At this time, as long as his soul enters, he can immediately control the stone body without any effort.

Do as you think, Liu Er Yuan deifies the fog.

Enveloping the stone monkey, the strands of primordial spirit suddenly entered the stone monkey's body.


The stone monkey was instantly given life.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the stone monkey's chest has already begun to beat.

A breath of life was also released from the stone monkey.


A golden light suddenly erupted from the stone monkey.

This golden light directly broke through the formation arranged by Dragon Peak, rushed into the sky, and bloomed into the sky.

And at the moment!

The primordial spirit of Liu Er has completely merged with the stone monkey.

At the same time, one of his Movement Technique powers also vanished, all hidden in the depths of the soul.

If you want to recover again, I'm afraid not to use great luck and great merit to urge it.

I am afraid that this kind of huge luck and merit can only be obtained by completing the Journey to the West.

However, although Liu Er is now in chaos, his soul is extremely clear.

He always keeps his heart, waiting for the day of birth.


After receiving the thought feedback, Longfeng already knew that the six-eared macaque had successfully captured the Sheling Mingshi monkey.

This gave him a sigh of relief.

Now Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong have been dealt with by him.

Next is the White Dragon Horse.

Although the White Dragon Horse does not show the mountains and dews, it is also one of the five members of the Westward Journey.

The luck condensed from him is not a small amount.

At least it is equivalent to the luck of two enshrined gods and calamities.

This is amazing!

Long Feng estimated that as long as he got this kind of luck, Zu Long would be able to quickly advance to the Supreme Sage realm.

And he, as the owner of Zulong, can at least be assigned his three levels of luck.

How could he give up such a beautiful thing.

"Zulong, come and see me soon!"

At this moment, Longfeng is sitting on the Great Hall of Heaven Sword.

"Zulong see the master!"

In a blink of an eye, there was a wave of ripples in the space, and the mighty figure of Zulong appeared.

The leader of the Zulong Dragon Clan is even more arrogant.

Although he was finally calculated by Heavenly Dao, his luck was completely lost, and he almost fell.

But since following Longfeng, his luck has been rekindled, and Cultivation Base has also risen.

Today, he is also the strength of the fifth floor of the late stage of Banbu Avenue.

Moreover, his strength among Longfeng's mounts was only lower than that of Kong Xuan and Chaos Demon Dragon.

Compared to Kunpeng, he is one point stronger.

Longfeng sat on the futon, glanced at the Zulong, then stretched out his hand and punched out a futon.

"Sit down and talk!"

"Thank you Master!"

Zu Long was not polite, and sat down cross-legged.

"Zulong, now the calamity is approaching, I want you to do something."

Longfeng didn't talk nonsense, and said straight to the point.

"Master, please!"

Zu Long respectfully said.

"On Journey to the West, there is a person in your dragon clan who should be robbed. I want you to go out in person, accept him as a disciple, and pass on his skills."

"At that time, when he has cultivated a positive result, the luck in your body will surely allow you to quickly break through the Supreme Sage."

Long Feng said lightly.

"What, the person who should be robbed, or the dragon?"

"Boss, are you right?"

Zu Long was full of shock, thinking that his dragon clan had long been abandoned by Heavenly Dao and had already lived in seclusion in the four seas.

But the boss said that this time, there was a dragon clan.

And he is still a man who should be robbed, which makes him overjoyed.

You know, this benefit is huge.

Once the time comes, it will not only be the person who should be robbed.

Even the entire dragon family, ancestral dragons, dragon peaks, and even the Heavenly Sword Sect can gather tremendous luck.

However, Zu Long does not know, in the original Journey to the West.

There was no Longfeng design, and the little white dragon was finally named Bodhisattva.

All luck was also taken over by Buddhism.

The dragons, and even the third prince of Xihai Dragon King himself, even the fur went to the bedding and got nothing.

Especially the third prince himself, apart from the title of Bodhisattva, even the strength of the eight Tianlong Guangli Bodhisattva, his strength is nothing but a small Realm.

I have to say that the western duo is really venomous, and the method of looting the wool is very high.

However, this time there is Longfeng calculation, mere Buddhism, ha ha...

At this moment, hearing Zu Long's doubts, Long Feng just smiled faintly.

He grabbed his hands to the empty space, and the information about the Dragon Horse in the Westward Journey gathered into a group.

Then, he put this group of information into Zu Long's mind.

Soon, Zu Long had insight into everything.

But the content of it made his face immediately cloudy.

Unexpectedly, his dragon clan is a dignified and wild family, and has even become the protagonist of the wild world.

Now he is going to be reduced to a mount for learners.

In the memory he had just accepted, the dragon that Longfeng said was the third prince Ao Lie of the Dragon King of Xihai.

Ao Lie burned the Ye Mingzhu bestowed by the Jade Emperor for arson, and was demoted to the Eagle Sorrow Stream of Shepan Mountain to wait for the Tang monk to learn the scriptures, but accidentally ate the white horse that the Tang monk was riding.

In the end, he transformed himself into a white Dragon Horse, and took the Tang monk to the west to learn the scriptures.

Although the White Dragon Horse was eventually cultivated into Zhengguo, he was promoted to Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva.

In the end, he recovered in Hualongchi, but had to coil on the pillar of the Great Sky Tower of the Great Leiyin Temple.

This is so special, the dignified dragon prince has finished his robbery.

The whole dragon clan, however, did not get any benefits from the fart.

On the contrary, it also lost an outstanding dragon race with outstanding talents.

This makes Zu Long's face even more ugly.

"Master, this message you just gave me..."

Zu Long looked solemn.

He wants to change this ending.

"Taozu said that the calamity of this time will be calculated by means."

"This message just now belongs to Ao Lie, but it is not what I want, nor is it what the Dragon Race wants!"

"That's why I let you take Ao Lie as a disciple."

"At that time, let Ao Lie return to the Dragon Clan, and Qi Luck to the Dragon Clan. His Buddhism can only lie on the ground and eat ashes."

"And you and me, and even Ao Lie himself, can get endless benefits!"

Long Feng spoke lightly and explained them one by one.

"Okay, master wise, I will go now."

When Zu Long heard it, he was overjoyed.

"Well, go!"

Long Feng nodded.

"I'll go too!"

When Zulong heard this, his body suddenly changed, turning into a rainbow light, and disappeared from the Heavenly Sword Sect in a blink of an eye, and headed towards the West Sea.

"I am Zulong, Ao Run will welcome you soon!"

Zulong instantly descended outside the Xihai Crystal Palace.

Ao Run, who was doing piston exercises in the Crystal Palace and the Queen of Dragon, was shocked suddenly, and instantly panic.

"No, Master Zu Long actually came back."

Although he is the Dragon King of Xihai.

But these are titles given by Heaven Court.

In front of Zu Long, he, the Dragon King, is just a fart.

They are at the ancestor level.

Not to mention that strong strength, just a look, just Long Wei, can suppress himself.

Where did Ao Run dare to be the slightest negligence, before he even had time to wash, he lifted his pants and flew out of the palace.

At this moment, the palace gate was wide open, and Ao Run immediately saw a mighty and domineering figure.

From this figure, he felt the unmatched Longwei suppression, as if suppressing his blood.

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