"Okay, the next step is to arrange for Tang Seng!"

"This matter will be handed over to Jie Yin Zhunti."

Hongjun looked at the suppressed Sun Wukong and felt relieved.

The saints looked at each other and smiled.

Jie Yin Zhunti said: "Teacher, don't worry."

The two saints quickly went to arrange for Jin Chanzi's latest reincarnation Tang Seng.

Chang'an City.

The whole family was happy to see Tang Seng born.

After twenty years, Tang Seng had no chance of becoming a monk, let alone the desire to do so.

Zunti's face twitched.

"Brother! This... is not miserable at all!"

Jie Yin also looked helpless.

According to the Buddhist idea, Tang Seng must have a miserable life.

As a result, he was dumbfounded at the first step.

What a miserable thing!

Humans are born in the Daluo realm. Even if they don't have magic power, they can live forever and be immune to ordinary disasters.

How miserable do you want?

This thing is not miserable at all!

"Alas! We didn't think it through. Let Tang Seng leave home and make a name for himself in Chang'an!"

"It is also necessary to reveal Tang Seng's memories of his previous life, otherwise I am afraid he will not enter Buddhism. "

Jie Yin was helpless, this plot was totally out of the ordinary.

They had never paid serious attention to ordinary humans, how could they know that humans were so comfortable now?

Soon, Jie Yin and Zhunti secretly arranged for Tang Seng to leave home and travel far away, and then triggered Tang Seng's memory, and Tang Seng finally became a monk.

Not long after, Tang Seng's Buddhist teachings were perfected, and he was ordered to come to Chang'an to spread Buddhism.

Not long after...

In the small Buddhist temple he built.

Tang Seng looked at the bustling Chang'an City with people coming and going, and wanted to cry! No one paid attention to the Buddhist principles he talked about.

Because this is meaningless to the human race with infinite lifespan. righteousness.

More importantly, the human race now has the Empress, the Holy Emperor, and many sacred human beings!

The destiny of humanity is extremely majestic!

The sufferings of the world are almost gone.

And the Buddhist sect is fighting the banner of cultivating the next life and eliminating sufferings.

This is of no use to the human race!

Tang Seng was dumbfounded.

No one paid attention to him!

However, Tang Seng often guides people to be good, and this is advocated by the Tang Dynasty, which has some effect.

In addition, he can talk about the practice method, which still attracts many people.

But there are only these few people.

"This Buddhist sect is good, it is useless even if you give it a chance! "

Little Tangtang looked at Tang Seng and couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"Buddhism is useless! Susu, let Li Shimin arrange it!"

Little Mengmeng also looked unhappy.

This Buddhism is useless. She is bored waiting for the journey to the West.

Little Susu also nodded. If they don't take action, then who knows how long the journey to the West will take.

Susu immediately called Li Shimin.

"Hello, Lady Empress!"

"Hello, two little princesses!"

Li Shimin hurriedly saluted, feeling very excited.

Seeing the three little princesses again, Li Shimin felt that he was really lucky.

This ordinary saint can't be so You can meet three princesses!

"Go and see a monk, give him an identity, and ask him to go to the West to learn scriptures!"

Hearing Xiao Susu's arrangement, Li Shimin nodded and hurried to make arrangements.

The three little loli showed a satisfied smile.

The fun is finally coming!


Soon, Emperor Li Shimin summoned Tang Monk.

"Are you willing to go west to learn scriptures?"

Li Shimin didn't waste any words.

Tang Monk was overjoyed, but still a little nervous.

"Your Majesty! I am willing to go to the West to seek a convenient way of practice, and I can guide people to be good!"

Li Shimin nodded: "Then go. "

Tang Seng did not expect to complete the task so easily, so he was naturally very happy.

The four saints of Buddhism were also very happy when they saw this scene.

This stumbling.

The Journey to the West has finally started!

The four saints who had been staring at Tang Seng felt a little tearful at this moment.

This is too difficult!

Then he quickly instructed Tang Seng to go out and subdue Sun Wukong.

