At this time Hongjun's Chaos Compass.

It had already been completely suppressed by Li Changsheng.

There is no trace of spirituality left!

Li Changsheng's indifferent eyes saw through the void of heaven.

Hongjun is locked!

Hongjun Daoxin was extremely frightened!

He couldn't even think of any resistance at all!

This shows that Li Changsheng only relied on his own strength to cultivate.

It has completely crushed him!

Bu Zhou Shan Nei.

Pangu Xuying was also shocked in his heart.

"Half step to the realm of heaven!"

The strength displayed by Li Changsheng has actually been infinitely close to the Heavenly Dao realm! This growth rate is too terrifying!

You must know that when Pangu first noticed Li Changsheng, he was just a quasi-sage!

Pangu suddenly felt something in his heart.

Li Changsheng's growth is combined with the upgrading of the prehistoric world.

The speed seems to be consistent!

Although Pangu didn't know exactly how the prehistoric world evolved.

But Pangu is almost certain!

The mysterious man who promoted the evolution of the ancient world is Li Changsheng!

There is some kind of connection between him and Honghuang that he doesn't understand!

And Pangu also determined one thing!

Li Changsheng’s daughter has absolutely nothing to do with Heaven!

Heaven is empty.

Seeing that Li Changsheng seemed not to let him go.

Hongjun is scared!

he said hurriedly.

"Li Changsheng, this time I will admit defeat!"

"You can pay anything you want!"

Li Changsheng snorted lightly when he heard this.

This Hongjun injured Houtu.

Destroyed half of the authentic divine wheel.

Both of his daughters were implicated.

Still thinking about just making compensation?

This Hongjun really doesn't care about eating or fighting.

It seems that the status of a Taoist makes him feel that he can do whatever he wants.

Seeing that Li Changsheng didn't speak.

Hongjun shouted sincerely.

"As long as this matter is settled, Pindao is willing to give you anything!"

"And I promise never to do it again!"

What Hongjun was thinking at this time was that as long as he survived this disaster, Pangu must personally take action to deal with Li Changsheng next time!

Never do it again is a lie!

Hongjun relies on himself to be a Taoist and the spokesperson of heaven.

He is not really completely afraid of Li Changsheng.

He just wanted to stop his losses by doing this!

However, just when Hongjun was still calculating in his heart.

But I heard Li Changsheng's calm voice resounding throughout the nine heavens and ten lands.

"Then let's use the Hedao status to pay for it."

The words fell.

Hongjun's pupils instantly shrank like needles!

"What did you say?!"

It’s as if I can’t believe it!

Hongjun Daoxin couldn't help being frightened and shouted in shock.

"Li Changsheng, do you want to..."

That’s all!

But I saw Li Changsheng using his free hand to reach the empty spot.

The whole ancient world suddenly buzzed!


The supreme and mysterious Tao Yun appeared all over Li Changsheng.

Great Dharma!

Origin authority!

The career status of those who follow the Way can be abolished!

"Heaven's way, come out."

Li Changsheng spoke calmly.


Above the endless sky.

A divine pupil symbolizing the will of heaven emerged!

Watch the whole prehistoric world!

"Hongjun has no virtue and brings disaster to the world."

"I will now abolish my position as one of the Heavenly Dao, and I will no longer be the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao!"

Li Changsheng's calm voice sounded.

It is obvious that he is the one who abolishes the way of heaven and the way of harmony.

But it seems like it’s just a small thing!

All sentient beings were completely stunned!

Does the Immortal Master want to abolish the status of Taoist ancestors and Taoists?

Strip off the identity of Tiandao spokesperson?!

Isn't this a joke?!

Hongjun said with a crazy smile.

"Li Changsheng, are you crazy?!"

"Want to abolish this position?!"

"You're dreaming!!!"

He didn't believe it at all!

Even if the Divine Eye of Heaven appears!

He doesn't believe it either!

There is absolutely no way Li Changsheng can do it!

But I don't know why.

Hongjun felt a trace of extreme panic in his heart!

Li Changsheng, can he really abolish his career?!

No, this is impossible!

Absolutely impossible!

