Long Feng didn't believe it, the mere Jin Chanzi could escape from his own palm.

But now, that Jin Chanzi has begun to reincarnate, even Long Feng doesn't know where he is.

Had to give up for now!

"Stop the Zhu Ba Jie first!"

Soon, under the guidance of that idea, Longfeng and Kong Xuan descended behind a small farmyard.

A tangy smell of pig dung wafted in the wind, causing Long Feng to frown.


There was a sudden scream of pigs.

"Master, what are we doing in this pigpen?"

Kong Xuan slapped his hand to get rid of the odor, and asked with dissatisfaction on his face.

"Accept disciples!"

Longfeng's words are concise and concise.

"Huh, accepting disciples?"

Kong Xuan was taken aback, the master is crazy!

Actually want to accept pigs as disciples.

"Master, are you all right!"

"Receiving pigs as disciples, and spreading it out will make people laugh."

Kong Xuan felt that he was the master's queen mount, and he had the obligation to remind the master.

"Fart, you know that the pig I'm about to collect is the one who should be robbed."

"If someone else wants to laugh, let him laugh!"

"When I get the benefit, they can still laugh."

Long Feng smiled coldly.

It's a joke. People who should be robbed, even Yuanshi Tianzun, who pays the most attention to face, should kneel and beg once they know it.

What's more, he doesn't pay attention to these red tapes at all.

How much is the noodles worth?

In his Long Feng's eyes, as long as the benefits are sufficient, it does not exceed his bottom line of life.

What if the dough is lost!

"Uh, wise master!"

Kong Xuan touched his nose and said helplessly.

"Go, let me see, how is my disciple now."

Long Feng originally didn't want to take the pig as a disciple, but he looked at all kinds of relationships.

Only the master and apprentice are the ones who can absorb the luck most.

The strength of luck obtained, even if it is to be adopted as a son, is not as strong as the master-disciple relationship.

For the sake of luck, it is not impossible to accept pigs as disciples.

The two followed the sound of pigs and soon came to a pigpen.

What catches the eye is that three pigs are eating.

One of them was a lap bigger than the other two, obviously Dage among the three pigs was the bigger.

At this moment, there was a whining sound in his mouth, his eyes were extremely fierce, and he seemed to warn the other two pigs not to come close.

On both sides of him, the other two pigs were trembling, their eyes were terrified, and they looked eagerly at Dage Da who was frantically cooking.

"Fuck, Marshal Canopy, dignified, actually mixed up like this bird!"

Even if Longfeng knew the situation of Zhu Ganglu at this time, he was shocked by the sight in front of him.

This is really a pig.

Judging from the plump appearance of the pig Gang, I am afraid that it will be slaughtered soon!

On the other side, Zhu Gangxu, who was frantically working on food, heard the voices, was shocked, and immediately turned his head to look.


When he saw Longfeng, he burst into tears instantly.

"Big Tianzun, please help me!"

Pig Gang shouted immediately.

However, although his memory of the soul is still there, he does not have a Cultivation Base and can only make a scream.

"Hehe, Zhu Gang, come with me!"

Long Feng knew what he wanted to say, but just smiled faintly.

Immediately he stretched out his hand and waved, a white cloud rose under Zhu Gang's feet, and he carried him to a distant mountain.

Such a scene immediately scared the other two pigs to pee.

At the same time, his feet were soft, and he knelt directly on the ground, his eyes staring like bull's eyes.

"Ha ha!"

Long Feng shook his head, did not stop, and rode Kong Xuan away.

Soon, the three came to a mountain peak.

Kong Xuan was suspended in midair.

Long Feng sat on Kong Xuan's head.

Below is the pig Gang.

At this moment he was so excited that he was digging the ground with his feet.

Long Feng smiled faintly, pointed out a little, and a ray of light flashed.

Zhu Gang's body was suddenly bathed in a burst of golden light.


Soon, a fool with big ears and a thick nose appeared where the pig had just stood.

There is a slip of mane behind his head, his body is rough and afraid of people, his head and face look like a pig.

"Uh, I have become a human!"

Pig Gang was overjoyed immediately.

Not only become humans, but they can also speak human language.

"Canopy Daoist, see Longfeng Daoist!"

"Da Tianzun, you are finally here, old pig I have been reincarnated nine times and become a pig."

"I was killed nine times and ate meat. This kind of life is simply not a human life. I am going to collapse."

Zhu Gang snorted and cried so much that it was heartbreaking.

"Well, from now on, you will come to the end of your hardship and will never be a pig again."

Long Feng smiled faintly, this pig Gang was indeed suffering.

"Pig Gang, would you like to worship me as a teacher?"

Seeing Zhu Gang's mood calm down, Long Feng began to ask.

"What? Apprentice?"

Zhu Ganglu said that he was so shocked that he almost fainted.

Dignified Longfeng Datianzun wanted to accept him as his apprentice.

This is so, it feels a bit unreal.

"Yes, I want to accept your disciple, are you willing?"

Seeing that Zhu Ganglu couldn't believe his own ears, Long Feng asked again.

"Damn, I am willing, which turtle son is not willing."

Pig Gang feels happy from the sky.

Without saying anything, he fell on his knees like pushing Jinshan and Yuzhu, and kept kowtow against Longfeng.

"Zhu Ganglu pays respects to Master!"

Then there were nine loud knocks.

"Well, yes, you will be my disciple from today."

"I have a Cultivation Technique here, you have to cultivate it."

After speaking, with a flick of Long Feng's finger, a message appeared in Zhu Gang's mind.


Pig Gang felt like an explosion in his own mind.

A yellow bell-like voice resounded through the world, deafening and thought-provoking.

"Nine-Nine Profound Art?"

When Zhu Gang clarified the information in his head, a Cultivation Technique clearly appeared before his eyes.

"Yes, this is an upgraded version of the Eighty-Nine Profound Art. It was modified by me to become the Nine-Nine Profound Art."

"This set of Cultivation Technique, cultivation to the limit, you will be promoted to the highest level of the saint, you have to cultivate well."

Long Feng nodded. The Eight-Nine Profound Art was still the Cultivation Technique he had cultivated earlier.

Although he was later promoted by fusion, he knew how to perform.

According to his current Realm, as long as it is slightly modified, it will be much stronger than the Eighty-Nine Profound Art.

These nine-nine profound arts include a set of exercise methods.

In addition, there are thirty-six changes in Tiangang, seventy-two changes in earth evil, as well as the fixation technique, the rainbow transformation technique, and the magical powers of the heavens and the earth.

"Thank you, Master, for presenting the Cultivation Technique. The disciple will be dedicated to cultivation, and strive to cultivate as soon as possible."

That pig Gang is excited!

The fat pig body is not constantly trembling.

The smile on his face is also extremely bright.

"Well, Cultivation Technique is available, and one piece of Magic Treasures is missing."

"Apprentice, what kind of Magic Treasures do you like, I will refine them on-site for you as a teacher."

Zhu Gang, who has advanced Cultivation Technique, still lacks a handy Magic Treasures.

"Master, I want a nail rake!"

Zhu Gang's eyes gleamed.

Master is the strongest Sage, and the refined Magic Treasures are at least the acquired treasure.

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