"Buzz !!"

At this moment, a burst of blue light blew through the entire flood wasteland.

All the cultivators found that the anger that filled the heaven and earth generals was gone, and the originally vague and chaotic heavenly machine also became clear.

The whole heaven and earth became clear.

At this time, Hong Huang once again entered the stage most suitable for cultivation and enlightenment.

"Haha! The calamity has finally passed, no! I have to seize this opportunity to cultivate!" "

"What a clear law of heaven and earth! Go to enlightenment! "


Countless people found that it became easier to practice, and they began to practice in retreat.

Lin Qing's side also sensed the situation of the laws of the Flood Barren World in the outside world through the innate array of Yingzhou Island.

"The catastrophe has passed, and a new era has arrived! Next is the era of the rise of the three races of dragons, phoenixes and unicorns! "

However, these have nothing to do with him for the time being, his cultivation is too low, improving his cultivation, and breaking through Da Luo as soon as possible is what he needs to pay attention to.


More than a million years have passed


On this day, in the lotus pond in the center of Yingzhou Island, Lin Qing's body shone brightly.

The endless innate aura in a radius of millions was continuously gathered, and then Lin Qing used the Nine Breaths Obedience Qi and the Great Devouring Technique... and other means all devoured rapidly.

The innate aura around the lotus pond had turned into spiritual liquid at this time.

Not only that, the three-light divine water in the lotus pond was also devoured and absorbed a lot in this process.

The next moment, Qinglian shook and disappeared directly, Lin Qing turned into a human form, and the five qi in his chest had already been completed, and he directly turned into five gods sitting in the five internal organs.

Mana and laws directly undergo qualitative changes at this moment, transforming into higher-level power.

A flower of twelve qualities bloomed above Lin Qing's head.

Immediately afterwards, a path of creation appeared out of thin air, and the rich and extreme Dao rhyme on Lin Qing's body spread violently, brushing past the Wudao tea tree and the nearby spirit plants.

For a time, the spiritual wisdom of the enlightened tea tree increased greatly, and a complete spiritual intelligence and soul were directly born, and it shook its branches and leaves happily, rustling as if it was celebrating, as if it was thanking Lin Qing.

At the same time, within a radius of more than 100,000 li in this vicinity, thousands of spirit plants directly turned into human forms.

"I'll wait to thank Dao Venerable for the grace of creation!"

These humanoid spirit races bowed to Lin Qing in the center, thanking Lin Qing for his grace of creation.

If it weren't for Lin Qing, most of them would never have been able to give birth to spiritual intelligence, let alone take shape.

All this is the credit of Lin Qing.

Of course, the Wudao tea tree is equally kind to them.

At this time, Lin Qing could not take care of them.

At the moment when the flower of qi completely bloomed, his mind moved, and he came directly to the river of time, and began to stride along the river of time towards the past, and began to look back on his past

Make yourself appear in more historical time periods.


His appearance and behavior immediately alarmed many Da Luo powers.

Lin Qing himself also received a causal warning, and immediately sacrificed the Chaos Bead to cover his cause and effect and figure, and then walked forward as much as possible.

Walked through the great battle of the fierce beast calamity.

He saw the scene of Hongjun, Luo Xiao and other powerful forces fighting against the gods, and also saw the scenes where the gods blew themselves up and pulled two mixed yuan golden immortals to die together.

Of course, as a Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal-level existence, it was impossible for them to die completely.

Perhaps, someday in the future, they will come back.

The more he went back to the older time period, the greater the pressure Lin Qing felt.

Of course, the benefits are also greater.

At this time, he had not only completely consolidated his cultivation, but even went one step further and reached the peak of the early stage of Da Luo.

However, this is already the current limit.

He is still a little far away from the two realms of God and Jing, and continues to advance, one is not good, he may be directly lost in the river of time, and will be annihilated by the river of time.

However, Lin Qing did not rush to leave the long river of time, but began to carefully understand and analyze the long river of time.


Half a year later,

[You have comprehended and analyzed part of the rhyme of the long river of time, you have an epiphany, you have comprehended the Great Time Technique, your introduction to the Law of Time, and the current is: the Law of Time (4%). 】

"Not bad!"

Lin Qing recalled the law of time and the mystery of the Great Time Technique in his mind, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

"It's time to leave!"

The longer he stayed here, the more stressed he became.

If it weren't for the Body Green Lotus and the Chaos Bead Talisman, he would have been annihilated by the river of time.

Immediately, Lin Qing retreated from the river of time, and the aura on his body suddenly increased, and then quickly stabilized.

At the same time, the creation rhyme on the body also began to converge.

"Lin Qing! Lin Qing! Have you completed the breakthrough? "

At this time, the voice of the enlightened tea tree came.

Lin Qing turned to look at the Wudao Tea Tree, and came under the Wudao Tea Tree in a flash, nodded with a smile: "Not bad!" I have broken through Da Luo, and I will be considered a great power in the future! "

"I haven't congratulated you yet! Finally, the true consciousness and soul are born, and the road is expected in the future! "

"Keep up the good work, let's take shape as soon as possible!"

The enlightened tea tree is also blessed, plus over the years, he has not been conceived with the Dao Rhyme of Creation, and he has grown very well, and there is already a peak cultivation of the Golden Immortal.

I believe that it will not take many years to transform into a success.


Wudao Tea Tree shook the branches and leaves happily, and replied happily in a crisp voice: "I understand!" Thanks to you for bringing me to Yingzhou Island, and often preaching to me, and giving birth to me with the way of creation, otherwise, I would not be where I am today. "


Lin Qing listened, smiled and touched the trunk of the Wudao tea tree: "Between you and me, there is no need to be like this, look forward to the day when you take shape, this is some of my insights about the way of creation and the way of grass and trees after breaking through Daluo, you absorb it well!" "

Saying that, Lin Qing waved his hand and shot a stream of light into the Wudao tea tree, and the Wudao tea tree directly fell into the state of enlightenment.

In terms of understanding, in this flooded world, Lin Qing dares to claim the first, and the enlightened tea tree dares to call the second.

If Hongjun did not use the creation jade disk, he would be far inferior to the enlightened tea tree in terms of understanding.

After all, the enlightenment tea tree itself contains the way of enlightenment.

"Babble! Yikes! Xiaocao meets Daozun! "

At this time, the thousands of successful little guys from before came to Lin Qing not far away, and then, a little girl with a sky-facing braid and a sword-shaped Dao pattern in her eyebrows walked to Lin Qing's feet with cute steps, and bowed to Lin Qing with a thoughtful look.

Then, she raised her head and looked at Lin Qing with admiration.

That look seemed to be looking at Dad.

Lin Qing also bent down funny when he saw it, reached out and pinched the little girl's cheek and said, "Little girl, you are quite bold!" So many little guys, you dare to come forward. "


Xiaocao smiled happily, reached out and hugged Lin Qing's hand and rubbed it: "Daozun!" Daozun! Xiaocao's audacity is the biggest! Xiaocao likes Daozun the most! Daozun, the smell on your body smells so good! Daozun, can I follow you in the future? "


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