
All the saints look dumbfounded!

Hearing Hongjun Daozu's words, he didn't mean to blame the original, but encouraged him.

What is this operation?

Does the teacher want us to kill Tongtian, Longfeng and others?

This amount of information is a bit big!

Especially daddy, he was a little suspicious of Hongjun.

Suspicion is even greater at this time.

However, at this moment, a mysterious force surged from his heart.

This force began to slowly reverse his suspicion, allowing him to subconsciously trust Hongjun.

It's just that this power is so cryptic that Daddy can't find it at all.

The original Tianzun is different.

He heard that Hongjun Daozu actually supported his actions, and his face suddenly flushed like a pervert.

"Thank you teacher!"

"Teacher, please rest assured, the disciple will do things properly!"

The voice of the original Tianzun trembled.

He is so happy!

"Also, poor Dao will definitely help the original brother!"

Zhunti on one side also wore a sinister smile, clamoring to help the original.

"Hahaha, Junior Brother Zhun mentioned, welcome to join!"

Primal is in a good mood today, even looking at the big bald head that looks cute.

Compared with the original and quasi mention, the lead is much calmer.

At this moment, he thought of a question again.

"Teacher, I don't know how long will it take for me to completely refine this opportunity?"

Yes, the original and quasi-ti were shocked.

Stepping on Longfeng and his party, they didn't want to wait for a moment.

Moreover, that Longfeng is also heaven-defying very well.

If it takes too long to refine this opportunity, then maybe Longfeng can catch up.

At that time, I even avenged my fart.

It would be grateful not to be rubbed against the ground by Longfeng again.

"This opportunity of refining, Yier's luck, at most a hundred years, will surely be able to complete!"

Daozu Hongjun glanced coldly, and spoke lightly.


"It's really great that way!"

"In a hundred years, we will be able to achieve the supremacy of realm that integrates the nine laws."

"At that time, Longfeng and others will not be at our mercy!"

Primitive Tianzun slapped his thigh and looked excited.

"Dashan, brothers, I'm already thinking about the miserable situation when Longfeng begged for mercy!"

Zhunti is shining in his eyes, constantly YY.

"Well, if you have nothing else, go back!"

"You have all recorded it for me. Today's affairs must be kept secret. If anyone is leaked, I will try to ask him."

Hongjun looked murderous, and his eyes swept across the five people one by one.

"Follow the teacher's order!"

The Five Saints immediately trembled, and immediately bowed to take their orders.


Hongjun nodded, then his figure faded, and he had already left the place.

Immediately, the door of Zixiao Palace opened suddenly.

The Five Saints knew that the teacher had already left, and they stopped staying, and immediately left the Zixiao Palace.

"Senior brothers, if there is nothing important, I have to go one step ahead."

Daddy first bowed to the cupped hands of the Four Saints, and then flashed away.

"Big brother, wait for me!"

When Yuanshi Tianzun saw him, he immediately turned and chased him.

"Two fellow daoist, I also leave first!"

Styx hit the inspector to the lead Zhunti, and also turned and left.

"Brother, we will also return to the West as soon as possible. Closed Door Training will refining opportunities!"

"Great good!"

After Yin Zhunti left, Dao Zu Hongjun appeared again in Zixiao Palace.

"Hey, destroying the Great Chaos World starts from the Great World!"

Daozu Hongjun sat on the high platform with a wicked expression on his face and muttered to himself.

In the entire Chaos World, only Hongjun Daozu got the eyes of two blood evil spirits.

This first way, like Luohu and Li Guichen, gave him a powerful force.

This power not only allows him to reach the critical point of Heavenly Dao Sage, but also to become a super power surpassing ordinary supreme Sage.

Moreover, it will also allow him to cultivate a super master who is digitally fused with the Eight Principles of Realm.

The second one is a message!

From this information, he knew the true identity of own and the origin of the prehistoric world.

There is also the importance of prehistoric.

Now, his goal is to destroy the land.

Once the land is destroyed, his chance will really come.

"Hey, Pangu, you didn't expect it!"

"Honghuang is about to be destroyed in my hands, and your plan will be completely destroyed in my hands."

Daozu Hongjun sneered, his face showing a hideous look.

After venting for a while, Hongjun calmed down, a strange light flashing in his eyes.

Then a set of handprints were printed, and Zixiao Palace began to retreat, disappearing into the chaos.

In a blink of an eye, an important gathering of the six Heavenly Dao Sage was over!


Heavenly Sword Sect!

Inside the originally quiet Great Hall of the Heavenly Sword, suddenly there was a flash of light, and a dozen figures appeared.

These people are the ones who returned to Longfeng and others.

Long Feng directly sat on the head, Transsion won the Renshi and Ji Renshi, and the top ten Elders went to the Heavenly Sword Great Hall for discussion.

Soon, the two chief mates Sect Leader and the top ten Elder arrived at the Great Hall of Heavenly Sword.

Long Feng glanced at the people below, his eyes solemn and serious.

"Something happened, this Sect Leader will leave Honghuang and go to the Chaos Battlefield."

"Heavenly Sword Sect things, everything is done according to my previous arrangements."

"You can understand?"

Longfeng's divine eyes were like electricity, sweeping across the decentralized people one by one.

"Our Sect Leader Order!"

Everyone immediately bowed and listened to the order.

"Well, go out this time, accompanied by Xiao Mo, Xiao Ba, Xiao Xuan Xuan, and everyone else will stay and guard the prehistoric land."

After speaking, his eyes rolled.

Looking at the real person Shuiyue, said, "Xiao Shui Shui, especially you, must strive to integrate the Eighth Realm as soon as possible."

"Yes, boss, I promise that within a year or a half, I will be able to integrate the Eight Principles of Realm."

Real Shuiyue also has a serious face.

After today's stop, his heart is also extremely urgent.

I think he is the number one powerhouse in Chaos, but today he is in the hands of a little-known demon cub. It is simply a lossing face.

If he doesn't work hard, he won't be able to mix in this chaotic world.

"Well, you just go down!"

"Remember, if you fall behind, you will be beaten by others. Only by cultivating well and being strong can you beat others."

After Long Feng finished speaking, he immediately waved his hand to let everyone leave.

Afterwards, everyone used Magic power to turn the rainbow away.

Especially Guanlong Tianzun and the queen ant, as well as the real person Shuiyue, they are unclear today.

They all want to go through this Closed Door Training cultivation, vigorously Ascension Cultivation Base.

When it appears next time, the strength will definitely be able to rise to a higher level.

"Let's go too!"

When everyone left, Long Feng waved his hand, and he was already in front of the teleportation formation.

Without saying a word, he stepped directly into the teleportation formation.

Of course, the Chaos Demon Dragon, Demon Batian, and Kong Xuan followed closely.

When they left the teleportation formation, the four had arrived at the prehistoric center, the site of the original Buzhou Mountain.

The passage leading to the battlefield of chaos is always so majestic that people dare not look directly at it.

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