Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 53 Tianyuan is your senior

Tianyuan stood behind, quietly watching Houtu who was in panic.

The ancestral witches were transformed from the essence and blood of Pangu. Compared to the great witches, they felt Buzhou Mountain's will more clearly.

More than half of the ground veins that have been dredged and purified are no longer what Kuafu and Houyi saw in the early days.

Tian Yuan was not surprised at all when Hou Tu had such an expression.

But the next second, his eyes slightly raised, a look of joy flashed across his face, and another volume of law appeared.

Just when Buzhoushan's will enveloped him, he felt another aura on Houtu.

In order not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings, he just used his will to cover Hou Tu slightly, without knowing the details.

But Tian Yuan still knew very well the body of Hou Tu's ancestral shaman. He had a human body and a snake tail, seven hands behind his back, and two hands on his chest, holding a soaring snake in both hands.

The law of earth has long been manifested, but Tianyuan did not expect that the snake also had the Daluo cultivation level.

From this point of view, the pets of the twelve ancestral witches are almost all Da Luo Jinxian.

Tian Yuan stood quietly on the side, but in his heart he controlled Bu Zhoushan's will and began to move the shamans away.

More and more tribulation energy is falling from the sky, and the transmission of will has become extremely laborious.

For long-term considerations, Tianyuan sent all these shamans to the furthest branches.

"Where is this place?" Hou Tu's voice sounded in his ears.

Houtu walked slowly, still unable to conceal the shock in his eyes.

The sacred mountain in front of him looked like the Father God standing in front of him. This was a situation that Hou Tu had never expected at all.

Before Tianyuan could answer, Hou Tu exclaimed loudly again: "Is this... calamity energy? Is there calamity energy born between heaven and earth?"

"This is Buzhou Mountain's consciousness space, come with me!" Tian Yuan said, striding towards the main vein in the middle.

The branch veins are attached to the main veins, which can only be regarded as a small engineering task. The most troublesome thing is the three main veins.

Not only are they huge, they also run through the entire eastern land, and the blockage is far worse than the branch veins. Tianyuan cannot estimate how long it will take.

The speed of unblocking the main veins depends largely on the ancestral witches.

"Jie Qi! Jie Qi!" Hou Tu followed behind, murmuring repeatedly.

There is a calamity in the sky, which means that another calamity will occur in the prehistoric times.

As an innately sacred Houtu, he naturally knows what the calamity represents.

When Long Han measured the calamity, the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn that once dominated the world were now in such miserable condition.

The Dragon Clan is okay and has retreated to the sea, but the Feng Clan and Qilin Clan have almost completely withdrawn from the prehistoric stage.

At present, in the ancient land, the Wu clan is so powerful that it has the potential to dominate the ancient land. Is it possible?

But before Hou Tu could think too much, he was attracted by the scene not far away.

A huge golden river appeared in front of you, extending towards the distant sky.

Hou Tu understood that this was what Tian Yuan was talking about.

With a little expectation, Hou Tu stepped into it. In an instant, dazzling golden light rose up, and the earth veins in front of him trembled slightly.

Tianyuan raised his eyes slightly, and surprise flashed across his face.

Looking behind him, he saw Houtu standing in the field with his eyes closed, and his whole body exuded an inexplicable Taoist charm, which seemed to echo the earth's veins.

Ancestral witches are indeed closely connected to the earth's veins, and it seems that the blood pool in Pangu Temple will also be of great use.

I just don’t know how much energy is left in the blood pool after so many years.

Tianyuan didn't ask and just waited quietly. After all, this was a good thing.

After a long time, Houtu Youyou opened his eyes, with inexplicable excitement on his face.

"As Brother Dao said, the earth veins should be dredged and purified by the Wu clan!" Hou Tu turned to look at Tian Yuan with respect in his tone.

Although it is still unclear where Tian Yuan came from, what the other party said is not false at all.

The mission of the Wu Clan is to dredge and purify the earth's veins and revive Buzhou Mountain's will. Otherwise, it will surely perish in a new calamity.

But unless the brothers see it with their own eyes, they will never believe it.

The other ancestral witches are not as easy to talk to as she is. If they want to come here, they will have to use force.

This is probably the fundamental reason why Tianyuan started to capture the Wu clan everywhere.

It is simply impossible for the Witch Clan to negotiate with a stone man, nor will they compromise with a great demon.

Hou Tu knew very well that she was unable to convince her brothers that the future of the Wu clan might depend on Tian Yuan.

Inexplicably, Hou Tu actually expected the Stone Man to capture all his brothers, and even bring all the Wu clan into this space.

Not only can it revive Buzhoushan's will, but it can also avoid the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

Hou Tu's awakening made Tian Yuan very satisfied.

With the cooperation of an ancestral shaman, no matter what happens to Di Jiang and others, the future work will be much easier.

He nodded and motioned for Hou Tu to follow quickly.

Many thoughts went through Hou Tu's mind, but his eyes looked around curiously.

Not long after, a roar from the front woke her up.

"Ah stone man! You hateful sneak attack stone man!"

Tianyuan looked at Xing Tian, ​​who was running towards him with Qian Qi in hand, and just turned slightly sideways.

Xing Tian had been very bored for the past few thousand years. After being captured, he kept talking about a duel with Tian Yuan.

Unexpectedly, after calling for hundreds of years, there was not even a response. The stone man seemed to have disappeared.

Suffocated, he could only come back to find Kuafu and Houyi, and finally reluctantly began the work of purifying the earth's veins.

In his spare time, he couldn't help but curse a few words.

Unexpectedly, the golden light of the earth vein flashed just now, and then he saw the hateful stone man.

Without thinking, Xing Tian picked up Qian Qi and slashed at the opponent. He wanted to vent the anger that had been suppressed for thousands of years.

Faced with his violent attack, the stone man did not resist, but just moved a little, revealing a figure.

Xing Tian was shocked when he saw that figure just now.

"Ancestor witch, Hou Tu Ancestor witch!!!"

Although the body of the ancestor witch was not revealed, how could he, as a great witch, be wrong.

Xing Tian was a little confused, and his axe fell straight towards Hou Tu.


With a dull sound, the stunned Xing Tian was kicked away by Hou Tu and fell in a mess in the distance.

The three Kuafu who turned around not far away were also stunned in the scene.

Ancestor witch, their own ancestor witch was captured by the stone man?

After a short silence, Kuafu's roar sounded in the ground veins: "Tianyuan!"

It was enough for this stone man to capture them, but he even didn't let the ancestor witch go. It was really abominable.

Although Hou Yi and the other two people next to him didn't speak, they also attacked with unfriendly faces.

Looking at Kuafu and his men who were running over in an instant, Tianyuan shook his head repeatedly. The witch clan was really brainless.

Couldn't Houtu's expression and movements reveal anything?

Besides, if even the ancestor witch could be captured, what use would a few great witches have?

Houtu's face trembled slightly, and a hint of embarrassment flashed across her face.

Just now, I still regarded Tianyuan as a great benefactor who saved the witch clan, but these stupid great witches were so rude.

"Okay!" A slightly annoyed voice, accompanied by a powerful momentum.

The power of the ancestor witch bloodline, Kuafu and the other two all fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Xingtian, who had just climbed up, was also pressed to the ground again by this force.

"Grandmaster ancestor witch?" Kuafu was at a loss.

Houtu ignored the expressions of the few people and said solemnly: "From now on, Tianyuan will be your senior, so you should respect him."


Kuafu, Houyi, and Xingtian stared with their eyes wide open, and they all stayed in the field.

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