Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 51 Yuanshi Tianzun is angry

After watching the brothers and sisters leave, Hou Tu randomly chose a direction and walked slowly.

Gun Gun followed behind, obviously absent-minded.

He opened his mouth several times to say something, but finally lowered his head.

"This little guy is so anxious!"

Hou Tu naturally noticed Gun Gun's situation, but she was not anxious.

This was not only the echo from the blood of Kuafu and others, but also the scene in the valley.

A single top-grade innate spiritual treasure was enough to make many innate gods fight for it.

The stone man could actually hold back the gourds of seven top-grade innate spiritual treasures, which seemed incredible to Hou Tu.

Although I don't know why the stone man is related to Buzhou Mountain, the other party is probably a kind-hearted creature.

Hou Tu, who was thinking in her heart, paused and looked forward with a little surprise.

On the solid mountain, a familiar figure slowly rose up, it was the stone man she saw not long ago.

Although she knew that the stone man was extraordinary, the silent approach still frightened Hou Tu.

There was no breath fluctuation in the air, and she could not see through the other party's realm.

Daluo Jinxian Perfection?

But at this level, why didn't he go to Zixiao Palace to listen to the teachings?

"You finally..."

Hou Tu was the first to speak, but before she finished speaking, she saw the stone man in front of her exclaimed, and his figure once again disappeared into the soil.

Hou Tu was stunned on the spot, her eyes were a little dazed, she was a little confused about what the stone man was doing.

Careful sensing, just like in that valley, she could not detect the other party's breath fluctuations at all.

Seeing Tian Yuan appear, he was extremely nervous, but he was inexplicably relieved.

Not far away, on the edge of a cliff, a banana tree swayed in the wind, exuding a faint Taoist rhyme.

The huge banana leaves were wrapped in strong winds, and lightning flashed, which was extraordinary.

"It's a little worse than the innate gourd vine, but it's not bad!" Laozi flicked his long beard with a smile on his face.

There are many spiritual roots on Mount Buzhou, but not many of them can arouse their interest.

Unexpectedly, the three of them had a harvest in just a short time.

"This banana leaf looks extraordinary, but it's a pity that only one leaf is fully mature." Tongtian also nodded.

Yuanshi Tianzun smiled and said indifferently: "It's okay, move the whole plant away and plant it on Kunlun Mountain for ten thousand years."

Just lost three top-grade innate spiritual treasures, this banana tree must be taken back to Kunlun Mountain.

After saying this, Yuanshi Tianzun strode towards the banana tree on the cliff.

Tongtian was slightly stunned, and did not speak, but looked at Laozi.

The place where spiritual roots grow naturally is the most suitable for them to grow. It may be inappropriate to move them rashly.

But before Laozi could speak, Yuanshi Tianzun's exclamation came from the other side.

Tongtian quickly turned his head and looked, and a figure actually emerged from the cliff where the strong wind was howling.

The six-foot-tall earth-yellow stone man was the guy they met a while ago.

Glancing at the banana tree, Tongtian's face was clearly shocked.

"My luck is really enviable!" Tianyuan looked at the Three Pure Ones in the distance and couldn't help but sigh at the three people's good fortune.

Originally, he was planning to meet Hou Tu, but he didn't know that the Three Pure Ones would find the banana tree so quickly.

There are many spiritual roots on Mount Buzhou, but there are only a few that are comparable to the banana tree. Unfortunately, they are all owned by someone now.

Ordinary spiritual roots don't matter, after all, he can't keep them, but those few can't be lost.

In the astonishment of Tongtian and Laozi, and the angry eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun, Tianyuan lifted his right hand and took down the cliff.

He himself is Mount Buzhou, so he naturally knows where is the most suitable place for banana trees to live.

"Evil creature! How dare you!" Yuanshi Tianzun was furious!

Losing the innate gourd vine is fine, but now this stone man has moved the banana tree away, how can he not be angry.

The furious Yuanshi Tianzun once again offered the Three Treasures Jade Ruyi.

The bright auspicious light fell, and the rocks exploded, but there was no trace of the stone man in the air.

He flew high into the sky, looked in all directions, and his mind swept out quickly. Just like before, there was no place to find him.

"Big brother!" Tongtian frowned, and was very shocked.

Previously, they all thought that the stone man and the innate gourd vine were companions, but now it seems that this is not the case.

If this is not the case, why did the other party appear in the innate formation?

The innate formation contains the great power of heaven and earth, and it is very difficult for human power to break it, but it can only be dispersed.

He mysteriously appeared in the formation, happened to take the gourd vine away, and now he happened to appear here.

That stone man is not simple!

"The prehistoric world is extremely vast, and there are countless creatures. How can we know everything?" Although Laozi said so, there was still a trace of shock in the depths of Gu Bo's calm eyes.

Hearing what his big brother said, Tongtian frowned.

An inexplicable thought flashed through his mind. These spiritual roots belonged to the stone man.

Just thinking about it made him feel funny. This was Mount Buzhou. It was the spinal column of Pangu the Father. How could it be taken by others?

"Brother! The spiritual roots were taken away again. Why are you sitting here?" Yuanshi Tianzun flew back in a very bad mood.

The gourd vine was gone, and the banana tree was gone. He had not encountered such bad luck since he transformed.

They, the Three Pure Ones, were transformed by Pangu's original spirit. They enjoyed the merits of opening the sky and were favored by heaven and earth. How could anyone intercept their opportunity?

Laozi ignored him and said softly: "We should go back to Kunlun Mountain to practice in peace. You should break into the peak of Daluo Jinxian as soon as possible and wait for Daozu to preach again."

The stone man was an accident once, but it was the other party's ability to do it twice in a row.

It would be difficult for them to gain anything on Mount Buzhou.

"Big brother!" Yuanshi Tianzun was stunned. He didn't expect that big brother would ignore him.

Two spiritual roots, although they have extraordinary roots, they don't have many magic weapons in their hands.

Laozi didn't say anything else and fled directly to Kunlun Mountain. It would be a waste of time to stay.

"Second brother! Big brother is right. That stone man is very strange. We should focus on listening to the teachings in Zixiao Palace now." Tongtian nodded and persuaded solemnly.

The first lecture in Zixiao Palace talked about the way of Daluo. Big brother successfully entered the perfection of Daluo Jinxian, and they also broke into the late stage.

The second lecture three thousand years later talked about the realm after Daluo.

They must reach the peak of Daluo Jinxian before the next listening to the teachings, and then they will gain the most.

Although he was angry, Yuanshi Tianzun was helpless.

He knew the reason, but the opportunity was repeatedly robbed by the stone man, which was too weak for their reputation as the Three Pure Ones.

With Tongtian pulling and pulling, the two quickly chased after Laozi.

In the forest, Houtu was wondering why the stone man suddenly disappeared. But before long, the other party came out from the ground again.

Just like before, he appeared and disappeared without a trace.

Houtu even suspected that the stone man might not be able to detect the appearance behind her.

Looking at the sacred and dignified woman in front of him, Tianyuan began to look forward to it.

Convincing Houtu is the first step to taking down the entire witch clan!

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