Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 69 The Five Supreme Laws

Chaos Law!

This sudden discovery completely stunned Tian Yuan. He didn't expect this treasure gourd to be so extraordinary.

This is not as powerful as the gourd baby said. I'm afraid it is far beyond the ordinary top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

Chaos Law, what top-grade innate spiritual treasure can contain Chaos Law?

The so-called heaven is one and earth is two, heaven is three and earth is four, heaven is five and earth is six, heaven is seven and earth is eight, heaven is nine and earth is ten. The number of heaven is five, the number of earth is five, the number of heaven is twenty-five, and the number of earth is thirty.

The sum of heaven and earth is fifty-five, the number of Dayan is fifty, and one of them is hidden, which is forty-nine.

Forty-nine is divided into three thousand great ways, and three thousand is derived from thousands of great ways. There are more than three thousand Chaos Demon Gods.

Therefore, the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods are not unique to the number of three thousand, but all refer to you.

And the five outside the Dayan are the five hidden supreme laws, which are—creation, chaos, destiny, infinity, and destruction.

Creation is to create everything, chaos is to condense everything, fate is to control everything, infinity is to carry everything, and destruction is to destroy everything!

These five supreme laws also correspond to the five famous chaos treasures in the chaos.

The Axe of Creation, the Jade Disc of Creation, the Great Mill of Destruction, the Chaos Green Lotus, and the last Chaos Pearl.

Pangu was able to create the world and kill three thousand Chaos Demons, not because of the law of force alone. The most heaven-defying thing was his body, which was nurtured by the law of creation!

All this information came from the memory of Buzhou Mountain. With the continuous purification of the earth veins, Tianyuan was able to know it.

Nuwa practiced the law of creation. Tianyuan had previously guessed that the other party must have touched the law of creation, one of the five supreme laws, and then successfully took that step.

As for the so-called merit and sainthood, it is likely that Hongjun deliberately confused the Three Pure Ones.

And the one in Zixiao Palace who was able to plan the prehistoric world was probably relying on the broken chaos treasure of the Jade Disc of Creation.

Because it represents fate, controlling the cause and effect of all things in the prehistoric world, past and present lives. And it is also because of this treasure that Hongjun can be in harmony with the Tao.

But now the treasure gourd actually contains the law of chaos, how can Tianyuan not be shocked.

This means that the treasure gourd in the hands of the gourd boy may not only be a top-grade innate spiritual treasure in the future.

At this moment, Tianyuan also understands why the seventh gourd was taken away by Hongjun.

"Okay! Father Mountain will rely on you a lot in the future!" After handing the treasure gourd back, Tianyuan was even happier.

The gourd vine that took shape was completely beyond his expectations.

The stronger the gourd boy is, the easier it will be for Buzhou Mountain to revive its will in the future.

After receiving the treasure gourd, Calabash Boy happily responded, "Of course, I must help Father Mountain return to its heyday."

Tian Yuan nodded and smiled after touching the other's head, "You just transformed, hurry up and consolidate, there will be a lot of things waiting for you in the future."

Calabash Boy nodded heavily, then sat on the ground and began to meditate.

It was obvious that he preferred the feeling of being surrounded by the breath of Father Mountain.

Tian Yuan did not disturb him, and his figure appeared in the earth vein.

He checked the stone men one by one, gold, wood, water, and fire, and this space manifested four more laws.

As Tian Yuan expected, Calabash Boy practiced the acquired five elements, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

In addition to Kuafu and others earlier, there are now ten laws manifested.

"Huh!" Tian Yuan flashed and came in front of a stone man.

The yellow-brown stone man was the first to manifest the law of earth.

The stone man had already reached the late stage of Daluo Jinxian like him, but he seemed to have become a little different after not seeing him for a while.

Tianyuan, who was puzzled, calmed down and turned into Buzhou Mountain.

"So that's it!" After a while, Tianyuan opened his eyes, and joy was clearly visible on his face.

This stone man was able to manifest because of him, but Houtu who came later and the current gourd baby also practiced the law of earth.

Their appearance gradually supplemented the origin of the stone man's law.

