"The master of Hongmeng Purple Qi?"

Nuwa and Fuxi were stunned again when they heard this: "Daoist friends know who has Hongmeng Purple Qi?" Could it be that Hongjun? Moreover, this thing actually needs the approval of the owner of Hongmeng Purple Qi? "

Speaking of this, Nuwa and Fuxi looked at each other and said speechlessly: "I feel more and more unreliable!" "

Doesn't this mean that as long as the qualifications, understanding, and qi luck and qi luck reach a certain standard, then whoever the owner of Hongmeng Purple Qi wants to sanctify can be sanctified?

Such a child's play, how can this path of saints look at it is a pit!

"Using Hongmeng Purple Qi to become holy, I'm afraid that I will still be restricted and even controlled by the owner of that Hongmeng Purple Qi, right?"

Nuwa boldly guessed.

Fuxi also turned dark, what the hell is this?

Lin Qing chuckled and nodded: "Although it's not quite, it's almost!" "

"The owner of that Hongmeng purple qi can be said to be Hongjun, but in fact it is Heavenly Dao, and Hongjun is only the chosen spokesperson of Heaven's Dao."

"At present, Hongjun is working hard to cultivate and prepare for sanctification, and when the time comes, he will inevitably become the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao and represent the Heavenly Chosen Saint."

"To become holy with Hongmeng Purple Qi, in the end, it is natural to be limited by heaven and earth, and cannot leave heaven and earth, but become the administrator of heaven and earth under the rule of heaven and earth."

And in this way, in addition to the disadvantages, there is also a benefit that cannot be said to be a benefit or a disadvantage, that is, the heavens and the earth do not perish, and the saints do not perish; Even if he dies, he can be resurrected with the help of Heavenly Dao. "

"However, in this process, a large amount of Heavenly Dao Origin must be consumed;"

"I don't believe in the benefits of free, in my estimation, relying on the origin of the Heavenly Dao to resurrect, must owe the origin of the Heavenly Dao, the more times you die, the more you can't get out of 28 reasons, and even, if you die more times, you will completely become a puppet of the Heavenly Dao."

This is not his alarmism.

Instead, the calculation is based on the premise of normal rules of exchange of benefits.

Heavenly Dao can't be a stupid rich man, help you resurrect for free, without asking for anything in return, right?

He is not your father.

Isn't there a saying that says that?

Free is often the most expensive.

The same applies to saints.

The saint can be regarded as the investment object and subordinate of the Heavenly Dao.

When the saint did a good job and brought benefits to the Heavenly Dao, that Heavenly Dao naturally did not mind appreciating the saint with a little sweetness.

If the saint died repeatedly, so that Heavenly Dao had to invest the best way to resurrect him, then this saint would become an unqualified subordinate and an inferior investment target.

It is estimated that Heavenly Dao will not mind confiscating everything from the saint to resist, or even turning it into a puppet, and coming to work for himself for eternity and recover his losses.

Old capitalists.

Nuwa and Fuxi listened to a chill.

Fuxi smiled bitterly and said, "Daoist friends really only understand the three corpses!" "

Thoroughly analyzed inside and out.

"This kind of path, or don't do it! I'd rather go slower and walk the law and preach. "

Nuwa couldn't help but complain.

What do they want to build the avenue for?

Not so that one day you can truly detach yourself and truly control your own destiny?

Becoming a Heavenly Dao Saint not only did not come close to this goal, but even farther away from this goal.

To put it nicely, it is tied to the Dao of Heaven and the entire flood waste, and to put it ugly, it is simply to become a working boy and tool man of the Dao of Heaven!

"That's right!"

Fuxi also nodded: "This path is not suitable for us, Brother Lin, but there are other ways to preach?" "


Lin Qing listened, shook his head with a smile and said, "There is indeed more, that is merit preaching!" Merit is a golden oil, as long as you have enough merit, it is not impossible to forcibly pile your cultivation into the mixed element. "

"Isn't it also possible for a preaching saint to fill with massive merit instead of beheading three corpses to sanctify? In the same way, this matter can be put on the road of sanctification by the law! "

"It's just that I'm afraid that more merit will be needed."

Isn't it the Krypton Gold Flow gameplay?

Constantly burn merit to bless understanding and accelerate the path of comprehension.

The average person can't afford to play.

"Uh.... This doesn't seem to be appropriate either! "

Fuxi and Nuwa also looked stunned when they heard this, and shook their heads one after another: "Merit is not so easy to obtain, we basically have no merit in our hands, but Daoist friends have a lot of merit, but with your cultivation and understanding, obviously you don't need to do this." "

Is this the death of drought, the death of waterlogging?

"It seems that our brothers and sisters still honestly follow the rules and preach!"

Fuxi shook his head, and then looked at Lin Qing with a smile and quipped: "In the future, you will need Brother Lin to take more care, if you have time, discuss with us more and bring us!" "

Every time he talked to Lin Qing, he felt that he was improving very quickly.

Lin Qing preached for a thousand years, which was worthy of their own cultivation for 100,000 years.

