Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 99: Nuwa helps capture Fuxi

Tianyuan first came to the main vein near the north, the one reserved for the demons.

From a distance, there were already many figures among them, all of whom were the demons he threw in last time, and Chitie, one of the ten demon saints of the demon court, was among them.

Compared with the indignant Gonggong, this demon saint was much more obedient.

Although he was just as unruly at the beginning and was beaten up by the stone man, he now looked much more obedient.

Seeing Tianyuan appear at this moment, Chitie's eyes shrank slightly, and a trace of fear flashed across his honest face.

As if he had not seen Tianyuan, he buried his head in cleaning the strange stones in front of him.

The remaining demons saw Tianyuan and the other person, and they all looked terrified, and did not dare to come forward at all.

Among the many figures standing, only three demons hurriedly came forward and saluted respectfully.

"Blood Dragon (Xiong Da and Xiong Er) greets Senior Tianyuan!"

The three demons looked happy, and their eyes were full of respect.

Looking at the familiar Tian Yuan in front of him, Xue Jiao only had great respect in his heart.

It has been less than ten thousand years since he came to this space, and he has already entered the Daluo Jinxian, which is something he dare not even imagine.

After the dragon clan carried a huge karma, he was still able to break into the Daluo Jinxian, how excited Xue Jiao was.

You should know that in the heyday of the dragon clan, the Daluo Jinxian was also a rare fighting force.

All of this is because of the stone man in front of him.

Without Tian Yuan, he would not be where he is now.

After dredging a lot of ground veins earlier, he didn't expect that there was a bigger main vein waiting for him.

It was huge and wide, and there was no end in sight. What's more, it was full of strange stones.

Xue Jiao estimated that if he could completely purify this main vein, he might have a chance to catch up with his ancestors.

How could Xue Jiao not be grateful for such a great opportunity.

The same is true for Xiong Da and Xiong Er next to him. They both entered the ranks of Taiyi Jinxian early.

The gratitude for Tian Yuan is not less than that of Xue Jiao.

Tian Yuan nodded and looked at Chi Tie in the distance: "Chi Tie! Come here!"

The captured demons all came to the Demon Court, and Chi Tie, a middle-stage Golden Immortal Demon Saint, was naturally much more useful.

Chi Tie, who had been burying his head and didn't want to pay attention, trembled all over, raised his head, and walked forward reluctantly.

Tian Yuan's fear was not only about those terrifying stone men, but also the roar at the foot of the distant sacred mountain.

There were four demon kings and one demon master in the Demon Court, and then there were the ten demon saints.

Among the ten demon saints, his status was only lower than Bai Ze, and he was deeply loved by the demon emperor Di Jun. Who else in the prehistoric world was taken seriously by him?

Until Chi Tie saw the ancestor witch Gong Gong being beaten by a group of stone men, it became an indelible picture in his mind.

As a confidant of Di Jun, Chi Tie knew the situation of the witch clan very well. The ancestor witch was equivalent to the demon king.

That hateful stone man not only captured the great witch, but also the ancestor witch.

When he first met Gonggong, his whole head was in a trance and he couldn't react at all.

Now seeing Tianyuan again, how could Chitie dare to be arrogant.

"Meet Senior Tianyuan of Tianyuan Dao!" Chitie bowed and said in a muffled voice.

Tianyuan nodded slightly, then waved his hand, and suddenly yellow clouds surged, and huge figures fell from the sky.

They were surrounded by demonic energy and roared angrily.

The gourd baby next to him also sacrificed the treasure gourd and spit out demons one by one.

Seeing the familiar figures, Chitie's face twitched and his heart was full of mixed feelings.

It was obviously attacking the witch tribe, but in the end he was inexplicably captured by a stone man.

He stood aside and didn't say anything, and he understood Tianyuan's meaning very well.

There was a faint momentum released, covering the figures.

The many angry and irritable demons, seeing Chitie here, all calmed down.

Only those pairs of eyes looked at Tianyuan and the surrounding environment, and there was doubt in their eyes.

The flowing golden spiritual energy and the gray sky were obviously not the prehistoric world.

The three blood dragons standing beside Hou Li were also shocked by the figures that kept falling from the sky.

At a glance, there were many big monsters, each of which was very powerful, and many were in the realm of Taiyi Jinxian.

Tianyuan didn't care what the monsters in the field thought, leaving behind a group of monsters and disappearing with the gourd baby.

With a flash of his figure, the two came to the main vein in the middle.

When he appeared just now, he saw a group of bruised and swollen ancestors, and only Houyi looked normal.

Kuafu, Xingtian and others all looked depressed, and they were cleaning the strange stones in the ground veins with their heads down.

Without much explanation, leaving behind the dense witches, the two figures disappeared again.

They were all old employees, and Houyi and others knew what to do.

