[Your behavior of creating the Illusory Realm world and changing part of the trend of the Flood Wilderness made Dao very satisfied, Dao cast an appreciative gaze on you, your luck improved, and you obtained 2 copies of Mixed Yuan Wuji Luo Golden Immortal Qi Luck. ] 】


When Lin Qing heard this prompt, he was slightly stunned and thought to himself, "Can this actually gain the favor of the Dao?" Sure enough, my previous thoughts and guesses were correct! "

"Dao, it seems that I don't want the flood to go to the established direction and destiny!"

"It seems that more changes will be made in the future-!"

After obtaining 2 more parts of the Mixed Yuan Wuji Luo Golden Immortal Qi Luck, Lin Qing's Qi Luck skyrocketed - doubled.

At this time, he felt that his brain was unprecedentedly clear, and it seemed that his understanding had been greatly improved and became more heaven-defying.

In addition, the speed of cultivation has increased several times?

"Dao actually responded?"

"More than that? I seemed to vaguely see that the avenue also descended a stream of light and merged into the illusory realm world, causing some kind of change in the illusory realm! "

"You're delusional, right? How did I not sense it. "

"That's you weak, I sensed it too."

"I didn't expect that the illusory realm world created by this Illusory Lord could actually get a response from the Dao, it's powerful!"

"Obviously, this illusory realm world is not as simple as we think, and there is still this great secret in it, otherwise, it is not enough for the Dao to respond."

"Didn't the Lord of Reality say it before? This illusory realm world is opened up for all living beings in the flood waste, and if we can go in and experience something, it will definitely be opened! If there are any secrets, you will know when the time comes to go in and take a look. "



Many people are starting to look forward to it.

What is special about the illusory realm world that can be recognized by the Dao?

"I'm also curious why Dao Dao responded, what exactly did you do?"

Hongjun also muttered with a solemn expression.

This is completely different from what he calculated.

Moreover, he clearly felt that the Heavenly Dao was about to be angry because of Lin Qing's actions, but he retracted because of the advent of the Dao Will, and even completely gave up meddling in the Illusory Realm World after that.

This made Hongjun even more uneasy.

There was a faint feeling that the future was out of his control.

At this time, a voice sounded in the hearts of all living beings:

"Lin Qingjin, the lord of my Void Realm, created the Illusory Realm World, and all living beings in the Flood Wilderness can communicate with the Illusory Realm World with divine thoughts, and descend to the Illusory Realm World in the form of divine thought projection."

"In it, in practice, in the teachings, in the discourse, even in the trade... Wait a minute! "

"Here, in the future, it will be the real second flood world."

"Of course, please also abide by the rules here, and do not intentionally undermine the stability of the Illusory Realm world, otherwise, the fate of those 17 Da Luo ten thousand years ago is your example!"

"That's the end of the gossip, you can enter the Illusory Realm!"

After speaking, Lin Qing's voice disappeared, and the illusory realm in the void was also hidden in the void in this existence that had completely turned from half-real and half-void to nothingness.

Unless a strong person above the Da Luo level can probe, it is impossible to discover the Illusory Realm world.

This is still the result that Lin Qing has no control, otherwise, even the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal will easily not be able to discover the existence of the Illusory Realm World.

The way of false reality has reached his current state, which is no longer something that ordinary people can peek through.

"Sure enough, did you directly open the Illusory Realm world? Would you like to go inside and take a look? "

"Why not? If we want to return such power, we don't have to bother so much! Moreover, this Illusory Realm world has been recognized by the Dao, and there will definitely be no problem! I'll go too! "

"Go with you!"


For a time, countless flood creatures chose to communicate with the illusory realm world, and separated some of their divine thoughts and wills to enter the illusory realm world.

For a while, the world of the Illusory Realm became lively.

