Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0103 Ten second rank good fortune Qinglian

No matter what method he used, it was of no avail, and even the soul seemed to be going away.

However, just as Longfeng was about to be taken into Calabash, the space in front of him fluctuated with a ripple, and a purple-yellow Calabash appeared.


Two dragon roars resounded, water and fire raged in the Great Hall, and the temperature suddenly rose, and then there was a sizzle.


Long Feng felt his body loose, and the suction disappeared instantly.

Fuck f*ck!

Long Feng was furious. He didn't expect Yuanshi Tianzun to have such a not wanting face. He didn't slap himself to death with a palm.

Long Feng's expression became gloomy in an instant, and it seemed that this old thief was deliberately trying to kill me!


great power!

Long Feng was trembling with anger, everything was the fault of his strength.

As long as you have enough strength, how can you live so stubbornly, dare to provoke yourself, slap and slap.

But his own strength was not good enough, instead he was slapped into meatloaf by others.

At this time, he had never been so eager for strength now.

"Sanctified, daddy must be sanctified!"

Long Feng was roaring in his heart. Once he became a holy, he would first hang the old immortal primitive.

"Third brother, it seems that you have crossed your mind today and want to fight against your second brother, don't you?"

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes were raging, and the eyes of the Lord Tongtian seemed to burn him to ashes.

"Second brother's words are not correct. Third brother does not want to be embarrassed with his elder brother, but for the sake of my sanqing reputation, I have to do it."

An old god in Tongtian was there, and his eyes seemed to say, I am embarrassed with you, and what can you do.


Just when the two were fighting hard, a lotus platform came from the void, broke the two Calabash, shook them apart, and returned to Sage's hands.

"Above the Sanqing Great Hall, and there are guests here, you two are such a trifling matter, how decent you are!"

Taishang Laojun spoke, and his face was full of anger at this time, and he glanced at the Lord Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun each, shaking his head in a state of indisputable anger.

"Hey, Kunlun Taoist Temple has three sages, with different morals and endless struggles. It seems that it is time to separate families."

Taishang Laojun felt sad in his heart, thinking that when his three brothers were not sanctified, they would cultivate together and enjoy themselves. It seems that they are gone forever.

"Long Xiaoyou, made you laugh!"

"However, Sage has his own dignity. Sage cannot be humiliated. Today, Xiaoyou Long insults Sage and should be punished!"

The words of Taishang Laojun resounded in his ears, awakening the Dragon Peak who was staring at the lotus platform fiercely.

The ten second rank lotus platform was transformed by the four lotus seeds bred by the chaotic green lotus that Pangu pioneered.

They are the ten second rank merit golden lotus, the ten second rank karma red lotus, the ten second rank pure black lotus, and the ten second rank good fortune green lotus.

Ten second rank good fortune Qinglian was obtained by Daozu Hongjun, and later bestowed on the Sanqing, and when the Sanqing separated their families, they were transformed into three Innate spirit treasures.

One is the crutches of the great old man, transformed by the green lotus flower.

The second is the three gems Ruyi Scepter of Yuanshi Tianzun, which is transformed by the green lotus root.

The third is the Qingping sword of the Lord Tongtian, which is transformed by the lotus leaf of the green lotus.

This is also the origin of the safflower, white lotus root and green lotus leaves, and Sanjiao was originally a family.

As for the ten second-rank merit golden lotus, Daoist was bestowed by Hongjun to introduce Daoist, which is the treasure of Western Buddhism, and it is the thing that Buddhism suppresses luck.

Ten second rank Karma Fire Red Lotus is the companion treasure of the ancestor of the Blood Sea and Styx. Longfeng had the honor to have seen it.

The last ten second rank Jingshi Black Lotus is the most mysterious, and it is the treasure of Demon Ancestor Luohu.

After Luohu's body was annihilated by Dao Ancestor, the ten second-rank Jingshi Black Lotus disappeared and disappeared at the same time as the primordial spirit of Demon Lord Luohu.

This ten second rank good fortune Qinglian looks like Longfeng’s eyes are red. If you can get it, one day gather other ten second rank lotus stands, will it be able to reproduce the power of the thirty sixth rank Chaos Qinglian?

Long Feng's heart was fiery, but he was shocked by the words of Taishang Laojun.

Then he was even more dissatisfied.

"Hahaha, Sage's deity, how can my little golden fairy resist? Sage does what he says!"

"Poor, I rushed to you shit Kunlun. I thought there was something good. I didn't expect to become a closed dog. He came to deliver food. Very good, very good!"

Long Feng was so angry that he laughed, what kind of shit Sage, a group of people who cheat the world and steal the name, if I don't die today, I will fuck you shit Sage.


Hearing Long Feng's words, the old gentleman's face was unpredictable, green for a while, white for a while.

"Yes, Dage, Xiaoyou Long was invited by us, and the inviter is for the guest. I will stand up to the top of the sky, and don't do that to kill the guests!"

Long Feng's words, the leader of Tongtian was full of enthusiasm, and the whole person stood up in an instant, glaring at Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun.

"You...you really are not a son of man!"

"Think of God Father Pangu, how could you be a person who is not a son of man!"

Yuanshi Tianzun's face was pale with anger, and he didn't even know it was dancing and dancing.

"Fart, primitive old man, Pangu god-tier standing upright, dignified man, willing to sacrifice oneself and transform everything, how noble it is."

"You bullshit Sage, but selfish, you think Face is more important than your butt, you are really ashamed to mention Pangu god-tier!"

"Also, you, Taishang Laojun, aren't you cultivating the Tao of Inaction? Are you not the leader of the human religion? Where is your inaction? What have you done for the human race as the leader of the human education?"

"Shit, it's all bullshit, Sage, I'm just haha, no wonder the two two hundred and five hundred and five in the West disdain to get along with you, it turns out that you are even more dirty!"

Long Feng's eyes were bulging, and he gave it up. What about you, Sage, it's a big deal to kill me!

But even if you kill me, daddy will say it!

"Hahaha, well, well said, good scolding, I wanted to scold a long time ago, today is so refreshing, Xiaoyou Long, you are really my confidant!"

Facing Longfeng's scolding, the faces of Primordial Tianzun and Taishang Laojun had already turned purple, but the Lord Tongtian laughed and clapped his hands and cheered.

"Well, if you want to die so much, then I will do it for you!"

Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't hold his breath anymore, then Calabash flew out again, a ray of light flickered, standing in the air, spraying a whirlpool, sending out a monstrous suction, and covering Longfeng.

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun was already furious, urging a trace of Magic power, and the suction power was more than ten thousand times stronger than just before.


Before Long Feng could react, he was immediately picked up by a huge and irresistible force and went directly to Calabash.

At this time, his primordial spirit and all Movement Technique power seemed to be imprisoned, no matter what method he used, no matter Magic Treasures or Xianshu, there was no movement at all.

Long Feng's eyes were about to split, and he could only watch his body rapidly shrink and was sucked in by Calabash.

"Long Xiaoyou, what a primitive Tianzun, let go of Long Xiaoyou soon!"

Master Tongtian was a step late. Seeing Longfeng being sucked into Calabash, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Calabash of Yuanshi Tianzun.

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