After feeling the dozens of laws that gradually began to manifest, Tian Yuan left the consciousness space with satisfaction.

When he returned to Mount Buzhou again, the world was still filled with a strong smell of blood.

The corpses of many monsters scattered on the prehistoric land have been moved away by the witches one after another.

Almost all the monsters who fell were above the Golden Immortal, and their blood and qi were of great benefit to the witches' practice.

Outside the Pangu Temple, the violent breath of the ancestor witch was clearly visible, and Tian Yuan could clearly feel the anger in it.

It had been a while since the battle ended, and Di Jiang and others must have known about Gong Gong's situation.

Tian Yuan was a little surprised that these ancestor witches did not come to him.

It seems that the ancestor witches and other reckless men still have their heads.

Tian Yuan also had some understanding of Di Jiang and others' thoughts.

There was a hint of fear in the anger.

Hou Tu disappeared, and now Gong Gong was captured again. These ancient witches are probably going to practice madly.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard a person works, he can't compare to him who has opened a cheat.

It is unknown when the three main veins will be unblocked, but Tian Yuan estimates that it will not take long for the remaining branches.

When the 108 branches of the Eastern Land are completely purified, he can successfully break into the Hunyuan Jinxian.

After observing the witch tribe, Tian Yuan and Calabash Brothers practiced in Buzhou Mountain, waiting for Nuwa's action.

Time passed slowly, and above the prehistoric starry sky, Fuxi escaped from the thirty-three heavens with a gloomy face.

Heavy losses! The losses of the demon court were far beyond his imagination.

The group of Daluo Jinxian demons who came out with them actually lost dozens of people, and even Chitie, one of the ten great demon saints, did not come back.

The demon seals they left in the demon court were not broken, which means that they have not fallen yet.

There is no doubt that all these Daluo Jinxian demons were captured by Tian Yuan and Nuwa.

So many top fighters of the Demon Court have been captured, and the number of Golden Immortal and Taiyi Golden Immortal demons is probably countless.

Fuxi didn't know why Tianyuan captured so many demons, but he had to get them back now.

Fuxi, who had descended from the starry sky, hurried to the Buzhou Mountain Nuwa Palace.

The palace door was wide open, and his younger sister Nuwa was quietly waiting in it, waiting for his arrival.

Fuxi was very angry and asked directly: "Where are those demons?"

He knew that his younger sister didn't like him entering the Demon Court, but Fuxi didn't expect Nuwa to take the initiative to oppose the Demon Court.

You must know that Nuwa at this moment is still one of the four emperors of the Demon Court.

"Brother, the catastrophe of heaven and earth has begun, are you still stubborn?" Meeting Fuxi's gaze, Nuwa's eyes were full of helplessness.

Ordinary creatures don't know the destiny, how could they, the innate gods, not notice it.

Many of them were born before the first catastrophe of Longhan, and they can be said to have witnessed the desolation of the three tribes with their own eyes.

Whether it is the Demon Court or the Wu Clan, they will not have a good end.

Fuxi did not answer, but said indifferently: "I need you to capture those demons, and why Tianyuan is capturing the two tribes of witches and liches everywhere?"

For Nuwa, Fuxi was really angry this time.

The first battle between witches and liches is related to the fate of the entire demon court.

If Nuwa does not help the demon court, he Fuxi will not say anything, but deliberately dragging his feet is too much.

"Ah!" Nuwa sighed heavily, knowing that there is no possibility of persuading Fuxi.

In an instant, dense array patterns in the hall rose, instantly covering the entire Nuwa Palace.

"Little sister! What do you mean?" Fuxi had a gloomy face and did not mean to resist at all.

Although he was angry and blamed Nuwa, Fuxi still loved his little sister very much.

Nuwa did not speak, only to see the array patterns flashing in the hall, turning into golden light and converging towards Fuxi.

Circles after circles, like golden ripples in the air, covering Fuxi.

Looking at the layers of golden hoops on his body, Fuxi still didn't care too much, but said calmly: "Let those monsters go, and the Demon Court will forgive them."

Nuwa was familiar with him, and Fuxi knew Nuwa's methods.

This kind of array secret technique, as long as he was given some time, Fuxi could easily break it, and it was impossible for Nuwa to trap him forever.

Nuwa didn't say anything, waved her right hand, and a golden thread wrapped around the golden ring, pulling Fuxi to fly out of the Wa Palace.

Fuxi's face sank, and he felt something was wrong.

Just after leaving the Wa Palace, Fuxi's eyes narrowed, and his eyes looked into the distance angrily.

There, a figure slowly appeared, it was Tianyuan who had met several times.

"Little sister, what do you want to do?" Fuxi was shocked and shouted hurriedly.

He never thought that Nuwa would capture him to Tianyuan.

Fuxi was more and more confused, when did Nuwa have such a close relationship with Tianyuan.