"That's not a problem! As long as I'm free! "

Lin Qing nodded, and then looked at Nuwa and Fuxi and said, "Actually, preaching with Hongmeng Purple Qi, and even preaching with three corpses, may not be impossible!" "


Fuxi was slightly stunned when he heard this: "Why did Daoist say that?" That day Dao Saint was not a good thing. "

Nuwa also nodded suspiciously.


Lin Qing smiled slightly, "Heavenly Dao saints are indeed not a good thing, not only because Hongjun, the spokesperson of Heaven's Dao, but also because Heavenly Dao seems to have some problems. "

"But the way of heaven can't, isn't there still authenticity and humanity?"

Speaking of this, Lin Qing looked at Nuwa: "Especially humanitarian, Nuwa Daoyou has the greatest home field advantage, and it is not impossible to become the lord or spokesperson of humanity in the future." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As for the tunnels?

That is the chance of the back soil, without the true body of the ancestor witch and the comprehension of the reincarnation avenue, the lord or spokesperson of the tunnel is not so good to achieve.

"Humane? I? "

Nuwa listened, pointed at herself, and said with some surprise: "I still have this chance?" In addition, what is the humanity that Taoists say? "

Fuxi also looked at Lin Qing nervously and excitedly, waiting for his answer.

"Don't say! Not yet! "

Lin Qing smiled and shook his head: "Maybe Nuwa Daoyou, you missed this opportunity, let's talk about it when the time is ripe!" I will remind you at a critical moment. "

"In short, if this matter can be accomplished, then whether it is Nuwa Daoist or Fuxi Daoyou, you can completely become humane saints."

"If the spokesperson for humanity is Nuwa Daoyou, then if you want to come to Fuxi Daoyou, you need to worry about becoming a humane puppet, right?"

Moreover, humanity is different from the way of heaven.

It's even very different from the tunnel.

Fuxi nodded affirmatively, and said with a hearty smile: "Haha! If my sister can become a spokesperson for humanity and be in charge of humanity, then I have nothing to mind if I become a humane saint. "

Help your sister! , Fuxi is naturally willing.

Mainly can help his sister.

"This matter will trouble Brother Lin, you have to worry more and pay more attention! Our brothers and sisters don't understand these things, so we can only count on you! "

Fuxi looked at Lin Qing with a cheek, and then promised: "Of course, if this thing can be done, Brother Lin will have anything in the future, as long as it does not violate our principles, as long as we can do it, we have done our best to do it, and we will always stand on your side, how?" "

Saying that, Fuxi also looked at Nuwa.

Nuwa also nodded and promised: "Brother's words are my promise." "

When it comes to the road, or to their two brothers and sisters, Nuwa naturally attaches great importance to it.

"Haha! Good! "

When Lin Qing heard this, he also raised his head and smiled, and said solemnly: "Then it's decided!" Leave this to me! I'll tell you what to do at the right time. "

This in itself is also Lin Qing's important layout for the future and for the flood and famine.

From the beginning, he was not prepared to let the flood desolation go all the way to the original timeline and towards silence.

What he wants is a flood of color, continuous promotion, and endless potential.

"Hongjun! Heavenly Dao, our game has officially opened from this moment, next, let's walk and see! Hey! "

Lin Qing sneered in his heart.

"That couldn't be better!"

Fuxi and Nuwa listened and both smiled happily.

"So what do we do with 657?"

Fuxi asked again.

"What the hell! Continue to cultivate and improve your cultivation as much as possible! It's still far from preaching! Don't be impatient! "

Lin Qing smiled and waved his hand.

Fuxi also smiled bitterly: "Also, it's me who is impatient!" The main thing is that Brother Lin, what you said today is too harmful! Hearing this, I was a little distracted. "


Lin Qing nodded, and then looked at the pair of brothers and sisters and admonished: "Remember, those words I told you today, don't say them casually in the future, these are actually very taboo today, and if you are detected by the Heavenly Dao, you will be in danger!" "

"Don't look at it's okay today, it's because I blocked the induction of Tianji and Heavenly Dao here, otherwise.... Huh...."

What is humane and authentic, these are undoubtedly violating the bottom line of the Heavenly Dao, and he absolutely cannot tolerate it.

Now that the Heavenly Dao is too strong, it is not yet the time to have a showdown with him.

Fuxi and Nuwa listened, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads: "That's really dangerous, but in the future, when Xiaomei and I will inevitably discuss this, sometimes we may even contact and communicate with Daoists through the void realm world, or is it easy to be detected by Heavenly Dao, I don't know if you have a way to counteract?" "

Speaking of which, Nuwa and Fuxi, as top-level innate divines, actually did not even have a companion spirit treasure, which was also strange.

Even Dijun, Taiyi, Junti, and Sanqingke have them.

"This is not difficult, I will pass on you to a congenital heaven-shading array, you can arrange it when you need it."

"In addition, if you don't mind, I can also embed the Sky Shielding Formation for the Innate Great Array of your dojo, and you can control the formation to turn on these two functions at any time when needed."

Lin Qing replied.

This matter is already familiar to the car.

He's done too much.

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