Things went smoothly, and Tang Seng was very happy to receive instructions from the saint.

Quickly rectified the ceremony, looking forward to Li Shimin seeing him off when he came out of seclusion.

"That's the Human Emperor, he will show up for such a big event as the Journey to the West!"

"Maybe I can have the title of the Royal Brother by then!"

Tang Seng was excited when he thought about it.

The result...

Until Tang Seng slowly walked out of the city step by step, no one paid any attention to him!

It was as if the Human Emperor took Seeing him is just to get rid of him.

"Then monk, are you going to leave?"

"Don't block the way here!"

The gatekeeper looked at Tang Seng unhappily.

Tang Seng was very embarrassed, and had no choice but to leave by himself.

The three little lolita looked at this scene and laughed happily.

"Do you think this Tang Seng is stupid?"

"Still want to be a royal brother?"

Little Tangtang couldn't help laughing.

"Stupider than that monkey!"

Little Susu said with a smile.

"Stupidity is fun! Stupid bald donkey and stupid monkey, hehe!"

Little Mengmeng also laughed happily.

After a long journey, Tang Seng finally arrived at Wuzhi Mountain.

The four saints of Buddhism were worried that something would happen again, and they also watched all the way.

Not long after, Tang Seng, who followed the guidance of the saint, finally brought out Sun Wukong smoothly.


"Hey! You old bald donkey, take a stick from me first! After beating you, then go to Lingshan to take revenge!"

The first time Sun Wukong jumped out, he took out the golden cudgel.

He hit Tang Monk fiercely!

Tang Senghai jumped and ran away quickly.

Shout to the saints for help.

What kind of cruel disciples have you arranged for me?

In the future, on the way westward, I am afraid that the monster will not kill me, but I will be beaten to death by this monkey, right?

Tang Monk regretted taking the scriptures.

Daluo heaven.

Jieyin Zhunti, who had been staring at Tang Monk, also had a headache.

This monkey is so vindictive!

Daluo heaven.

Laozi and Yuanshi looked at each other without saying anything.

On the contrary, I was happy to see Yin Zhunti being defeated.

Seeing Tang Seng was so frightened.

In desperation, Jie Yin had no choice but to show up directly.

He knew that if the saint did not show up, other Bodhisattvas would be beaten to death on the spot because of Sun Wukong's character.

"Sun Wukong, do you still want to be imprisoned for five hundred years?"

The Holy Power broke out and suppressed the monkey.

Then a tight band fell directly on Sun Wukong's head, and at the same time he looked at Tang Monk.

"This is a tight curse. If the hozen is stubborn, you can recite this curse!"

Tang Monk quickly thanked him.

"Thank you saint!"

Recite the tightening mantra again.

Sun Wukong was in so much pain that he bared his teeth and roared angrily.

"You stupid bald donkey! He has repeatedly plotted against me, the Monkey King!"

"When Old Sun returns to his peak, I will never let you go!"

Sun Wukong was hammered to such an extent by Little Tangtang that he didn't admit defeat, and of course he won't let go now.

The reception was even more of a headache.

You are back at the pinnacle of a hammer.

Do you really think you are causing trouble in Lingshan on your own?

You, a Taiyi Golden Immortal, really want to overturn the world?

All Buddhist saints can guess it.

When Sun Wukong caused trouble in Lingshan Mountain, he was afraid that it was Li Changsheng's daughter who was responsible for beating the saint.

After Li Changsheng's daughter ignored the monkey, Sun Wukong's heeling talent was very strong.

But it’s just Taiyi.

Jie Yin stopped Tang Monk at this time, and then directly gave him a practice method.

"Sun Wukong, this skill is the top skill of Buddhism."

"If you practice well, you will hopefully achieve enlightenment."


The monkey was also happy to get the cultivation method and started practicing without any ceremony.

Not long after, Sun Wukong's breath broke through and he came directly to the realm of Da Luo.

At this time, I was overjoyed, knowing that I really hadn't lied to myself. (End of chapter)

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