Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 60 How sacred is Tianyuan?

"It was Fuxi who offended me!" Fuxi was also a calm person. He cupped his hands and apologized softly.

This surprised Tianyuan who said it casually. After a moment's thought, he realized that Fuxi must have secretly performed divination on him.

Tian Yuan didn't care about this. After all, he was so mysterious that anyone would try it.

However, looking at the other party's expression, it seemed that he had gained nothing, and Tian Yuan was not surprised.

He and Buzhoushan are one and the same spirit, enveloped by a strong will, they are extraordinary creatures.

Nuwa, who came up, looked at Fuxi strangely, and then looked at Tianyuan.

"Fellow Taoist Tianyuan, when I looked at the nine-sky soil under the gourd vine, I had an inexplicable feeling in my heart."

As she spoke, she realized that her words were very ambiguous. Nuwa quickly explained: "It's not that Nuwa is plotting against Taoist friends' spiritual objects, it's just that the objects seem...seemingly."

Speaking of the latter part, Nuwa didn't know how to express it. She couldn't say that she was destined to me, right?

She still doesn't know why she feels so empty and empty in her heart.

After arriving at that valley, she was puzzled. Now that Tianyuan was right in front of her, Nuwa couldn't help but ask.

Facing Nuwa's longing gaze, Tianyuan hesitated for a moment, but softly replied: "The time has not come yet."

Part of the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil has become his top-grade innate spiritual treasure, and part of it is still nourishing the gourd vine, which he must not give to the other party.

If there is some residue left after the gourd vine takes shape, that will happen in the future.

His current relationship with Nuwa is not enough to produce such a spiritual object.

After all, the remaining Nine Heavens Breathing Soil can also complement his magic weapon and shorten the repair time.

As for creating humans, Tianyuan has already tried it. It is impossible to create a human race with Jiutian Breathing Soil alone.

There were humans first and then the human race. If you want to create the human race, you will most likely have to understand the law of creation.

Later generations of Tianyuan have always speculated that Nuwa may not have become a saint through merit at all, but achieved enlightenment through this law.

The other party retreated to chaos after becoming a saint, probably because he was rejected by this world.

Just like that raised eyebrow, Zheng Dao Hunyuan directly escaped from the chaos, and never appeared in the prehistoric world since then.

"Huh?" Nuwa was stunned, surprise clearly visible on her face.

She originally just thought about whether Tianyuan could let her observe Jiutianxi soil at a close distance.

Unexpectedly, the meaning of Tianyuan's words seemed to be that he knew the effect of Jiutian Breathing Earth on her. How could this not shock Nuwa.

She had only met the other person twice before and after. How could Tianyuan understand her so well?

"Fellow Taoist." How could Nuwa not care about such an important matter.

Before Nai He finished speaking, he was interrupted by Tian Yuan with a wave of his hand: "It's too early now, you will understand by then."

Nuwa is now in the late stage of Daluo Jinxian, and her cultivation of laws is definitely not enough.

Moreover, Tianyuan still needs to decide whether to allow Nuwa to create humans.

Nuwa's curiosity was obviously aroused by Tianyuan. Before she could say anything else, Fuxi stepped forward.

"Sister! Since Brother Dao said this, I'll just wait and see."

They didn't have much friendship with Tian Yuan, and they almost had a conflict over the gourd vine earlier.

Now that Tianyuan could tell them so much, Fuxi was very surprised.

They have just seen the strength of the stone man, and his origin is very mysterious. They should focus on making friends, and asking more questions may make people unhappy.

Nuwa also realized that Tianyuan was not obliged to tell her so much, and it would be rude to ask for more.

Taking a deep breath, Nuwa apologized to Tianyuan. "It was Nuwa who was abrupt!"

Tiantian waved his hand and didn't take it to heart. He was still relatively kind to the Fuxi brothers and sisters.

If it were anyone else, there is a high probability that they would have directly joined the battle and captured him together with Jieyin and Zhunti.

Zhen Yuanzi didn't know what Nuwa and the others were talking about, so he invited her enthusiastically: "Fellow Taoist Tianyuan, the ginseng fruit trees at Pindao Wuzhuang are ripe, so we can come and get together."

After going through Calabash Vine and what happened just now, Zhen Yuanzi has a very good impression of this mysterious stone man.

As he spoke, Zhen Yuanzi also looked at the Fuxi brothers and sister: "You two fellow Taoists can go together."

The two of them were of good moral character, and Nuwa even got a futon in Zixiao Palace, so Zhen Yuanzi naturally wanted to make friends with her.

