If there is no Hongjun, the biggest thief, how can those demons enter the predicament.

That's right, in the entire prehistoric land, the only one who can bring in the demons is Hongjun Daozu.

However, Longfeng never thought about this.

Because Hongjun Daozu is the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao.

Introduce the demons into the prey and destroy the calamity.

Do not make jokes.

Is that doing it by yourself?

Or make yourself the one that will never recover.

As Heavenly Dao Sage, if the world is happy, he is strong.

The world is weak. Not only will he not advance in Cultivation Base, he may even regress.

This is the cause of luck.

In some respects, air luck is even stronger than Cultivation Base.

Because the deeper the Realm, the harder it is to breakthrough.

At this time, the role of air luck came.

Air luck is a catalyst.

Let you increase the chance of breakthrough.

Just like Hongjun Daozu, it is the time when luck is needed.

Under normal circumstances, killing him will not lead a wolf into the room.

But what Long Feng didn't know was that this Hongjun had already inherited no inheritance.

There is no need for luck at all.

Moreover, he also carries a mission that is extremely Sacred for him.

That is to destroy the prehistoric land and ruin the entire Chaos World!

At the moment, Hongjun's conspiracy is not mentioned.

Long Feng thought for a long time, but didn't get the answer.

He simply used the method of deduction, wanting to get a glimpse of the secret.


But at this moment!

A huge backlash force struck, shaking his soul, and almost hurting him seriously.

This time, Long Feng didn't dare anymore.

The power of the backlash was even worse than Long Aotian's attack.

Since it is impossible to spy on the secret.

Then Longfeng had to do it temporarily.


And Yujing is in the mountains.

Li Guichen who is closing his eyes and cultivating is a clone of Li Guichen.

But suddenly opened his eyes.

He stretched out his hand and suddenly four soul cards appeared in his hand.

However, these four soul cards were already shattered at this time.

Li Guichen stipulated that the demons who go out to perform tasks must give him a soul card.

In order to let him know the life and death of the demons who went out.

The shattering of the soul card indicates that the four-headed demons have died.

This can't help but shock Li Guichen.

How long is this?

I'm afraid it's not just the Huaguo Mountain!

Has been beheaded?

"Hong Huang, it really is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!"

"Interesting, very interesting!"

After the initial shock, Li Guichen laughed.

For him, he is not afraid of being strong. If his opponent is too weak, he will feel uncomfortable.

What he likes is evenly matched.

Moreover, he had already thought that the four of his own must be cut by Longfeng.

In Honghuang, he believes that only Longfeng has such courage and skill.

He is the only one who deserves to be his own opponent.

"Longfeng, look forward to seeing you next time!"

Li Guichen smiled faintly, his eyes showed expectation.

"Come on, send me another twenty orcs and demons."

"Immediately set off for Huaguo Mountain, this demon ancestor wants to let no grass grow on the Huaguo Mountain, and no one will stay."

"To kill the blood on the Huaguo Mountain!"

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Li Guichen's strange laughter suddenly spread throughout Yujing Mountain.


Heaven Court, the Royal Horse Supervisor!

"I said little brother, you have great wisdom, great magic power, and a super talented person like you."

"In Heaven Court, I only serve as the chief supervisor of the horse superintendent. Isn't that too shameless?"

"I'm arguing for you!"

"And you, Dage, such an amazing character, but just a little Bi Mawen."

"Or, let's advise you Dage to go to Heaven Court and make trouble in the Heavenly Palace!"


In the Imperial Horse Guard, sitting opposite Sun Xiaosheng was a middle-aged man with a gloomy face.

This person has the Cultivation Base of the quasi-sage pinnacle, holding a jade bottle in his hand.

It was the Lu Ya Daoist who was cut on the list when he was enshrining the gods.

What he entrusted in his hands is also the superb Innate Magic Treasures Flying Sword.

His soul is on the list, and Cultivation Base has made no progress for many years.

And also committed to the Jade Emperor.

For him, this is simply humiliation.

You know, he is the tenth son of Emperor Jun, with a prominent status, originally the Prince of Heaven Court.

Now I am going back more and more.

Jiang Ziya sealed a small area of ​​Nine Profound True Monarch, in charge of all the killings in the world.

In the predicament, the murderous spirit was too heavy, and Lu Ya was the god who persuaded people to be good.

What happened to this!

The disciples of other people's education, people's education, and Western education have a strong background.

No, as soon as the Journey to the West arrived, the leader of the family walked through the back door to let the disciples on the list regain their freedom.

And he, grandma doesn't hurt, and uncle doesn't love him, so he can only force him to continue working for Haotian at Heaven Court.

From the original small boss to the current wage earner.

Still the kind with low salary.

It's just a small high-level executive who didn't even enter the top circle.

For this reason, when the western duo found him, he was very excited.

Zhunti promised that if this matter is done, he will go to the Zixiao Palace to intercede for him and liberate him.

In addition, he was allowed to enter Western Buddhism and serve as the position of Dainichi Tathagata.

Its identity is only under the two sages.

The present Buddha for Buddhism.

You must know that the current Buddha in Buddhism is still a clone of Zhunti.

Is missing.

If this can inherit the current position of the Buddha, it will be turned into a motorcycle!

Compared with his identity in Heaven Court, one is the sky and the other is the earth.

There is no comparison.

And what the two big bosses in the West wanted him to do was extremely simple.

That is to provoke Sun Wukong to make trouble in Tiangong.

Isn't this the equivalent of letting him pick up money?

At that time, hearing was such a simple task.

Our future big day, Tathagata said, it is too simple.

For this reason, he began to mingle with Sun Wukong as a junior high-level leader of Heaven Court.

Sun Wukong also changed his original personality.

No matter who it is, make friendly contact.

In front of anyone, he is a smiling face.

Tathagata will come and chat with him on our big day in the future, it will definitely be a good treat.

Fresh fruit and wine, give it a treat.

But you want me to make trouble in the palace, sorry, I'm a good god, don't make trouble!

Even if you let your tongue bloom Lotus flower, I still don't make trouble.

If you urge the murderer, the old grandson will go to the Ling Xiao Hall to sue you.

Just say that some people want to rebel and make trouble in the palace!

And also shouting slogans at the Ling Xiao Hall.

"I love Heaven Court, I love Jade Emperor, Heaven Court is my home, I love my home!"

After playing Treasure twice, even Lu Ya Daoist was scared.

He is going to be the man of Tathagata.

Don't be framed as a rebellion, and then be caught in the God Prison of Heaven Court, go to jail for a few days and be foolishly criticized.

Therefore, he has now changed his strategy.

I can't figure out Sun Wukong, and I don't believe that I can't figure out you Sun Wukong.

As long as he can tell Sun Xiaosheng, then Sun Wukong must be dragged into the water.

At that time, the own task is complete.

Oh, Tathagata!

Buddhist leader!

And it can get out of the list of conferred gods, this is the most important thing.

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