With Finita's movements, Finiro's heart was shocked not far away, he seemed to realize something, and hurriedly looked back in the direction of Finita.

The moment Finiro turned around, he saw Finita on the ground at a glance, and at this time, Finita's chest burst with Dao essence.

Finiro instantly realized what Finita was going to do.

He shouted hoarsely to Finita.

"What are you going to do

!" You can't use that trick casually!" But Finita didn't stop his movements at all, and he shouted to Finiro without looking back, "Finiro, I know what I'm doing!"

"Now the situation is so grim that you and I can't stop it."

"I'm afraid that Kalmaria has also surrendered to Morarion, and has sent Drosel to kill us.

"Once the great Queen Maylis, she has now thrown herself into the darkness.

"Remember, brother, no one can trust us now!"

"As soon as you run out of here, you will go to your father! Avenge me!"

"Big brother!

At this time, Finita was about to collapse, and his brother was going to sacrifice himself to seek life for them, but Finita had already made up his mind at this time, and the light in his chest became more and more vigorous, and at this moment, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly dispersed a gap and a pillar of light descended from the gap, and this pillar of light directly shrouded Finita's body, and the entire beam of light wrapped Finita's whole body.

Finita slowly stood up in the pillar of light, and this scene of heaven and earth was extremely sacred, like a miracle.

I saw that the wound on Finita's left arm was miraculously healed under Dongba's gaze.

Suddenly, Dongba didn't care about the injury in his left eye, he seemed to realize something, and when he looked at Finita again, Dongba was shocked by the change in Finita.

Just now, he looked like he had run out of oil, but now Finita seems to be a different person.

And the energy in Finita's body also increased dramatically at this time.

In the blink of an eye, it has reached a terrifying point.

Finita clenched the sword in her hand, slowly raised the sword against her chest, and chanted, "Lord Iluvita, the supreme god, I am your most faithful servant!" "I

would like to offer my soul, please give me the strength to help me sweep away the darkness!

They shouted in horror: "Lord Dongba, stop him! He is going to sacrifice!" Dongba

was already deeply shocked, even if his subordinates were shouting for him, he couldn't move for a while.

This kind of resistance and awe comes from the fear in the heart.

The supreme god Iluvita, who is beyond Morarione.

This fear and awe are deeply engraved in the DNA of every monster.

Drosel, who was watching the battle from afar, was also shocked, he had heard that the Philos clan could greatly increase its combat effectiveness in a short period of time through dedication, but this move could only be seen by the Filos clan, the purest royal lineage.

Drosser knew that Finier could do it, but he didn't expect his son Finita to be able to do it too.

This is terrible, I originally wanted to use the tactics of the sea of people to kill the two Finita brothers here.

But who would have thought that Fenita would be so powerful, if she escaped by strengthening her combat power through dedication.


a wasted ...... "Damn...... What is this waste of Dongba doing!Hurry up and stop him!"

At this time, Finiro, while slashing the monsters around him, ran wildly in the direction of Finita, shouting Finita's name frantically.

He was extremely desperate at this time, because only he knew that once this move was formed, even if Finita gained great strength and helped the team escape, he would die!

But now there is still a chance to turn the corner, that is, if the long sword is not inserted into his chest, the dedication ceremony will not be considered a success, and the supreme god Iluvita will not take Finita's soul, but it has reached this point, if it is forcibly suspended, Finita will also suffer a serious backlash.

I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of bed for ten days and half a month.

But it's better than losing his life

!Finiro has already decided, as long as he stops Finita, he will desperately carry

Finita out of the encirclement!"Big brother! Stop! I beg you

!" Seeing that the tip of the sword was getting closer and closer, and was about to plunge into Finita's chest, Finiro was desperate, and he cried out frantically, "Brother! No!" Just as Finita

was about to complete her dedication, Finiro was about to despair.

A figure descended from the sky and landed between Phinita and Dongba.

The sand and dust were everywhere, the gravel was splashing, and Bai Mu's appearance was too reckless and sudden.

A hand reached out from the dust, and the other grabbed Finita's sword.

Finita's dedication ceremony was abruptly interrupted by this hand.

Finita was stunned for a moment, and he looked down at the hand.

The skin and flesh are delicate, and the wrists are slender, and they don't seem to be orc hands.

But it is such a hand, and the strength is extremely great.

Like an iron tong, it firmly grasped him.

No matter how much Finita struggled, she couldn't move her sword even a minute.

The dust cleared, and Bai Mu's face appeared in front of him.

Finita was stunned, he looked at Bai Mu's strange face, and he didn't react for a while.

And Bai Mu said with a smile.

"Hehe, aren't you just surrounded by this garbage and can't break through?

"Is it possible to commit suicide in such an extreme way?"

"I'm here to save you! Don't be in a hurry to thank me!" "

My name is Bai Mu, I never leave a name for doing good deeds, and helping others is my motto.

At this time, Finita's face turned green, he looked at Bai Mu angrily and said angrily: "Who are you, I am dedicating you......"

But Finita's words were not finished, and forcibly interrupting the dedication caused him to suffer a strong backlash.

A mouthful of blood spurted out in an instant, and his body collapsed to the ground as soon as he went limp.

Uncontrollable convulsions.

It's like being mad.

Bai Mu was stunned for a moment, looked at Finita and muttered, "it, it's quite temperamental." "

It's okay to vomit blood in anger, it's too quick to bite your tongue, right?"

At this time, Dongba on the side saw that the dedication was interrupted, and suddenly regained his arrogance, he looked at Bai Mu and raised the axe in his hand and laughed.

"Hahaha! The dedication was not successful?"

"God really helps me!" The master of Morarion is protecting us

!" "Boy, you have really helped me a lot!" Bai

Mu looked back at Dongba with some displeasure, and with a slight movement of his right hand, he swept it slightly, and Dongba's head flew out in an instant.

"Oh? It turned out to be Xiao Qisan. "

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