Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 62 The Demon Court is established, and the Heavenly Dao is the witness

In the western land, two figures flew by in the air.

Jie Yin and Zhunti had gloomy faces, and neither of them spoke.

The west was barren, and they had traveled to the east many times before, taking away many natural treasures.

In the past, they were the only ones who took others' share by force, but now they were robbed one after another by a stone man.

There were so many top-grade innate spiritual roots in Buzhou Mountain, such as gourd vine, bitter bamboo, and yellow plum, but there was not a single one on Mount Xumi.

Recalling the scene on Mount Buzhou, the two were heartbroken.

Two top-grade innate spiritual roots, whether planted on Mount Xumi or used to refine spiritual treasures, would be a great opportunity, but they were cut off by a stone man.

"Brother! Never let that stone man go in the future!" Zhunti said in a low voice.

The stone man's body is a treasure, absolutely a good material for refining equipment.

"Let's talk after the lecture in Zixiao Palace is over!" Jie Yin glanced at the Buzhou Mountain behind him, which was gradually getting smaller. He could not see anything in his eyes.

The other party had a mysterious origin and could ignore the power of Buzhou Mountain. They were at a disadvantage.

This stone man was very strange. The two of them had transformed for a long time, but they had never heard of each other.

More importantly, it was unreasonable that the stone man in the Daluo Jinxian realm did not go to Zixiao Palace.

Zhunti did not speak again. The two of them on Buzhou Mountain failed to snatch the spiritual root together, which really weakened the reputation of their fellow apprentices.

The Buzhou Mountain behind him was getting smaller and smaller, and was gradually shrouded by layers of fog.

Zhunti looked to the west with a puzzled look on his face. "Brother! Why haven't we reached Mount Xumi yet?"

They had walked this road many times. It was reasonable to see Mount Xumi in the sky.

But in the sight, there was only a bleak land, and there was no trace of Mount Xumi.

Jie Yin had naturally discovered it a long time ago. He did not reply, but just sped up.

After a long time, they finally saw a high mountain in the distant sky, surrounded by clouds and mist.

Jie Yin and Zhunti looked at each other, and a thought flashed through their minds.

The prehistoric world is expanding!

At the same time, the two thought of the vision of Buzhou Mountain.

Buzhou Mountain's power increased dramatically, and the mountain body exploded. Now even the prehistoric world is getting bigger.

Zhunti's eyes lit up, and he exclaimed: "Maybe the Taoist preached the prehistoric world and blessed all living beings, so the heaven and earth felt it!"

"Good!" Jie Yin nodded and agreed very much.

Thinking of the six cushions in Zixiao Palace, where all their brothers and sisters sat, the two were very proud.

There are three thousand guests in Zixiao Palace, but only six cushions, which is definitely not that simple.

After the transformation, they called each other brothers and sisters, and they might really become brothers and sisters in the future.

Recalling the power of the Taoist, Jie Yin and Zhunti's hearts became hot again.

At this moment, the sound of a bell rang through the world.

The innate treasure, the Chaos Bell!

The two paused and immediately looked up at the sky.

"The chaos in the world, all living beings are suffering, I, Emperor Jun (Taiyi), feel the chaos of heaven and earth.

Now, with the thirty-three heavens as the foundation, the Demon Court is established to rule the myriad races in the world!

The way of heaven will witness it!"

As soon as the words fell, the sound of a bell rang.

The sound of the bell was so loud that the world was eclipsed, and the rolling holy power shocked the universe!

"What great ambitions these Emperor Jun and Taiyi have!" Zhunti cursed angrily, his face was not surprised.

To rule the myriad races in the world, what are they?

But the next moment, he was stunned in the field.

There was a buzzing sound from the world, and the sky was full of rosy clouds, auspicious clouds, and fairy music.

There were countless golden air waves rising from all over the world, turning into dense golden streaks and gathering towards the Demon Court.

Luck is the convergence of luck between heaven and earth!