"Brother Dao, Fuxi is here!" Nuwa flew forward and responded softly.

Originally, Nuwa still had some concerns, but Fuxi's appearance at this moment made her more determined.

Houtu must have made a choice for the Wu clan, and she didn't want her brother to fall in the catastrophe.

Tianyuan looked at Fuxi, who was angry and struggling, and his face was very happy.

The ancestor witches were born with laws and had no soul, which meant that they could not practice other laws. Nuwa and Fuxi were different from the innate gods. They must have practiced a lot of laws in the long years.

An innate god might be worth dozens of Daluo Jinxian.

"Let go of the divine thoughts, I will take you there!" Tianyuan looked at Nuwa.

Nuwa was just stunned for a moment, and then she opened her mind without any hesitation.

As for Fuxi, he was tied up by Nuwa at the moment, and there was no room for resistance. Of course, he had no intention of struggling at the moment.

After hearing Tianyuan's words, Fuxi had a calm face, and there was a little expectation in the depths of his eyes.

His divination skills were useless to Tianyuan, and Fuxi had always been curious about his origins.

Now he might be able to see through Tianyuan's roots, and also understand why he captured so many witches and liches.

If he could find out the secret here, even if he failed to save those demons, it would still be a great achievement.

Tianyuan didn't know what Fuxi was thinking, and the weak will of Mount Buzhou rose up, slowly wrapping Nuwa and the others.

There was no fluctuation of the law, and the void was not broken. It was just a flash in front of their eyes, and Fuxi and Nuwa looked around with wide eyes.

The gray sky, countless dense calamities fell. Not far in front of them was a huge golden river, with shadowy figures in it, and many figures were busy.

But at this moment, the two of them were all attracted by the roar not far away.

The ancestor of witches Gonggong!

They actually saw the ancestor of witches Gonggong in this space.

At this moment, the other party was being beaten by dozens of stone men, and the dull bangs were accompanied by Gonggong's screams.

After a closer look, the two found that all the stone men were Golden Immortals, and many of them were at the peak of Golden Immortals.

"Huh! What on earth is this place?" Fuxi couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

Nuwa next to him was also shocked, and turned to look at Tianyuan: "Brother Dao, is this Gonggong?"

She knew that Tianyuan had captured many witches and demons, but she didn't expect that the ancestor of witches Gonggong was also captured.

And there are so many Golden Immortals at the peak of Golden Immortals here, why does Tianyuan need her help?

She transformed at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, and has been practicing in Buzhou Mountain since then. When did the mountain connect to this space?

Nuwa knew the mystery of Tianyuan, but at this moment she understood that the mystery of Tianyuan was far beyond her imagination.

Seeing the two looking at Gonggong, Tianyuan smiled and said, "The child is disobedient, just beat him up."

Tianyuan said, his eyes unconsciously swept over Fuxi beside him.

Tianyuan was very happy. As he thought, Nuwa and Fuxi practiced many laws.

When the two appeared, dozens of laws were manifested, and their harvest was almost catching up with those of the Daluo Jinxian of the two tribes of witches and liches.

Tianyuan's indifferent eyes immediately made Fuxi's heart tremble.

As an innate sacred, Fuxi was naturally very arrogant. But seeing Gonggong with a bruised face, he would definitely not be much better.

Originally, he wanted to find out the secrets of Tianyuan before leaving, but now it was a bit troublesome.

Fuxi had never expected that there were so many Daluo Jinxian peak stone men in Tianyuan.

They were innate sacred, and they practiced for countless Yuanhui to get the Dao fruit today. Why did so many stone men easily set foot in the world?

Fuxi couldn't understand it at all!

Compared to Fuxi's trepidation, Nuwa was very excited.

If Fuxi could be trapped, she would be able to cut off her relationship with the demon court, and she would have done so long ago.

But in the mysterious space of Tianyuan, Nuwa saw hope.

The ancestor of the witch Gonggong was in a mess in this world, so it was easy to trap Fuxi.

"Brother Dao! That is..." Nuwa looked excited and looked at the golden river in the distance.

"One of the three main veins of the eastern land." Tianyuan said, striding forward.

Nuwa and Fuxi were shocked, and the two of them looked at each other and hurried forward.

As soon as they approached, they were stunned.

They saw those busy figures clearly, and also saw the situation in the earth veins clearly.

At this moment, the two also understood the secret of Tianyuan's capture of the two tribes of witches and demons everywhere.

"Brother Dao is righteous! Nuwa admires it deeply!"

Nuwa instantly understood everything, why Buzhou Mountain has been moving frequently during this period of time.

Fuxi opened his mouth and froze in place, not knowing what to say.

Sorry, the old man at home was not feeling well and ran around all day, so today I will only have this chapter with 4,000 words

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