
Seeing that Taishang was on his side this time, Tong Tian immediately smiled proudly at Primordial and said, "See? Big brother also thinks I'm right! I see that the second brother, you are too stingy, for fear that the lord of the false reality of the people has earned your benefits. "

"As everyone knows, people are not stupid, they are not good people, since they created this illusory realm world and gave convenience and benefits to the flood and wilderness creatures, then he naturally also has something to ask for."

"In my opinion, this is just an exchange of benefits."

"Yes! In it, enlightenment, acting, and fighting will allow the other party to learn some of our Dao rhyme powers, but why don't we use this process to gain benefits? "

"Where to find a place where you can match good opponents anytime, anywhere, without worrying about death?"

"I feel that the Illusory Realm world is very good, I don't have to go out much to accumulate combat experience with many Da Luo without scruples, and improve my strength and even understanding in battle."

"You can't always ask for selfless devotion, can you?"

"If you can't do it yourself, then don't force others!" Plain looks like a small family! "

After saying this, Tong Tian felt a big breath of evil.

Don't spit up, don't be happy.

Finally, he said everything he wanted to say over the years to the original.

Feel refreshed!


When Primordial heard Tongtian's admonitional tone, his heart exploded.

It has always been his primitive reprimand of Tongtian, when was it Tongtian's turn for this younger brother to reprimand him?

"I don't know how to be humble! Different gifts! I'm too lazy to reason with you! "

Primordial huffed and flicked his sleeves, "Who do you think I said that for?" Not for your own good? Like you, who stay in it most of the day, and what means the hole cards are exposed in battle, it is equivalent to all your knowledge of the Lord of Reality, you have no secrets to 697 him, do you understand? "

"In the future, if he has bad intentions for you, he can pinch and clean you up in minutes, and when the time comes, don't come to beg me and my eldest brother!" Hum! "

After speaking, Primordial ran directly to the side and sulked.


Tong Tian pouted disdainfully: "It seems that if you keep your own little means, the other party can't deal with you, who can't see the gap?" "

"The Flood Barren World is developing so fast, and many Da Luo are constantly getting stronger every day with the help of the Illusory Realm World, refusing to accept the advanced, which is itself a manifestation of backwardness, second brother, you are already behind!"

In Tongtian's opinion, it is not important to have actually improved his combat experience and even combat strength.

Flood famine is a cruel world, and only absolute strength is the guarantee of everything.

Besides, he is progressing with the help of the Illusory Realm every day, and yesterday's secret is no longer a secret.

Yesterday's hole cards are no longer my hole cards today.

"Third brother, you say a few words!"

At this time, Taishang on the side shook his head helplessly.

His second brother and third brother have really always been-for-tat.

In the past, it was a little better, the third brother was simple, and his mouth was not so sharp, plus the strength was indeed weaker than the primitive, and most of the time he could only endure.

Since the opening of the Illusory Realm world, Tongtian has begun to rapidly absorb the nutrients in it and grow savagely.

Now, whether it is strength, experience, or lip service, he has faintly caught up with and surpassed the primitive, even if he has to pay attention to it.

Naturally, Tongtian will no longer swallow his anger like before.


When Tongtian heard Tai Shang's words, he smiled faintly and said, "Big brother, you better persuade the second brother more!" I don't believe you don't know the importance of the Illusory Realm, he can't go on like this!" "

"I think a sentence from a little girl named Nine Swords who is strong in the Illusory Realm is very reasonable, lagging behind is to be beaten."

"That's all!"

After that, Tongtian also turned around and left.

He felt more and more that this East Kunlun was a little awkward and unhappy.

"Perhaps, when my strength improves a little more, find a good place to move out directly? It also saves people from annoying! "

Tong Tian thought to himself.


Tai Shang waited for Tong Tian to leave, and also let out a long sigh.

At this time, Primordial returned, and Tai Shang complained dissatisfiedly: "Big brother, you don't care about the third brother, see what he has become now?" Respect and inferiority, presumptuous and willful, do not know how to be evil. "

I listened so much that my heart was even more speechless.

There is indeed something wrong with the mentality of the second old.

It's not okay to go on like this, don't make trouble, it's not good when the brother breaks up.

Tai Shang pondered for a moment and looked at Primordial Persuasion: "You also know the temper of the third brother!" He is a straight man, second brother, you let him be! "

"It's okay to let him get addicted!"

