Sanxian Island.

Tongtian and Sanxiao looked at little Susu in shock.

The little princess actually got it right!

Jie Yin Zhunti established Buddhism!

And Hongjun and others joined in!

Everything is right!

This is simply prophetic!

Of course Sanxiao looked at Li Changsheng.

I was even more admired and shocked.

Little Susu is so powerful.

Li Changsheng is obviously more powerful!

He even got the name of Buddhism right.

This shows that everything is under Li Changsheng's control.

Tongtian was even more relieved.

Put it this way.

I am just afraid of everything Pangu does and does.

It’s all within Li Changsheng’s insight!

So, is Pangu still a threat?

"The strength of fellow Taoist Immortal, I saw it again today."

Tongtian couldn't help but sigh.

"The Immortal Lord is really amazing!"

Sanxiao said with admiration.

Even Houtu Nuwa and other girls admired him extremely.

The ability to live forever is indeed mysterious and unpredictable.

Even the queen Nuwa, Tugou, can't even peek into the secrets of heaven and earth.

After all, Pangu was in the realm of Heavenly Dao and protected the actions of the Six Saints with Raised Eyes.

It's like being protected by another heaven.

Of course they couldn't see through it either.

Li Changsheng just smiled and said nothing.

At this time, the three little lolita murmured happily.

Xiaotangtang’s eyebrows danced with joy: “Mengmeng Susu, we have a new toy!”

Xiao Mengmeng said with a smile: "Let's go to Lingshan to collect protection fees!"

Little Susu smiled and said: "Let's go to the underworld first to give Buddhism a surprise."

“Then we’ll go to Lingshan to watch a show!”

Tangtang and Mengmeng's eyes suddenly lit up.


Then the three little lolita looked at Li Changsheng and Hou Tu and said coquettishly.

"Dad, mom, dad (aunt)."

"We want to go to the underworld!"

Of course Li Changsheng and the Houtu girls knew about the quirks of the three little guys.

Everyone was smiling all the time.

The establishment of Buddhism.

Six Saints and One Gate.

On the surface, it can compete with the Three Immortals Island.

This also caused an uproar throughout the world.

"Six Saints and One Sect?"

"Ancestor Yangmei actually joined in."

"The Buddhist lineup is even stronger than the original Xuanmen. I'm afraid the ambitions are quite high!"


Di Juntai looked at each other.


"I wonder what Hongjun and the others are planning to do?"

"But no matter what they do, they can never cause trouble in front of the Immortal Lord!"

Di Juntai had confidence in Li Changsheng.

Extremely powerful.

You must know that Li Changsheng was the one who killed Pangu!

That is the true pinnacle existence of the ancient world!

Buzhou Mountain.

Witch clan.

"What kind of Buddhism? I think it must be the same thing as the Xuanmen!" Zhu Rong, who had a hot temper, cursed carelessly.

Di Jiang also nodded.

"It's definitely not good for these shameless saints to get together."

Xuan Ming said with a smile.

"I don't think it's anything."

"Forget about Changsheng and my little sister, Mengmeng and their niece can destroy Buddhism."

The ancestral witches burst out laughing when they heard this.

"That's right, this Buddhism is probably Mengmeng's new toy!"

And the biggest reaction.

Naturally, it is Jizo deep in the eighteenth level of hell.

The mind of Ksitigarbha Dao surrounded by golden merits is moving.

Look to the west.


"Is it Amitabha?"

"It seems that the Immortal Lord had already expected this step."

Ksitigarbha could not help but admire him.

This time.

The sound of dragons and phoenixes singing in harmony sounded.

The Kowloon Agarwood Chariot descends!

The little princess of Sanxian Island has arrived!


The Kowloon agarwood chariot falls.

Three little lolita jumped down.

Ksitigarbha was actually surprised when the three little princesses suddenly appeared.

He was a saint, but he couldn't sense the fluctuation of the little princess?

Ksitigarbha couldn't help but sigh in his heart, she was indeed the daughter of an immortal.

This kind of miraculous power is beyond the reach of even the ancient saints!

"I've met three little princesses."

