Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 1336 Killing the Four Demon Race

Where do these demons know?

This clone of Longfeng possesses all the means of the ontology except for the system.

Under the powerful effect of the Eye of Heavenly Dao, their original form is of course invisible.

"Demon clan evildoer, how can my method be imaginable by you scumbags."

"Quickly explain it honestly, how did you get to my predecessor?"

Long Feng instantly felt the seriousness of the matter.

If the demons enter the prehistoric land on a large scale, the consequences will be disastrous.

Even if the predecessor is strong enough now, it can't stop the two supreme limits of Li Guichen and Luo Hu.

"Hahaha, a mere pig, even if you know our identity."

"Brothers, get him!"

The wolf laughed loudly, not afraid of Longfeng at all, greeted a few younger brothers, and rushed to Longfeng.

"Fuck him, eat roasted human flesh today!"

"court death!"

Long Feng was very annoyed and snorted coldly: "Boy devil, bluff in front of me, and immediately let you wait for the truth to be revealed!"

"Supernatural powers, Dragon Tiger Slaughter Sacred Fist!"

Long Feng was powerful, and he shouted angrily, and his fists burst out like thunder, instantly condensing a flame dragon and a flame tiger.

The dragons and tigers are lifelike, flaring their teeth and claws, roaring horizontally and horizontally, and rushing out carrying the billowing heat waves.

"What a powerful dragon and tiger!"

When the wolf saw this, he panicked.

What kind of supernatural power is this, it is too terrifying, I am afraid that even the middle stage of ordinary demon saints can kill it in seconds!

The four demon wolves were shocked, and their bodies flashed wildly, where there was still a heart to hurt the enemy.


The strength of the dragon and tiger suddenly exploded the earth, and the entire Huaguo Mountain trembled.

A big hole appeared above Huaguo Mountain, without bottoming out.

Just a blow from Sage early stage was simply terrifying.

However, the four demon wolves escaped fast, only being hit by gravel and suffering some skin trauma, but there was no worry about their lives.



The four demon wolves did not escape, seeing that Longfeng was so cruel, it aroused their desire to fight.

The four ink wolves were divided into four directions and threw out at the same time, carrying earth-shaking coercion.

The demon's might was rolling, in the void, suddenly rippling like ink in the water like crazy!

Four huge demonic qi shrouded towards Longfeng.

However, in the face of such a fierce might, Longfeng was completely unafraid and turned a blind eye.

"I can't help myself!"

Long Feng made a fist with his right hand.


The devilish energy burst into pieces, a violent current impact, accompanied by terrifying coercion, recoiled with a powerful force of thunder!

The four demon wolves looked terrified, their cores were shaking, and their muscles and bones were torn apart, vomiting blood and flying, staggering to the ground.

"Fuck, so strong, go!"

The wolf immediately recognized the situation, this person is a hard bone.

Continue to fight, I am afraid that life and death will be unpredictable.


Go back to seek reinforcements, and come back to take revenge.

"Want to leave, have asked me if I have!"

Seeing the momentum, Longfeng stretched out his hand to kill the gun.

He stepped out, because the speed was too fast, leaving an afterimage directly on the spot.


A spear light pierced out, then penetrated the space and fell on the ground, causing the earth to tremble, and the power is evident.


At the same time, a scream spread.

On Longfeng's Killing Spear, faint blood dripped out.

However, one of Langyi's hind legs was cut off by Longfeng.


The other three demon wolves immediately turned around to help when they saw the boss being fucked.

With three wolf howls, countless wolf claws suddenly grabbed towards Longfeng.

"Supernatural powers, Ten Thousand Demon Hands!"

The demon wolf roared, devilish energy soaring into the sky.

"Huh, little bugs!"

Listening to the void in front of him, the sound of explosions continued to come, and Long Feng sneered.

Immediately, the holy light on his body whizzed out, and a bit of cold light flashed during the swing of the gunslinger, and the gun shot out like a dragon.

With a shot, the entire void in front of him was submerged by the spear light. It was so gorgeous that the world was pale, and the void was shattered.

The three-headed demon wolves felt the threat of the gun, knowing that they shouldn't be hard-wired, and what boss they should care about, and immediately fled.


The wolf immediately took the brunt, and was shot through the throat by Longfeng's sharp gun!

The blood is like a spring, instantly dyeing the earth red.

As soon as the wolf burped blood, he did not resist and closed his unwilling eyes.

Longfeng killed Wolf One, but did not stay.

After throwing the gun, the holy power in the body swept out like a sea.

In an instant, the Great Killer spear turned into a spear shadow in the sky, sweeping everything away, and everything it passed was ruthlessly destroyed.

In a moment, the spear light swept across, and a terrible pressure erupted, nailing the body of the second wolf to the ground.

In the void, Long Feng's figure kept running, and the sacred body was shining, constantly shuttled in the space.

The next moment, he appeared above Wolf San's head, slapped it with a big hand, transformed into a huge palm, and pressed it hard.


The powerful palm print released terrible pressure, directly pierced through the void, and smashed down against the head of the wolf three below.

The expression of the three wolfs changed slightly. At this time, he was already a frightened bird, where there was still power to resist.


His head burst suddenly, and a magic core was completely destroyed by palm force.

Seeing that there was only a small spot left in the last wolf four, Long Feng smiled coldly.


He let out a deep cry, stretched out his hands, and the Holy Power swept through, and fire dragons and tigers suddenly burst into his fists.

Longhu Tu Shengquan shot again.

The light was dazzling, and the dragon and tiger roared, chasing after the wolf.

At the same time, the void is turbulent, as if the sky is going to collapse.

The Dragon and Tiger were surging, and at a speed that surpassed time, they caught up with the Fourth Wolf and drowned them in the Dragon and Tiger.


There was a loud noise, a violent wind between the sky and the earth, endless turbulence raged, blowing up the sea with turbulent waves.

Four Wolves were wiped out immediately under this devastating storm.

"A few demons dare to wreak havoc on my predecessor, it's just looking for death!"

Long Feng's eyes were cold and stern, and his tone was like ice and mysterious iron.

Afterwards, his body flashed, and he had come to the second wolf who had been nailed to the ground.

"Can you tell me now, how did you get into the wilderness?"

The second wolf was nailed to the ground by the Killing Spear, but he did not die.

This is what Longfeng deliberately did.

He wants to keep alive, and see if he can ask how the demons entered the prehistoric land.

In addition, is there any demon powerhouse in the prehistoric land?

This is what Longfeng urgently wants to know.

Now that the amount of calamity is here, if the demons make trouble, it may affect the amount of robbery and luck.

This is something he will never allow.

The second wolf was pierced through the body by the sharpshooter, and then nailed to the ground. He had already been beaten back to his original form, revealing the real body of the demon clan.

At this time, he looked gray and defeated, and his eyes were dead.

Hearing that Longfeng asked him, he immediately sneered.

"Quack...Come on, torture me!"

"You ant-like pig, you will not be arrogant for long, sooner or later, it will become the food of my demons!"

The wolf's four eyes were blood red, and his face was full of madness.


Long Feng sneered, and violently pulled out the Gunslinger.

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