East China Sea!

The Four Saints of Xuanmen were even more shocked!

"Li Changsheng wants to abolish the Taoist ancestral position?"

"This is impossible!"

"This is definitely impossible!"

The Four Saints shouted repeatedly, not believing it at all!


They all looked terrified!

The pupils are trembling extremely!

It all shows that they think this may really come true!

After all, Li Changsheng said casually.

The Divine Eye of Heaven, which represents the will of Heaven, appears!

This shows that Li Changsheng may really have this kind of power!

Nuwa's breath was stagnant!

But my heart was beating fiercely!

Can longevity really abolish Hongjun's status as a Taoist?!

The same thought also appeared in Hou Tu's mind!

They couldn't believe it.

But, I am looking forward to it very much!

Buzhou Mountain!

Pangu frowned.

Heaven itself does not currently have the authority to abolish the status of those who follow the path.

Abolition of those who follow the Way means that the Way of Heaven will be damaged!

Not to mention that Dao has no authority now, even if it does.

I would never do such a thing!

Why would he, Li Changsheng, dare to do this?

Pangu snorted coldly.

Waiting for Li Changsheng to be backlashed by Heaven!

Maybe his chance will come then!

What Pangu said was actually right!

Today's Heavenly Dao does not have the authority to abolish those who follow the Dao!


Li Changsheng can give this authority!

Li Changsheng's origin authority.

It comes from the origin of the prehistoric world!

And the origin of the prehistoric world!

It is actually the origin of Li Changsheng!

The origin authority is said to be a great way, but in fact it is a way that only Li Changsheng can perform!

Because, this requires the origin of the prehistoric world!

This prehistoric world has been judged since the beginning of the universe, even until the moment when all things end!

There is only one person who can control the origin of the prehistoric world!

That is Li Changsheng!


What the Heavenly Dao cannot do!

Li Changsheng can make him do it!

Abolish the position of the combined Dao!

Strip off the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao!

Li Changsheng's voice fell.


The heaven and earth shook!

The prehistoric world resonated!

All living beings were nervously paying attention to this scene!


The Heavenly Dao's divine pupil made a buzzing sound!


The sound of the sky sounded!




One word came out.

The prehistoric world was in uproar!

What does "No" mean?

It means to wait for orders!!

It is the response of the lower to the higher!

This shows!

The position of the Immortal Venerable!

It is above the Heavenly Dao!!

The Immortal Venerable ordered the Heavenly Dao to abolish Hongjun's position!

And the Heavenly Dao!

After hearing the Immortal Venerable's arrangement!

All the creatures in the prehistoric world were completely shocked!

The saints were also in shock!

Even Pangu!

He also widened his eyes, unbelievable!!

Li Changsheng's position is higher than the origin of the Heavenly Dao?!!

The next moment!

All living beings can see it!

Above the sky!

The Heavenly Dao appeared in the void!

In the depths of the void, there is a supreme position of the person who is in harmony with the Dao!

In just a moment!

It exploded!

It disappeared completely!


No longer a person who is in harmony with the Dao!

Hongjun's aura was shaken to the extreme!

In just a moment!

The realm fell to two levels!

Hongjun Blood and essence gushed out of his mouth!

Meifa roared heart-wrenchingly!


"Li Changsheng! You can't!!!"

The Hedao karma exploded!

Hongjun felt his Dao foundation shattered crazily!

This made him want to burst his eyes!

The eyeballs were red to the extreme!

Like an evil ghost who wanted to devour people!

How could he look like a Taoist ancestor?!

"Heavenly Dao!! Come out!!!"

Hongjun roared crazily!

He frantically summoned the power of Heavenly Dao!

To repair his karma!

To resist Li Changsheng!

However, with Hongjun's summons!

The Heavenly Dao's divine pupil suddenly turned!

Locked on Hongjun in the void!


Bloody light burst out!

The Heavenly Dao's divine pupil instantly turned blood red!

Became the eye of heavenly punishment!


The terrifying heavenly punishment descended!

The endless heavenly thunder struck down brazenly!

Straight hit Hongjun! (End of this chapter)

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