"In addition, not to mention the rest, I think the third brother just said something right, that is, backwardness is to be beaten!"

"Second brother, I am very clear about your concerns about the Illusory Realm."

"But that's not a reason for you to reject not using the Illusory Realm world."

It is not okay to blind and listen.

Isn't this a closed door?

"Big brother, how are you...."

The original sounded wrong and immediately frowned, wanting to refute.

"Listen to me patiently!"

Tai Shang raised his hand and pressed it, interrupted the original words, and continued: "The Illusory Realm World does have many magical functions and places that can help us grow faster. "

"We can't deny that."

"Now, countless flood and desolate creatures enter it every day, as the third brother said, there are great gains, and there are many people who have improved rapidly."

"Even I have gained a lot."

"I'm not saying that your worries, Second Brother, are unreasonable."

"The Lord of Reality is indeed not simple, and we do have something to watch out for."

"But [CIFI] you can choose to keep the things you want to hide and not be displayed and used in the realm."

"I have already tested it, if you don't use it or use it, it's impossible to steal it, and the Illusory Realm doesn't have such a domineering ability."

Of course, Tai Shang guessed, not that the master of the false reality could not do it, but that he knew the proportions and did not do it.

Because doing so is too jealous and even hated.

The Lord of Reality seems to know exactly how to make the best choice.

Primordial looked at the big brother with a serious face, and also calmed down rarely, listened to all these words, and asked with a frown: "Big brother!" Are there really many people who gain a lot in it? Does there really help us a lot in our promotion? "

To be honest, he really never went in, and in fact, he didn't know much about everything in the Illusory Realm. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The understanding of the Illusory Realm is all deduced from some words of Tai Shang and Tong Tian.

From the beginning, he was wary of both the Illusory Realm and the Lord of Illusory Realm.

Seeing that his second brother began to listen, Tai Shang nodded solemnly: "Indeed!" Even more powerful than the third brother said. "

"That's why we have to get involved."

"Your worries are that brother knows that I have mainly learned the way of the illusory realm in the illusory realm over the years, and in the future, I am even ready to create an illusory realm world of our own."

"In this way, we can enjoy the benefits of the illusory realm, without worrying about being controlled by others and exposing our secrets to people."

"This illusory realm was done by the Lord of Illusory Realm, and we Sanqing naturally did it."

Of course, Tai Shang actually valued the benefits of that Illusory Realm to the Lord of Void Realm.

He was very blushing at this benefit.

If he could replace the Lord of Void and Reality and obtain this endless stream of benefits, he felt that his cultivation and comprehension of various Dao would definitely soar.

In the future, the avenue is promising.

Unfortunately, the Lord of Illusory Realm is too strong, and the means are not simple, otherwise, he would have wanted to take the Illusory Realm world over long ago.


Primordial listened, and suddenly became interested: "Big brother, you actually think so?" Go to the unreal realm to understand the way of the unreal and create your own unreal realm? "

"You didn't say it earlier? I said I did it too! "

The corner of Tai Shang's eyes twitched slightly: "It's not too late now!" Second brother, come and help me! How about we create an illusory world together in the future and share this achievement? "

Relying on him alone, it feels too slow.

"Okay! Count me in! "

Primordial nodded in agreement without hesitation.


At this time, he turned to add: "Third brother, don't pull in, it's not that I'm stingy, the main thing is that the eldest brother you also know his nature, too impulsive, too stubborn, not only can't help, but also mock and pull back, this matter, the two of us are enough." "

He really felt so, definitely not in retaliation for Tsuten's previous words.

Definitely not!

"Uh.... Okay! "

Tai Shang looked deeply at Primordial, not knowing what reason, he finally nodded and agreed to the proposal.

In this way, the two directly threw Tong Tian away from the ground and began their own plans and actions.

West, Mount Meru.

"Hey! This Luo Xiao is really harmful! In the past few years, there are still a few decent spiritual veins in this Mount Meru! Those destroyed spiritual veins show no signs of recovery in a short period of time, my West is really too barren! Senior Brother, what should we do? "

Jun Ti and Zhu Tsui walked around the western continent, gained very little, and finally came to Mount Meru, and couldn't help but complain bitterly.

How unfair is the way of heaven?

"Didn't we expect this a long time ago?"

He shook his head, and then said to Jun Ti: "For now, I can only go to other continents to see!" "

"Besides, can Junior Brother remember that Illusory Realm World?"

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