"Fellow Taoist was kind, but Tian Yuan declined." Tian Yuan cupped his hands, he didn't like eating fruit.

Then with a wave of his hand, inexplicable energy came out, and suddenly the bitter bamboo in the mountain valley turned into a flash of green light and disappeared, leaving only a green bamboo forest.

Jie Yin and Zhunti were still on Mount Buzhou at the moment, and he didn't want anything to happen to these spiritual roots.

Besides, if he leaves Buzhou Mountain, those ancestral witches might still surround him.

The top priority, in addition to protecting the spiritual objects in Buzhou Mountain, is to seize the time to meditate and prepare for the capture of the ancestral witch.

Tianyuan's casual action made the eyes of several people in the field shrink slightly again.

Although they did not deliberately detect it, Daluo Jinxian's perception was so powerful that there was still no mana fluctuation in the air and no law aura.

Such a top-quality innate spiritual root can be removed so easily.

Zhen Yuanzi thought for a moment and understood Tianyuan's concerns, and then he said cheerfully: "In this case, we can meet again when we have the opportunity."

After saying this, he looked at Nuwa and Fuxi beside him.

The reason for getting to know the two of them was not only because the Fuxi brothers and sisters were not weak in moral conduct, but also because of Hongyun.

I can't always keep this good friend, and getting to know a few more people will be beneficial without any harm.

The ginseng fruit has the spiritual root of ancient times. Fuxi has been interested in it for a long time. He was about to respond, but he paused and immediately apologized: "Fellow Taoist invites you, but Fuxi may not be able to go."

Nuwa did not speak, but looked apologetically at Zhen Yuanzi.

Seeing that no one was going, Zhen Yuanzi was not angry, and turned to look at Hong Yun beside him.

"Okay, okay! I'll go to your Wuzhuang Temple to sit for a while!" Hong Yun waved his hand and ignored Zhen Yuanzi's eager eyes.

When he was traveling in Buzhou Mountain just now, Zhen Yuanzi had suggested that he go to Wuzhuang Temple for a gathering.

He and Zhen Yuanzi had known each other for a long time, and they had always gone there when they were familiar with ginseng fruit, and they had long been tired of eating it.

Zhen Yuanzi immediately looked happy, and he was just worried about Hong Yun.

Then he turned around and bowed to Tian Yuan and the others: "Those Taoist friends, let's say goodbye now, and see you later."

After sitting in Wuzhuang Temple, the two discussed Taoism, and then went to Zixiao Palace to save Hong Yun from running around.

Hongyun, who was standing by, also bowed to the others, and seemed to have thought of something, and said to Tianyuan: "Daoyou, the second lecture of Zixiao Palace will be held soon, and we can go together then."

He was warm and friendly to others, and never made enemies with others. It was rare that a Daoist friend was very much in line with Zhenyuanzi's wishes, and Hongyun also wanted to get to know him better.

Besides, Tianyuan had never been seen in Zixiao Palace, and Hongyun did not want him to miss such a great opportunity.

Zhenyuanzi, who was standing by, also nodded slightly.

Faced with the kindness of the two, Tianyuan shook his head and responded softly: "I want to prove the Dao by the law, and the Dao in Zixiao Palace is not in line with me."

The way to kill the three corpses is simply a pit. Without three spiritual treasures of the same origin, it is impossible for the three corpses to unite and take the last step.

The three brothers of Sanqing were rewarded with a lot of spiritual treasures by Hongjun, but there was no magic treasure of the same origin. It was a clear pit.

As for merit? Mount Buzhou is the peak of heaven and earth, blessing all living things in the ancient world. Who can compare with him in merit and virtue?

But Tianyuan has not figured it out yet. He has been sorting out the earth veins for a while, but why can't he see any merit and virtue?

Tianyuan's casual words immediately shocked several people in the field again.

The second lecture of Zixiao Palace talks about the cultivation of the Golden Immortal. Tianyuan knows it now?

Zhenyuanzi, Hongyun and Fuxi brothers and sisters were all stunned. They didn't know whether what Tianyuan said was true or false.

But there is no doubt that Tianyuan's mystery is absolutely beyond their imagination.

Looking at the stunned people in the field, Tianyuan smiled and said: "The Zixiao Palace preaching is still worth taking. Everyone, please leave now."

After speaking, Tianyuan stepped into the distance.

All the reminders have been made. Several people are extraordinary and sacred, and they should be considered.

Dear gentlemen, it is still the new book period, so I can only update twice a day with 4,000 words for recommendation. I can't update more than that. I can only update it after it is on the shelves. Just wait a few more days and it will be OK.

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