Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 48 The gods gather at Mount Buzhou

Outside the prehistoric world, many rays of light flashed and quickly fled towards the starry sky.

The Three Pure Ones, carrying a Xuanhuang Pagoda, were the first to break through the chaos and fall into the prehistoric world.

Glancing at the surging chaos behind him, Yuanshi Tianzun said proudly: "Brother, your treasure is really amazing, and you can come and go freely in the turbulent chaos."

In the Zixiao Palace, the Three Pure Ones grabbed seats at the first time, and they were still the fastest when they came back.

More importantly, while others were in a mess, they were strolling leisurely.

"Yes! This treasure is hanging above your head, and it can be said that it is invulnerable to all methods!" Tongtian also nodded.

This trip to the chaos was thanks to the treasure of the elder brother, otherwise it would take a lot of time.

Laozi, who put away the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, raised his eyes and said with a little surprise: "I feel something in my heart, and there is an opportunity for me in Buzhou Mountain."

He is now a perfect Daluo Jinxian, and it is extraordinary to be able to have such a feeling.

But as soon as he finished speaking, two voices sounded from the side.

"Hey! Big brother, I also feel something."

"Me too!"

The three pure ones looked at each other, and their eyes lit up immediately. It turned out that all three of them had a chance.

"Good! Let's go to Buzhou Mountain immediately!" Laozi nodded, and he was also a little expectant.

The three of them did not stop and quickly fled to the prehistoric land according to the feeling.

Following the three pure ones, five figures broke out from the chaos, which were Di Jun, Taiyi, Fuxi brothers and sisters, and Hou Tu.

When they just entered the prehistoric world, Nuwa and Taiyi were slightly stunned, with surprise on their faces.

After a short stay, the five people went to Buzhou Mountain at the same time.

"Haha! Zhen Yuanzi, thanks to your earth book, otherwise it would be difficult." Hongyun laughed, his face full of excitement.

Zhen Yuanzi glanced at the figures that fled in the distance, and his heart was full of worry.

This good friend of mine is good in everything, but when he thinks of the scene in Zixiao Palace, Zhen Yuanzi said again: "Hongyun, this time you come back, you must..."

He had said it many times on the way back, but this good friend didn't take it seriously at all.

"Wait! Zhen Yuanzi, just now the way of heaven was revealed, and there is an opportunity for me on Buzhou Mountain." Hongyun exclaimed, interrupting Zhen Yuanzi's preaching.

"Opportunity?" Zhen Yuanzi was stunned and looked at Hongyun strangely.

You gave up all the good opportunities in Zixiao Palace, and now there is another opportunity?

"Yes! Maybe it's a spiritual treasure."

"Haha, next time I go to Zixiao Palace, maybe I don't need you to take care of it."

After speaking, Hongyun didn't wait for Zhen Yuanzi to reply, and pulled him to Buzhou Mountain.

Zhen Yuanzi sighed repeatedly, and had to follow behind with a helpless look on his face, but he saw a figure following closely in his peripheral vision.

Jie Yin and Zhunti, who had broken into the prehistoric starry sky in a panic, looked at each other, and a light flashed in their eyes.

Just now, they heard clearly that there was an opportunity in Buzhou Mountain.

Hongyun had just given them an opportunity, could it be another opportunity?

The two people with expectation hurriedly followed.

In a valley in Buzhou Mountain, the three pure ones looked at the brilliant formation in front of them and were very expectant.

The three of them came here following the feeling, but they didn't expect to be in this valley.

At this moment, the three pure ones looked up at the same time, and they all frowned unconsciously.

In the sky in the distance, five figures fell, all of them were familiar people in Zixiao Palace.

Yuanshi Tianzun was about to speak, but he didn't expect that two more figures would escape from the sky.

"Haha. I didn't expect that fellow Taoists all had opportunities here. I think there must be something extraordinary in this valley!" Hongyun's figure had not arrived yet, and a loud laugh had already come.

The three pure ones looked at each other, without saying a word, and were even more curious about what was in the valley.

Now there were more than ten Daluo Jinxians, what kind of heaven and earth treasures must be in the valley.

Glancing at Jie Yin and Zhunti falling in the distance, Zhen Yuanzi transmitted a voice: "Hongyun, don't miss the opportunity later."

The current situation is no different from that in Zixiao Palace.

This good friend of mine is really blessed, just don't give the opportunity away again.

"Don't worry! This is my opportunity, how can I let others take it!" Hongyun waved his hand, staring at the valley below.

He vaguely felt that it was a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, and he just didn't have any powerful magic weapons.

"Brother, it's an innate formation, and the things in the formation must be spiritual treasures." Zhunti exclaimed in a low voice, with fire in his eyes.

The formation pattern in the valley rose, thinking that the time had come and the formation was about to dissipate.

Jie Yin just shook his head and didn't say anything. The West is barren, of course he longed for it.

However, except for Kunpeng who was hiding on the side, the few people in the field were not easy to deal with.

At this moment, in the valley's innate formation, the gourd vines swaying quietly have inexplicable wills escaping, they spread out and penetrate into the surrounding innate formations.

Tianyuan stood by with a deep frown.

Hundreds of years ago, the gourd vines grew strange, and after careful inspection, he found a mysterious Dao seal in its soul.

Over the years, he has tried many methods and tried everything, but he couldn't get rid of it, and the Dao seal didn't react at all.

But a while ago, the Dao seal burst, and an inexplicable will emerged and spread to the entire valley.

Under the will, the innate formation gradually disintegrated. He couldn't even move here, and the gourd vine seemed to be fixed in the valley.

That strange will was stronger than the will of Buzhou Mountain!

Now he can only wait, waiting for the innate formation to passively dissipate.

The formation is broken, the will fades, and he may be able to take the innate gourd vine away.

In the entire prehistoric world, the only one who can have this means is Hongjun in Zixiao Palace.

If we think in this way, Hongjun had already started to merge with the Dao ten thousand years ago, or maybe even longer.

Preaching in Zixiao Palace can only be said to be Hongjun's plan for Sanqing and others.

Glancing at the figures, Tianyuan guessed in his heart that this might not only target the gourd vine, but also the Sanqing and others.

Tianyuan remembered that the seven gourds on the gourd vine, except for the last chaos gourd taken away by Hongjun, the rest fell into the hands of Sanqing, Nuwa, Taiyi, and Hongyun.

Unfortunately, the endings of these six people were not very good.

Nuwa became a saint but retreated to chaos and did not enter the prehistoric world. Sanqing took the saint-killing pill and sat alone in Zixiao Palace.

Hongyun and Taiyi were even more miserable, and they died directly.

The gourd vine is an innate spiritual root. If its origin is cut off, there must be a great cause and effect. Moreover, Tianyuan guessed in his heart that the gourd vine might have the mission of defending Buzhou Mountain.

"Will the matter of the earth veins also be related to that person?" Tianyuan pondered in his heart.

Pangu created the world and even threw three thousand chaos demons. It is impossible to be such a weak world.

Outside the formation, Sanqing and others stared at the valley, their eyes full of expectation.

The formation pattern gradually dimmed, and the innate formation covering the valley was dispersing, and a strong Taoist rhyme was already emanating.

Before everyone could take a closer look, they saw nine-colored clouds in the valley rushing up, accompanied by a strong auspicious aura.

"It's a top-grade innate spiritual root!" Zhen Yuanzi was the first to exclaim, the aura of the same origin.

Sanqing and others also stagnated their breathing, and they saw a gourd vine covered with a mysterious yellow aura.

It was just that there seemed to be a burly figure in the valley covered by clouds and mist, but no one cared at all.

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