Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 44 Brotherly love, fists and feet

Gonggong appeared where the stone man disappeared, his expression becoming more and more gloomy.

Just like before, there were no fluctuations in mana and no traces of laws.

The green python jumped down and swam back and forth on the ground, its eyes filled with anger.

The hateful stone man escaped from the hands of the ancestral witch, but he actually dared to come back and laugh at him.

Just looking around, it found nothing.

The anxious green python opened its mouth and spat out a stream of blood.

The essence and blood gathered at the place where Tian Yuan disappeared and shook violently, then exploded with a bang, turning into a blood mist that filled the sky and quickly spread towards the surroundings.

The green python's eyes widened, staring blankly at the changes in front of him. With so much blood mist, where should I search?

After standing quietly for a while, Gonggong turned around and fled towards Pangu Temple.

That's all about the stone man. I must inform my elder brother about any changes in Buzhou Mountain.

As an ancestral witch, he had just tried to communicate with Buzhou Shan, but found that it was of no use at all.

A stone man can arouse the will of Buzhou Mountain, but the majestic ancestral shaman cannot do it. This is really ridiculous.

In Huang Mengmeng's world, Xingtian roared.

The Qianqi in his palm shattered pieces of void, but what emerged from them was still loess.

In front of you is like a world made of yellow soil, everywhere inside and outside.

The inner world of this magical weapon was more powerful than he imagined, and even the body of a great witch was unable to break it.

At this moment, Xing Tian felt powerful forces coming from all around, and wisps of golden light appeared in front of him.

Suddenly he saw a flash of light in front of his eyes. Before Xingtian had time to look around, he looked ahead in shock.

A burly, huge body was running rampant in the golden aura.

There is another petite figure beside him, which is the missing Kuafu and Hou Yi.

"Ho! Kuafu, you're not dead?" Xingtian was overjoyed and hurried forward.

Xing Tianzhen didn't expect to meet Kuafu and the others.

Kuafu and the other three people immediately turned around and saw Xing Tian, ​​their hearts filled with secret anger.

Another great witch was caught. The stone man Tianyuan was really abominable.

Facing Xing Tian, ​​who was running excitedly, Kuafu snorted coldly, and then asked in a high voice, "Were you also captured by that stone man?"

Hearing this, Xing Tiandeng immediately looked angry, and then he remembered that hateful stone man.

The qi in his palm danced, and he went to look for the stone man, but he immediately exclaimed loudly: "Is that stone man the guy that Master Zu Wu is looking for?"

Upon hearing this, Hou Yi's eyes suddenly lit up and he flew over.

"Master Zu Wu already knows?"

This space is really too mysterious, not only the earth veins in front of you, but also Mount Buzhou in the distance that exudes the strong will of God the Father.

In just one thousand years, it was worth his tens of thousands of years of hard work.

If the ancestral witch can capture Tian Yuan, he will know the space here, and their witch clan will truly rise by then.

Kuafu and the other great wizard also quickly surrounded him.

They were aggrieved by being captured by a stone man, but they couldn't find each other and had nowhere to vent their anger.

Although his mind was still full of doubts, Xing Tian still explained his trip to the temple in detail.

"The legendary law of war, no wonder it is called the God of War Xingtian!" Looking at the dark stone man in front of him, Tian Yuan was very satisfied.

The Law of War of the Chaos Demon God, make a living by fighting!

A total of four great witches were captured, and they manifested the four laws of space, force, madness, and war. On the contrary, the law of earth that they mastered was the most common.

Looking at the stone man leaving, Tian Yuan fell into deep thought.

This unexpected encounter gave him a big warning.

Although Taoism and realm are important, the strength of the laws you control is equally important.

He has good practice in the Law of Earth, and coupled with the Jiutianxi soil, a top-quality innate spiritual treasure, even great wizards like Kuafu and Hou Yi of the same realm can do nothing to him.

But facing the powerful ancestral witch, even if they were in the same realm, he wouldn't have much ability to resist.

Laws, powerful laws must be practiced.

Whether it is the ancestral witch or the three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace, they all have extraordinary abilities, and many of them also possess accompanying spiritual treasures.

Apart from practicing more laws, he has no advantage unless he has been huddled on Mount Buzhou.

Now that he has been discovered by the ancestral witch, he can just calm down and practice the law.

Tian Yuan, who appeared on the sacred mountain, glanced at Xing Tian, ​​who was roaring below, without paying any attention.

Kuafu and Houyi have made a good start, and he believes that Xingtian will obediently go to dredge the earth's veins soon.

Gonggong plunged into the mist-shrouded temple.

After entering the palace gate, there is a self-contained space inside, with only a huge palace hall and a bottomless pool of blood in the center.

Through the bright red blood, one can see the rising and falling of huge figures, which are the remaining ancestral witches.

"Brother!" Gonggong stood in front of the blood pool and called softly.

The figure in the blood pool did not move, but an indifferent voice came: "Is there something wrong with the tribe?"

He naturally knew that Xing Tian had asked for a meeting earlier, but Di Jiang didn't care.

Gonggong had a stern look on his face, took a deep breath, and said, "There is a big demon that swept away the Houtu Little Sister tribe, and even several big witches were captured."


A terrifying momentum flashed away, and Di Jiang's figure shot out of the blood pool.

The blood pool surged, and all the remaining ancestral witches rushed out, exuding terrifying fluctuations.

Among the twelve ancestral witches, Houtu was born the latest and has the gentlest personality. They all loved him very much.

When Chaos came back earlier, everyone promised to take good care of the Tuluo people, but they didn't expect an accident to happen so soon.

"What a big monster, so bold, I will tear him alive!" The irritable Zhu Rong roared, and flames spewed out of his seven orifices.

Although the remaining few ancestor witches did not speak, they were also full of murderous aura, and their eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Gonggong, where is the big monster?" Zhu Rong looked around as he approached, and immediately looked confused.

There was no need to report such a thing, just tear the other party alive and be done with it.

Gonggong ignored it, but looked at Dijiang and said quickly: "It was a stone man, he escaped into Buzhou Mountain, and..."

"What? You are a waste, and you let the other party run away?" Gonggong was interrupted by Zhu Rong before he finished speaking.

Zhu Rong, who had a beast head and a human body, smashed it with a violent fist.

Gonggong, who was still shocked by the weirdness of Tianyuan, was hit in the face and flew out of the temple.

Zhu Rong was still not satisfied, so he chased him directly.

The remaining witch ancestors were also angry. The witch ancestors actually let the big monster run away.

Swish, swish, swish!

In an instant, except for Dijiang, everyone followed Zhurong and ran out.

Outside the temple, there were explosions, mixed with Gonggong's angry roar.

Seeing Gonggong being beaten up, Dijiang did not react much. It was normal for brothers to fight, and Gonggong did not do well this time.

After capturing the big witch, he actually let the other party escape. It was really a disgrace to the reputation of the witch ancestors.

With a gloomy face, Dijiang strode out of the temple.

He wanted to see what kind of big monster in the prehistoric land dared to touch their witch clan.

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