"Boom! This world is so huge! I can't detect the edge at all, how do I feel bigger than the flood world? "

"Is this the key? Don't you think that dying in this illusory realm will not really die, but will only lose a certain amount of divine thought? "

"Indeed! I kind of understand why this place can be recognized by the Great Dao, and why the Lord of Void Dare to call this place the Second Flood World! Definitely worthy of the name! "

"That's right! With this death-free rule, this place will become the final actual combat training place, and everyone's future combat experience may be qualitatively improved. "

"Not only that, I found a big city here, and there is actually a place called the Tower of Enlightenment, where you can actually adjust the speed of time flow, and the maximum multiplier can be increased to a hundred times!" Although it is necessary to consume something called the Void and Reality Point, this thing whether it is consuming Spiritual Qi, Enlightenment, Heavenly Materials and Earth Treasures... Wait, you can get it, it's a treasure land! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"I also found a big city here, which also has the Enlightenment Tower you mentioned, as well as a martial arts arena and something called a secret realm copy, according to reports, the secret realm copy is the virtual reality world evolved by the master of the virtual reality, each world has a different background setting and different functions!" I'm going to try it...."

"Go together!"


After entering, countless flood creatures were shocked by everything in the Illusory Realm.

After they discovered more and more magic in the illusory realm, many creatures completely liked it and began to try various functional buildings in its illusory realm.

Many people began to call friends and pull more people into the illusory world.

or meet together in the illusory world from a long distance, and discuss together;

Or go to the Tower of Enlightenment and feel the pleasure of enlightenment accelerated by a hundred times the time;

Or team up to the Uncharted Dungeon and prepare for a walk-and-go Uncharted Dungeon adventure.

There are also many people who choose to go beyond the endless wilderness of the illusory world to take a wilderness trip.

Some people even discovered the magical effects and convenience of the virtual and real Rubik's Cube imprint, and pulled up group chats one after another, chatting and farting with friends.

There are also people who discovered the item teleportation system and commercial section of the illusory world, found the business opportunities inside, and began to prepare for business and earn resources.

"Master, what a lot of creatures! I can feel the rapid improvement every moment, and in this way, I believe that in a thousand years, I will be able to add another innate treasure forbidden! Perhaps, promotion is no longer far away for me! "

The Illusory Magic Cube felt the changes in the illusory world and itself, and happily reported to Lin Qing.

"Huh! Isn't that nice? "

Lin Qing smiled faintly: "The early promotion of the innate supreme treasure brain chaotic spirit treasure, the illusory realm can be consolidated with the family." "

"Although, because of the advent of the will of the Great Dao and the favor, the Heavenly Dao retreated, and did not invade the Illusory Realm world for the time being, we still have to guard against it, and prepare early!"

No one knows exactly which direction the next moment will go.

Only by becoming stronger as soon as possible and taking precautions against everything can we always be invincible.

"Hmm! I understand! I'll work on it! "

The Void Magic Cube circled around Lin Qing and responded seriously.

"All right! For a long time to come, I will stay in the Illusory Realm to retreat and cultivate, and at the same time, I will separate my doppelganger to help you further evolve and continue to improve the Illusory Realm World, and work together! "

Saying that, Lin Qing's heart moved, leaving a doppelganger in the Illusory Realm, and the Illusory Realm, which the body temporarily withdrew, returned to Yingzhou Island.


The next moment, the four people of Nine Swords, Rolling Roll, Ao Yu, and Bai Ling appeared in front of Lin Qing in unison, looking at Lin Qing with a resentful expression.


Lin Qing reached out and touched the heads of the four people funny and asked, "What's wrong with you guys?" What's wrong with inexplicable anger? Who messed with you? "

Then, the four of the Nine Swords pointed at Lin Qing in unison, "Of course, it's you, Master!" "

"Where do you start with that?"

Lin Qing spread his hands.

Nine Swords: "The voice that sounded in our hearts before was Master, right?" "

Lin Qing: "Yes!" "

Ao Yu: "Master, you have also created a bigger and more fun illusory realm world in the Flood Wilderness, right?" "

Lin Qing: "That's right! "

Roll: "Boom! Whoops! (In the gnawing spirit bamboo shoots.... )"

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