tianyuan caught him.

He became more and more curious about this place. It seemed that it was not a simple spiritual vein.

"This is a ground vein in the eastern land."

Tianyuan spoke, but the meaning of his words surprised him a little.

Ground vein? It's not a spiritual vein!

The term "earth vein" seemed to have been mentioned in the ancient records of the clan, but he didn't know the details.

The blood dragon cupped his hands and said loudly: "If you have any orders, I will do it!"

During the Longhan Calamity, the dragon clan killed too many people and was hated by all clans. Most of the clan members retreated to the sea, and those who stayed in the prehistoric land hid everywhere.

He hid under Mount Buzhou to practice meditation because it was the territory of the witch clan, and he happened to be able to hide his own blood, but it was definitely not a long-term solution.

Now Tianyuan brought him to such a place with abundant spiritual energy, which was really a great fortune.

Tianyuan waved his hand and signaled the blood dragon to follow.

The blood dragon, with his body bent, walked forward quickly, and the two walked towards a stone man wielding a pickaxe.

Getting closer, the blood dragon also saw the shape of the stone clearly. It was the size of a fist, as black as ink, and there were many protrusions on the surface. Two of them still had suction cups, one drooping on the stone surface, and the other firmly attached to the air.

The pickaxe in the stone man's hand was hitting the suction cup hard.

Every time it hit, the suction cup would tremble slightly, as if it had life.

And around the stone, there were many faint black spots spreading in a diffuse shape, with a tendency to spread around.

"Senior, what is this?" The blood dragon looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help asking.

This ugly-looking stone always gave him a very bad feeling.

As soon as the words fell, the stone man in front of him shouted loudly, and there was a loud bang, and a squeak in the air.

The suction cup broke, black smoke rose, golden light flashed, and the rolling stone disappeared. The many black spots scattered around also faded into the air.

The stone man who was wielding the pickaxe disappeared with a whoosh and appeared in another place.

"This is the purpose of bringing you here, to purify the earth veins!" Tianyuan turned around and looked at the blood dragon indifferently.

Earlier, he had tried to remove the impurities in the earth veins, but the effect was far less than these stone men.

They were transformed by the will of Buzhou Mountain, so it was easier to shake those impurities, and they could come and go freely in the earth veins, regardless of the spatial distance.

Otherwise, it would take more than ten thousand years to walk from the beginning to the end of a earth vein.

Perhaps because three thousand is the number of heaven, otherwise more stone men could be manifested to speed up the dredging of the earth veins.

Purify the earth veins? ? ?

The blood dragon was stunned, and his eyes lit up instantly.

The resentment caused by the brutality had long disappeared.

After the Longhan catastrophe, the ancestor dragon was suppressed in Longquan Cave, and many powerful dragons were also permanently stationed in the north, just to eliminate the karma of the dragon clan.

Purifying the earth veins is undoubtedly a great event that is beneficial to the prehistoric world, and it is a great blessing for the clan and himself.

Facing the stone man covered by golden rays of light, the blood dragon responded loudly: "Xiaolong is willing! Xiaolong is willing!"

If there is such an opportunity, he will go there happily even without Tianyuan's order.

Besides, this place is so extraordinary, it is definitely the biggest opportunity in his dragon life.

Tianyuan nodded slightly, and with his right hand, a small pickaxe appeared.

"There is no danger here, you can move freely, but don't walk out of this vein!" Tianyuan said, and handed the pickaxe down.

Without the pickaxe transformed by will, the blood dragon could not shake those impurities at all.

There are only three thousand stone men, but these tools are inexhaustible.

"Thank you, senior! Xiaolong understands!" The blood dragon took it respectfully with both hands, and looked at the object in his palm with surprise.

The pickaxe was half a meter long, chaotic in color, and cold to the touch. Holding it in the hand, the soul actually felt a little cool, as if it had the effect of purifying the soul.

The blood dragon took a breath of cool air in his heart, and realized that this was not a simple thing.

Tianyuan was also very satisfied with the blood dragon for being so sensible, saving him a lot of effort.

Seeing Tianyuan slowly disappear, the blood dragon hurriedly asked loudly: "Senior's kindness, Xiaolong will remember it in his heart, I wonder what the senior's name is?"

He didn't know the name of this senior all the way here.


A faint sound of Tao floated in the golden flowing spiritual energy.

The blood dragon arched his hands, bowed deeply, and then ran excitedly towards the distance.

He also saw that the farther away, the more serious the blockage of the ground veins, there were many blood-colored auras that resonated in his body.

Through the golden flowing spiritual energy, it can be vaguely seen that the sky is gray, dull and depressing!

The blood dragon didn't care where this place was. He only wanted to comb and purify the earth veins.

The stones had all kinds of strange shapes, and the number of suckers growing on them varied. Finally, it stopped in front of a red stone strip as long as an index finger.

There were also dense protrusions on it, but only a small sucker was attached to the air.

Looking at the pickaxe in his hand, the blood dragon hesitated and punched it with his right fist.

There was a dull sound, and the stone didn't move at all. The blood dragon was surprised. Then he stopped hesitating and swung the pickaxe with both hands.

There was a loud bang, and it was obvious that the sucker moved slightly.

The blood dragon was happy and hurriedly increased its speed.

There was a clang, and after knocking for hundreds of times, the sucker finally broke and disappeared with a red glow.

In the thin red mist, an almost non-existent airflow swam towards him and drilled into his body.

Not only did his magic power increase slightly, but his soul also had some enlightenment, and the road ahead became clearer.

The blood dragon was overjoyed and ran quickly towards the nearest rock.

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