It means that the way of heaven has agreed to the oath of Emperor Jun and Taiyi.


Jie Yin and Zhunti looked at each other, their eyes full of shock.

Many innate saints who were angry at the arrogance of Emperor Jun and Taiyi were also shocked by the dense luck of the sky.

Heaven and earth recognized, the demon court was actually recognized by heaven and earth!

In the Pangu Temple, Dijiang and other ancestor witches escaped from the blood pool one by one, staring at the starry sky.

"Rampant! It's really too rampant! How dare two flat-haired beasts lead the prehistoric world?"

"Brother! Attack the demon court and kill these two guys."

"That's right! How can we, the Pangu authentic sect, succumb to the two demons."

Zhu Rong was furious, with seven feet of flames spewing from his eyes.

The fire snakes on his ears hissed, venting the anger of the master.

The rest of Gonggong and others were all ready to fight, waiting for the order from the eldest brother to smash the thirty-three heavens. Let this newly established demon court immediately collapse in the prehistoric starry sky.

As for the so-called recognition of heaven and earth, their ancestor witches are even more disdainful.

Di Jiang had a gloomy face, ignoring the angry and irritable ancestor witches, and stared at the sky with his eyes.

He thought of the quantitative catastrophe that his younger sister had mentioned some time ago. It turned out that the biggest opponent of the witch clan was the demon court.

In the dazzling golden streak, it was obvious that a strong breath was escaping to the demon court.

The witch clan ruled the prehistoric land and killed many demons. Now that the demon court has been recognized by heaven and earth, all the demons must gather.

But when his younger sister Hou Tu thought of this, Di Jiang felt angry.

He had always loved Hou Tu, but at this moment he had to be angry at her stubbornness.

Without Hou Tu, the strongest means of the ancestor witches were restricted, and a hateful stone man appeared on Mount Buzhou.

Seeing that Di Jiang did not say anything, Xuan Ming hurriedly shouted: "Big Brother! What are we waiting for?"

The ancestor witches are bloodthirsty, and she, Xuan Ming, is the worst. Di Jun and Tai Yi are so arrogant that they should be killed in the air in the name of the authentic Pangu witch clan.

Emperor Jiang slowly turned around, his eyes swept over the ancestor witches, and he said indifferently: "Go back, retreat and practice!"

After that, he ignored the ancestor witches and plunged into the blood pool.

The demon court was just established, and the momentum was at its peak. Taiyi also controlled the innate treasure of the Chaos Bell, and was definitely not an ordinary person.

The key is that the Twelve Dutian Gods and Demons formation is missing. If you attack rashly, the result is unpredictable.



Emperor Jiang's reaction made Xuanming and others stand there in a daze.

Di Jun and Taiyi were so arrogant, but the elder brother actually endured it. It was completely beyond their expectations, and they immediately looked at Xuanming.

Because of Tianyuan, the ancestor witches had been holding back their anger for a long time. When would they not fight now?

Meeting the eyes of everyone, Xuanming took a deep breath, and finally cursed: "Brother has spoken, why are you still standing there stupidly."

After that, he kicked Gonggong next to him into the blood pool, and his body followed him in.

Although the ancestor witch was furious and arrogant, he never disobeyed Emperor Jiang.

The rest of Gonggong and others looked at each other. Although they were all full of anger, they still went into the blood pool one after another, but the anger in their hearts was even greater.

On Mount Buzhou, Tianyuan looked up at the sky and was shocked.

In addition to admiring the domineering power of Emperor Jun and Taiyi, he also felt the power of the Chaos Bell.

Without this treasure, how could a word spread throughout the prehistoric world.

Donghuang Taiyi, the first person under the saint!

"I have to hurry up and practice, don't let these coolies fight to death." With a mutter, Tianyuan closed his eyes and began to practice the law of power.

Dijun and Taiyi set up the demon court, which was within his expectations, and he was not surprised!

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