Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 57: Fighting against Jie Yin and Zhunti

"Daoyou, what do you mean?" Jie Yin's face was ashen, and there was clearly unkindness in his eyes.

The look in the stone man's eyes at this moment also made Jie Yin very unhappy.

Earlier, he was still thinking about planning the gourd vine, but he hadn't met it yet. This stone man jumped out first and wanted to snatch his bitter bamboo.

The scene where the other party appeared was just like when he was in the valley, without any breath fluctuations.

Disappeared out of thin air, appeared out of thin air, without the slightest sign.

And the domineering punch just now was just pure physical strength.

Jie Yin glanced at Gun Gun standing next to the stone man, and he was a little confused.

He heard Gun Gun's name clearly. Could it be that this stone man was a hidden ancestor witch?

He couldn't feel the other party's breath at all, not to mention the monstrous blood and violent blood of the witch clan.

He didn't know the details of the ancestor witch, but he knew everything. Hou Tu had also seen him in Zixiao Palace.

Although the valley was not carefully checked earlier, Hou Tu's expression showed that she did not recognize the stone man.

Jie Yin was a little confused. What was the origin of this stone man?

"Everything in this mountain belongs to me. What do you think you want to do?" Tian Yuan said, then he jumped up and rushed towards Jie Yin.

After testing the power of the ancestor witch, it was time to find out the practice of the three thousand guests in Zixiao Palace.

Jie Yin and Zhunti were able to stand out in Zixiao Palace. Obviously, their own strength was not weak. They were very suitable trialers.

Jie Yin was stunned and speechless for a while.

He felt that his fellow apprentices were very shameless, but he did not expect that this stone man was even more excessive.

Buzhou Mountain is the pillar of the ancient world. He actually said that everything in the mountain was his. This was an opponent.

After looking at the stone man with a little fear, Jie Yin hurriedly summoned his fellow apprentices to come to help.

Whether it was the bitter bamboo in front of him or the gourd vine taken away by the stone man, they were all top-grade innate spiritual roots.

Capturing this stone man is a great fortune.

The only thing that worries him is the aftermath of the battle, which may attract the Three Pure Ones and others.

The thought flashed through his mind, and Jie Yin's face suddenly changed. The stone man appeared in front of him in an instant. There was no fancy attack, and the huge fist was still hitting him.

Jie Yin was shocked, and the treasure tower above his head was shining, and at the same time, a divine light blasted out of his palm.


The rosy clouds burst, and the magical power that was condensed with magic power was violently torn apart by the opponent.

The pair of fists with silver light blasted towards him with the remaining force.

Jie Yin was shocked, and his body flew away quickly. The beads and necklaces on the treasure tower above his head were flying, and there were nine-color rosy clouds pouring down, protecting him tightly in it.

There was a dull sound, and the treasure tower above his head shook again, and Jie Yin's face was a little ugly.

It would have been fine if he had just sacrificed it in a hurry, but now he was prepared, and the treasure tower was still shaking after being hit.

In terms of pure power attack, even if the stone man is not the ancestor witch, he is already comparable to the ancestor witch.

Jie Yin had no time to think about other things. He could only deal with the huge fists coming one after another.

"The defense of the top-grade innate spiritual treasure is really amazing." Tian Yuan muttered softly, looking at the treasure tower above Jie Yin's head.

The other party has sacrificed this treasure for countless Yuanhui, and he has been able to use it with ease.

However, Jie Yin's performance still made Tian Yuan a little confused. Although he was suppressed by the might of Mount Buzhou, it was impossible that there was no room for resistance.

At this moment, the golden light around Jie Yin in front of him was shining, and a ray of golden light escaped behind him.

As Tian Yuan expected, this guy was still thinking about Kuzhu and didn't go all out at all.

A ray of innate golden energy took shape, which was probably Jie Yin's body.

Tian Yuan's figure disappeared under the faint will, and when he appeared again, he had come to Jie Yin.

On Mount Buzhou, who else could be faster than him.

However, this will is not strong enough, so he can only assist him for the time being.

If he can turn into the power of heaven and earth to suppress others, it would be wonderful.

Perhaps if he can clear all the veins in the east, he can control the power of Buzhou Mountain to suppress the enemy.

I wonder if the completely revived Buzhou Mountain can directly suppress the Heavenly Dao Saint.

"What is that???"

Jie Yin's face changed drastically, and with a swish, he turned into a human form and stopped in the air.

Just now, he felt a special fluctuation, and the breath was very similar to Buzhou Mountain.

Is this the fundamental reason why the other party can come and go freely on Buzhou Mountain? But

Just before Jie Yin had time to think about it, a fist with rich silver light flew towards him.

Slightly touched, a domineering and arrogant aura rushed to his face, making his mind shake.

The golden light shone, and the treasure tower rotated rapidly, and it was even more prosperous against the wind, with a rich Xuanhuang aura emerging and surging out.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge golden cylinder, completely covering him.

With a thud, the silver light exploded, and the Jieying Treasure Tower flew out.


A cry came from the distant hilltop, and Tianyuan saw the colorful rays of light coming in front of him, trying to absorb him.

Seven Treasure Wonderful Tree!

Tianyuan's mind flashed this magic weapon in an instant, and his figure grew taller in the wind, and a rich white light bloomed.

The silver fist swung towards the rays of light, and the light exploded, and an object flew out and landed in the palm of Zhunti in the distance.

Looking at Zhunti who appeared, Tianyuan was not surprised at all, and his eyes were still hot.

"Daoyou! Since the bitter bamboo was found by my senior brother, it's too much." Zhunti's face was gloomy, and a touch of surprise flashed in the depths of his eyes.

The Seven Treasure Wonderful Tree was made by him using his transformed body and seven treasures. It is said that it can remove anything and is his most powerful magic weapon.

This stone man can break free with just his flesh, which is the first time Zhunti has seen it.

His eyes swept towards the bitter bamboo in the distance, and there was another top-grade innate spiritual root, but he didn't expect the stone man to appear.

"I see that the magic weapon in your hand is destined to be with me, why don't you give it to me!" Tianyuan glanced at the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree and spoke faintly.

The strength of the physical body is indeed extraordinary. No wonder the ancestor witch doesn't care about spiritual treasures at all.

What kind of magic, magical power, and spiritual treasure, all can be broken by the flesh.

"Arrogant!" Zhunti was furious. "Brother, let's work together to capture him!"

The movement just now was not small. Maybe someone else has come. They must fight quickly.

Jieyin didn't reply. He held the treasure tower on his head, took out a whisk and hit Tianyuan.

Zhunti followed closely with the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree in his hand. Both of them didn't hide their strength anymore.

The longer the time drags on, the more disadvantageous it will be for them!

"Hehe! Good timing!" Tianyuan was overjoyed.

He was still a little cautious in other places, worried about being attacked by others, but he could fight freely on Mount Buzhou.

Amid the rumbling sound, there was a glow and laws gushing out, and Tianyuan's majestic body rushed forward without any defense.

Listening to the stone man's howling, Jie Yin's face became more and more ugly.

At the moment, he did not hold back, and had to rely on his junior brother to help, but the effect was not obvious.

Since they transformed, they have been together day and night, and are very good at the art of joint attack.

Under the relentless attack, Tianyuan rarely fought back, and with their numerous attacks on his physical body, he became more and more courageous.

"Senior brother! This stone man's physical body is a treasure." Zhunti whispered.

Jie Yin's face trembled slightly. At this time, he still had the mind to think about these things.

He glanced at the distance and immediately sighed that it was not good. Several familiar breaths were approaching rapidly.

This bitter bamboo, I'm afraid there is no hope!

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