The number of three thousand represents the original three thousand avenues. They are powerful only because they are the most original laws.

Tianyuan is very happy, and he is more looking forward to the three thousand stone men in the consciousness space.

In the future, he plans to capture all the witches, and those guys in the demon court cannot be let go.

At that time, this world will definitely need people to maintain order, and these three thousand stone men are the best choice.

Representing the three thousand strongest avenues, who else can be the enemy?

The top of Buzhou Mountain stands on the sky and carries all things in the prehistoric world. It must be extraordinary.

"It seems that no Daluo Jinxian can be let go in the future!" Tianyuan touched his chin, very satisfied with this discovery.

However, when he transformed into Buzhou Mountain just now, Tianyuan did not see Hou Tu's figure in the earth veins.

Whether it was the main vein or the branch veins, he did not feel the other party's breath.

"Where did you go to improve your strength?" Tianyuan muttered, and his figure flew out of the earth veins.

The space here is not weaker than the prehistoric land, and there are many wills floating in the air. It is impossible to find it.

Tianyuan looked around casually and ignored it.

He still trusted Hou Tu, maybe the other party had some other discoveries here.

Back to Buzhou Mountain, Tianyuan began to concentrate on practicing the law of power.

Calabash Boy is consolidating his realm, and Tianyuan wants to go down the mountain when he talks about Zixiao Palace for the second time, so he is not in a hurry to capture the witch clan.

On the thirty-third heaven, Di Jun listened to the report of the demon saint below, and was still very satisfied.

In just a thousand years, there were millions of Taiyi Golden Immortals who defected to the Demon Court, and countless Golden Immortals and Demons. Only the Daluo Golden Immortals were less, less than a hundred.

However, Emperor Jun was not in a hurry. The prehistoric world was too big, and it took a lot of time to travel. The luck of heaven and earth gathered, and there would be more and more demons coming in the future.

As for those Daluo Golden Immortals, they were all in seclusion for the second lecture of Zixiao Palace, so naturally there were fewer.

Emperor Jun strode down, looking at the handsome man in front of him, and he was also fond of him.

Bai Ze, his favorite demon saint besides Fuxi.

Nodding, Emperor Jun asked softly: "Has Emperor Xi come back?"

He had already returned from the East China Sea, but he had never seen Fuxi in the Demon Court.

Just as Bai Ze was about to reply, he saw a figure hurriedly rushing in from a distance, it was Fuxi.

"Emperor Xi!" Bai Ze slightly turned sideways and bowed to the other party.

Fuxi nodded in response, walked forward quickly, and said helplessly: "I have failed the trust of the Demon King."

"Hmm?" Di Jun was obviously stunned.

Di Jun still had some expectations for the stone man of Buzhou Mountain. He was not an ordinary creature to be able to snatch the gourd vine from him.

If he could be used by the Demon Court, he could also be the Demon King.

He didn't want Fuxi to come in person, and didn't invite the other party.

"Well! There are only more than a thousand years left in the second lecture of Zixiao Palace. You should practice well in the rest of the time." Di Jun waved his hand, not really caring.

If you really want to subdue the other party, let your second brother Taiyi go there later.

"By the way, Demon King, the gourd vine of Buzhou Mountain has transformed." Fuxi said another discovery of this trip.

"Is it that gourd vine?" Di Jun was shocked.

Such a shocking phenomenon, he naturally saw it, but he had never gone down to the world to explore.

At the beginning, it was obviously not awakened to spiritual wisdom, and it was related to the opportunity of the second brother, how could it suddenly transform?

Di Jun felt that this matter was strange, and it seemed that he really had to go to Buzhou Mountain when he had time.

Fuxi nodded, and then briefly told him about the trip to Buzhou Mountain.

"We will discuss this matter later, and now we should prepare for the second lecture in Zixiao Palace!" Di Jun said, looking at Bai Ze.

In the first lecture in Zixiao Palace, apart from Fuxi and Nuwa, only he and Taiyi went to the Demon Court.

For the second lecture in Zixiao Palace, he planned to bring a group of Daluo demon saints with him.

Bai Ze nodded in agreement!

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