Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0121 Hongjun's Secret

"You can know that my Honghuang has been suffering from fatal threats, and the crisis is hanging over my head?"

"A slight negligence, even if you wait for Heavenly Dao Sage, you will inevitably lose your soul and die!"

Dao Ancestor Hongjun said that at this time, his eyes flashed immediately, and he glanced at the six saints below, the divine light was full of fierceness.

"What? We Heavenly Dao Sage might fall?"

"Teacher, really call this matter!"

"Please also ask the teacher to teach me, what can threaten Sage, isn't it that Sage's soul entrusts Heavenly Dao to immortality?"

All of a sudden, the face of the Six Saints changed drastically, which was related to their life and death, and immediately became calm.

Even the high-cold Nuwa Empress has a pretty face and a trembling body.

What kind of threat is it, ignoring the power of Sage!

"Quiet, listen to me again!"

Dao Ancestor Hongjun swept through the six saints one by one. Except for the Master Tongtian's warfare and Daddy frowned, all the other saints were horrified by the news.

Daozu Hongjun couldn't help but glanced at the Master Tongtian approvingly.

At this glance, Yuanshi Tianzun saw it, and his heart was even more dissatisfied with Tongtian.

"I don't want to be the Son of Man, I'm not the Son of Man!"

In addition to fear, Yuanshi Tianzun was extremely angry.

Why can Tongtian get the teacher's affirmative look?

"Wu Honghuang was created by Pangu god-tier from the boundless chaos, but how big is the chaos?"

"That's boundless, Pangu god-tier strength is limited after all, his pioneering prehistoric, but one billionth of the entire Chaos World."

"In the chaos, there are countless god-tier players like Pangu. Therefore, in the chaos, there are countless primordial worlds."

"It's just that the chaotic aura in the depths of the chaos is getting stronger and stronger, and even if the Heavenly Dao Sage reaches perfection, it will not be able to pass these areas unscathed. Therefore, no foreign race has ever come to the precipice."

"However, there is that powerful space-time black hole in the chaos, which can travel through the chaos and connect all worlds!"

At this time, Hongjun's face became more solemn.

Below Sage also felt that the matter might have something to do with the alien race.

"After the dragon and the phoenix contended for hegemony, the killing intent of heaven and earth was rich, resulting in unstable space. This kind of space-time black hole descended in the prehistoric state."

"At that time, thanks to the concerted efforts of the ancestors of Yangmei and I, the empty black hole at that time was transferred to the chaos and sealed."

"But for so many years, the alien race on the opposite side of the black hole has been eager to attack the seal, and even the seal can't resist it for long. By then, it will be my great catastrophe."

Hongjun finished speaking in one breath, glanced at the Six Saints, and said, "Do you have any questions about this?"

At this time, the Six Saints were completely stunned. Although they suspected that the entire chaos is not just a prehistoric world, they never thought about any alien invasion.

"Teacher, I don't know what the alien race is, how strong it is, and whether the ancestor with raised eyebrows mentioned by the teacher is a hollow willow senior who was sanctified earlier than the teacher?"

Tongtian is the strongest, and he is not afraid of fighting. He also reacted first, looking at Hongjun and asked.

When the other sages heard Tongtian's question, they came back to their senses, staring at Hongjun and listening to his reply.

"Yes, the ancestor of raising eyebrows is the hollow willow. He is currently the peak of Heavenly Dao Sage and has always been guarding outside the black hole, otherwise the prehistoric has already been invaded by foreign races."

"As for that alien race, as observed by the raised eyebrow fellow daoist, it should be a demon race. I am afraid that it is also extremely powerful. Sage should have reached the limit of Heavenly Dao and has the strength of peak Sage."

"What, it's so powerful?"

The Six Saints were stunned and almost stunned.

Especially Zhun mentioning Sage, the urine tends to loosen. If it weren't for him to shrink Meridians with Magic power immediately, I am afraid it is not to pee in the crotch.

"What's the matter, what kind of Sage of the Demon Race is too bad, if they break the seal and break into the prehistoric land, wouldn't it mean that even us Sage will suffer."

Zhunti's face was pale, as if she scared the baby to death.

"Huh, I'm not promising, you are my great support, and I hope you will speed up cultivation, when you will be the backbone to resist the demons."

Seeing Zhunti so unbearable, Hongjun was very dissatisfied.

But at the moment when he is employing people, it is not easy for him to punish him excessively.

Besides, the next Lich War will rely on this wretched 250 to tease. Without him, the Lich War is probably not coming hundreds of years late.

It is a great loss for the great famine where every second counts.

The evolution of the wilderness is related to Heavenly Dao's control of the wilderness.

The stronger Heavenly Dao has control over Honghuang, the higher Heavenly Dao's strength will be.

When Heavenly Dao's strength is high, Sage improves quickly.

Just like a snowball, the stronger the upper-level strength, the stronger the combat power of the disciples and grandchildren below.

"Okay, this is the first message, and the second one is that many Innate treasures have been born recently in my Honghuang. Do you have heard of it?"

"This... Innate treasure was born, so many?"

The holy faces looked at each other, as Heavenly Dao continues to improve, the lower the probability of Innate being born in the prehistoric state.

And at the level of Innate Supreme Treasure, it is extremely precious and rare in the world.

This kind of treasure, even in the hands of their Sage, is very useful.

However, the teacher said there are many!



How much is this lot?

I'm afraid there are more than three or two!

This makes Six Saints incredible, Innate treasure has become a Chinese cabbage!

Among the sages, only Tongtian has a calm face, but his heart is already stormy.

"Longfeng boy, won't upgrade Magic Treasures with Hongmeng Purple Qi!"

He knows that there are many functions of Hongmeng Purple Qi, and one of them can upgrade Magic Treasures all the way to the Innate Supreme Treasure level.

Moreover, that kid can be deceived, and even Sage can't figure out his origins.

"No, that kid wouldn't be a demon!"

Tongtian was suddenly horrified, but he instantly denied it.

A golden scum, if it is a demon, how can he hide it in front of him, Sage.

According to legend, the demons are full of demonic Qi, and the demons cultivated are also Spiritual Qi.

"Teacher, I wonder what special skills that demon has?"

The question was to get Sage, he established Buddhism, the purpose is to reduce demons and demons, and save all living beings.

Hongjun glanced at the lead, nodded, and said, "The cultivation of the devil is also in the predicament, but the cultivation can't get home."

"The demons in the wild, because there is no Spiritual Qi, they guide the cultivator's negative emotions and transform them into Spiritual Qi. The famous one is Luohu, the ancestor of the dragon and phoenix fighting for hegemony."

"Luohu, everyone must know that everything caused by Luohu is a black mist, rich in Killing intent, and blood is shining into the sky."

"And the demons, compared to Luo Huo, are as good as they are, because they are cultivating authentic demons, Spiritual Qi."

"If the demon ancestor Luo Hui cultivated Spiritual Qi, I am afraid that even I would not be his opponent."

When Hongjun turned the words, he heard the Six Saints with horror.

Who is Rahu?

They knew it all right.

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