Ksitigarbha said politely.

"Young Ksitigarbha, do you want to establish an orthodoxy?"

Xiao Mengmeng asked with a smile.

Ksitigarbha was a little confused, then said firmly.

"Don't worry, little princess, Pindao has no objections."

Ksitigarbha thought that Buddhism was planning to use him as a breakthrough point to plot against the Immortal Lord.

So take a stand quickly.

Ksitigarbha knew that the Immortal Master certainly did not care about Buddhism.

But his attitude was still expressed.

However, I saw Ksitigarbha behave like this.

Mengmeng suddenly slapped her forehead. How could Jizo be so stupid? Little Tangtang laughed.

"Mengmeng, isn't your little brother also very stupid?

"It's really embarrassing to the tunnel."

In the past, Mengmeng often teased her little brother for bringing shame on Tiandao.

Now Xiaotangtang has regained her position.

Little Tangtang was overjoyed.

Xiao Mengmeng sighed when she heard this and was unhappy.

"Idiot Jizo, so stupid!"

Jizo looked innocent.

At a loss again.

Still aggrieved.

I am very loyal!

Little Susu said with a smile at this time.

"Ksitigarbha, do you want to steal Buddhism's luck?"

"Like becoming a Buddha of all ages or something!"

Ksitigarbha realized at this time that the little princess was going to cause trouble.

To be honest, in his heart he was willing to stay in the underworld and arrange to go to Buddhism.

Even if you are a Buddha, it is naturally not as good as being a disciple of Sanxian Island.

Su Su saw Ksitigarbha's thoughts and said with a smile: "I didn't ask you to go to the West."

"You need to take a longer-term view. Hongyun tied up the fate of the Western Cult at that time and obtained all the meat and vegetables from the Western Cult."

"Isn't this a good opportunity for you to take revenge on the West?"

"And you were able to call out Amitabha in the first place because daddy arranged it for today."

Ksitigarbha suddenly understood.

At the same time, I was shocked.

Did the Immortal Lord already think so far back?

So awesome!

This is simply going to kill shameless saints like Hongjun.

And the little princess is right.

This is the perfect opportunity to take revenge on the West!

After all, after entering hell, I have seen countless suffering creatures.

Only Ksitigarbha understands the hypocrisy and shamelessness of the West.

Ksitigarbha immediately nodded in agreement.

"Just follow the little princess's orders!"

He can pluck the wool of Buddhism and take revenge on Buddhism.

It can also help the three little princesses vent their anger.

This is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

Ksitigarbha is naturally happy to do it.

The three little lolita were happy and began to arrange for Jizo.

"It's okay, Ksitigarbha, you have a good awakening."

"You will bring out Mahayana Buddhism later."

"Those scumbag saints from Hongjun are only qualified to use Hinayana, hahaha..."

Not long after.

Ksitigarbha acted according to the arrangement of the little princess.

He directly transformed into the great Buddha surrounded by countless Buddhist gates and established Mahayana Buddhism.

Business status soared.

The west.


The Great Hall.

Buddhism is established, and luck is endless.

After all, if the Six Saints gather together in one sect, their luck will naturally be extremely powerful.

Countless fortunes from prehistoric times gathered in Lingshan.

Of course.

No matter how great these fortunes are, they are not worth mentioning compared to the Three Immortals Island.

However, this was enough to excite the Four Saints.

At this time, the four saints looked at each other.

Buddhism has been established, what needs to be done now.

Naturally, they are competing for benefits!

Yuan Shi said without hesitation.

"I see that there are three Buddhas in this Buddhist sect. My three disciples, Guangchengzi, Yun Zhongzi, and Baihe Tongzi, are all meritorious people. They can occupy the positions of the three Buddhas of the past, present and future!"

These three Buddhas are all Buddhas with real power!

The status of a saint is transcendent and there is no need to fight.

But of course, the position of disciple cannot be let go.

I opened my mouth as soon as my beard grew under my jaw.

"Goodness, as it should be!"

Since I no longer have any disciples, I naturally help Yuanshi.

After all, the East is one.

But how can we make it happen? (End of this chapter)

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