At this moment, Yang Jian and the Snarling Dog were actually under a waterfall in a valley.

Lu Ya has also found him.

But it made him see an extremely unbearable scene.

Yang Jian and the snarling dog are actually getting involved.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Lu Ya keeps fucking!

Spicy eyes!

Lu Ya's originally beautiful mood was instantly polluted.

Human dog?

You are looking for a bitch too!

As far as Lu Ya knew, the Snarling Sky Dog was an authentic male dog, and it was still the one that had not been castrated.


Lu Ya made a loud spit again.

What's so special, I have spied Yang Jian's secret, this time it's miserable!

You know, Yang Jian is a god of flesh.

It is the only existence in the entire elucidation that has sealed the gods in the flesh.

In this way, Primordial Tianzun attaches great importance to him.

Almost responsive.

So after reaching the title of God, Yang Jian's strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

He successively made breakthroughs in Da Luo Jinxian and quasi-sage.

He also killed the three corpses with the Innate Lingbao, and finally, some time ago, he was rewarded with a great purple aura from the Primordial Heavenly Lord.

Currently, he is already the pinnacle of quasi-sage.

Moreover, cultivating the Eight-Nine Profound Art, transforms the Eight-Nine Profound Art into a more profound Promise Profound Art.

Yang Jian's heart is very big, and ordinary sermons and sanctification can't satisfy him.

What he wanted was to completely slay the three corpses to prove the truth.

Sanctification is Sage late stage.

Therefore, even if he had already refined the Hongmeng Purple Qi, he still had the merits given by the Primordial Heavenly Venerable.

At present, the prehistoric world has become stronger, and the merits required for preaching have become less.

If it is said that the lich's amount of calamity to prove the Dao needs 10,000, now only one can prove the Dao.

Therefore, the Primordial Heavenly Master can make Yang Jian's merits sacred by just finding some merits.

But Yang Jian has resisted the temptation of sanctification. He wants to completely integrate the three corpses and transcend merits and sanctification.

Moreover, he is not far from success.

With such a great power, even Sage, who has just become a saint, can still fight for several rounds.

No matter how strong Lu Ya was, he couldn't do it.

At this time, I saw Yang Jian engaging in foundation.

What a disaster!

Existence to be silenced.

Lu Ya dared to stay wherever he was, and immediately turned around and ran.

But even though Yang Jian is a snarling dog, he is very clever and alert at any time.

Lu Ya had just exclaimed when he heard it.

Seeing that Lu Ya was about to run at this time, he would let him go.

With a flash of body shape, the three-pointed and two-edged sword suddenly came out.


The sound of cutting through the air resounded.

Lu Ya, who was fleeing, suddenly got his hair on top, and he felt a sharp aura quickly approaching behind him.

Turning his head, he saw a little bit of cold light aimed at his head, slashing at him with unparalleled speed.


"I want my life!"

Lu Ya quickly turned on the Magic power, and his body sank.


The three-pointed and two-edged sword was worthy of being slashed across his scalp, and he carried his black hair and fluttered in the wind.

Lu Ya couldn't help but shudder.

"Yang Jian, what are you doing, don't you want to kill Ben Daoist?"

"Be careful, I immediately go to Heaven Court and sue you!"

Lu Ya was taken aback.

He knew that he couldn't run away.

Might as well have had a fight with Yang Jian.

"Sell f*ck, know me and my secret, you only have a dead end."

Yang Jian's face was gloomy.


Suddenly came into interest today, but unexpectedly, he was hit by this Lu.

What's the matter, only murder will kill you.

Otherwise, the name of Yang Jian, the god of his Erlang, will become a joke for the whole world.

"Snarling Sky Dog, block his retreat for me. I will kill him anyway today."

After speaking, Yang Jian stretched out his hand with a three-pointed two-edged sword and fell into his hand again.


Yang Jian screamed, killing him.

The boundless quasi-sacred aura spreads majesticly like a wind rolling cloud.


Magic power is surging like a wave, and it comes out with a knife.

"Yang Jian, you are deceiving too much!"

Lu Ya is also an arrogant man.

He could stand Yang Jian's insult.

I saw a flash of light in his hand, and a jade bottle appeared and ended.

It is the Innate Magic Treasures Flying Daggers.

"Baby, turn to the gods!"

Lu Ya bowed, and Flying Daggers flew out immediately, slashing towards Yang Jian.


The Flying Daggers collided with the three-pointed two-edged knife, and the two Magic Treasures suddenly sparked.

After this strike on both sides, both felt a strong attack, and immediately regressed.

"Bold, dare to resist!"

Yang Jian was furious.

He wanted to let Lu Ya know that even among the quasi-sages, there was a huge gap.

"Three-eyed supernatural power, open!"

Yang Jian's strongest attack was the three-eyed magical power.

Instant time!

The vertical eye in the center of his forehead opened.


For a moment!

A golden glow shot out from that vertical eye.

This golden light is extremely fast and unmatched in power.

It was like gathering Yang Jian's body strength into a single spot, bursting into it.

Lu Ya's eyes narrowed.

"So strong!"

He immediately displayed his figure, trying to dodge.

However, Yang Jian's look was simply too fast, far surpassing his moving speed.


Blood bursts.

Although Lu Ya was trying his best to dodge, he was still pierced through his chest.

However, his efforts were not in vain.

The golden light that was originally going to penetrate his heart, the position where it finally penetrated was three inches short, allowing him to escape death.

"Huh, luck is good, but I think you can avoid it a few times!"

After speaking, Yang Jian strode out, and the three-pointed two-edged sword slashed over Lu's head.

"No... forgive me..."

Lu Ya was shocked, he was already seriously injured at this time, how could he escape Yang Jian's knife.

"Forgive you!"

The murderous look in Yang Jian's eyes was as real.

"I am already a Western Buddha. If you dare to kill me, how can Sage spare you?"

Lu Ya's eyes were cracking, seeing that the three-pointed two-edged sword had cut his neck, and finally stopped.

"Oh, Buddha, what Buddha?"

Yang Jian frowned when he heard Lu Ya's words.

In Heaven Court, he is not afraid of anyone.

But in addition to this reference quasi mention.

Because these two two hundred and five are too shameless.

If you provoke them, I will immediately tell you a fellow daoist that I have a predestined relationship with me in the West, then belch.

You know, he explained that several uncles were planted on these two two hundred and five.

Was crossed to the West, and became the Buddha of Bodhisattva.


Lu Ya also got goose bumps all over his body.

He almost was scared to pee.

He even felt a slight pain in his neck.

There is still liquid dripping.

That must be his blood.

As long as Yang Jian hesitated for a moment, his head was about to separate from the body.

"Now Buddha, Zhun mention that Sage has promised me to make me the current Buddha of Buddhism!"

Hearing Yang Jian's question, Lu Ya said hurriedly, not daring to hide it at all.

"Now Buddha? I'm sure that I'm willing to pay for it."

"However, you already know my secret, it won't work if you don't kill you!"

"If you pass it out, I'll be done."

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