What a special thing, these demons are simply useless.

Hongjun Daozu was angry and hard to bear.

But he quickly calmed down his anger.

"It seems that everything depends on me!"

The corner of Hongjun Daozu's mouth gradually revealed a wicked smile.

"Heavenly Dao?"

"Hmph, when I refine Heavenly Dao, there will be no Heavenly Dao in the entire prehistoric land."

At that time, I will be Heavenly Dao and Heavenly Dao will be me! "

There was a trace of enthusiasm on Hongjun Daozu's face.

Afterwards, he calmed his mind and released a bloody force from all over his body.

This force penetrates the void, like countless threads, enveloping the entire wilderness.

Moreover, countless invisible and intangible auras flow along these threads to feed Hongjun Daozu back.

It's like Hongjun Daozu is absorbing the nourishment of the predecessor.


A muffled explosion sounded from the entire prehistoric land.

Then, the wild land shook like an earthquake.

However, the arc of the shaking is very slight and the duration is short.

Soon, Honghuang returned to peace.

at the same time!

Daddy primitive, Zhunti, Tongtian Nuwa, Styx Yuanzi, these eight great Heavenly Dao Sage gradually realized something was wrong.

But there is no way for them to know exactly where there is a problem.

It's as if my feelings for Heavenly Dao disappeared by one ten thousandths.

However, one out of 10,000 is really insignificant to Heavenly Dao under their control.

Therefore, several major Sages did not pay attention.

However, Long Feng was puzzled by the shock just now.

But let him use calculations, but he got nothing.

Moreover, he has a sense of crisis in his heart, this sense of crisis has never existed before, as if life and death are at stake.

This had to make him take it seriously.

Imagine that the only people who can threaten him at the moment are Hongjun Daozu, Li Guichen and Luo Hui.

According to his estimation, all three of them may be the peak powerhouse of Realm condensing the nine laws.

Their strength might even be stronger than Long Aotian.

This made him have to be vigilant.

However, now he has no other way.

Only wait.

Wait for Hongjun Daozu to show his feet.

Or after an equal amount of robbery.

Afterwards, he once again transformed into a clone.

Journey to the west, we still have to continue to do it.

For the moment, the most important thing is the amount of calamity and luck.

"Fellow daoist please!"

Transforming a Sage clone, for the current Longfeng, it is easy.

As soon as the avatar came out, he hit Longfeng as a chief inspector.

"You don't need to be polite to fellow daoist, you still have to ask fellow daoist to do anything."

"Next, you continue to sit in Huaguo Mountain."

Long Feng waved his hand, and a spatial channel appeared.

Through the space channel, you can immediately return to Huaguo Mountain.

"Follow the instructions of fellow daoist!"

The avatar cupped fist gave a bow, and then directly stepped into the space channel and returned to Huaguo Mountain.

This is the old nest of monkeys.

Sun Wukong's refusal to make a noise in the Temple of Heaven will certainly offend many people.

In order to force Sun Wukong to make trouble in the Heavenly Palace, it is very likely that Huaguoshan will do it.

Longfeng sits here to suppress all incoming enemies.

As soon as the clone left, Long Feng was ready to close his eyes again and cultivate, striving to be promoted to the Supreme as soon as possible.

He has a hunch that after being promoted to the Supreme, the system will be upgraded again.

At that time, the power of the system will be stronger.

In this way, no matter who he is, he will be trampled under his feet.


Just now!

His sea of ​​consciousness throbbed!

Huqiu, who had been sleeping, suddenly woke up.

His voice resounded directly in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Boy, I just unlocked a piece of information, which is extremely important."

Huqiu's tone seemed very heavy.

"Senior, are you awake?"

Long Feng's eyes condensed, his mind sank, and he immediately entered the sea of ​​knowledge.


The huge tiger body of Huqiu had already stood up.

The tiger's body, which is ten thousand feet long, is looming, releasing a terrifying coercion.

Even Long Feng felt a bit of pressure due to this coercion.

"Senior, you just said that you unlocked a message. I don't know what it is?"

Looking at Huqiu's body, Longfeng was also taken aback.

He faintly felt a supreme breath from Huqiu.

"Boy, my soul has been restored to the Supreme Realm just now, and a lot of information has been unlocked."

"First of all, it is my strength, which can only reach the supreme for the time being. After a certain number of clones are merged, I will be able to Ascension Cultivation Base."

"The other is the physical body. By the way, my strength cannot be restored for the time being, but the physical body can."

"As long as I can find my physical body, my combat effectiveness can reach the early stage!"

"At that time, in this chaotic world, I will be an invincible existence."

Huqiu was a little excited.

He felt that it was not long since he fully recovered.

When Long Feng heard it, his eyes brightened sharply.

"In that case, it is still difficult for seniors to recover from the period of full victory, but to reach the early stage of the great power, just find the flesh?"

Long Feng thought that the legs and head of the mysterious person in his hand had been obtained.

I don't know if it is Huqiu's body.

"Yes, boy, as long as you find my physical body, my God can come out and fight for you!"

There was an excited smile on Huqiu's face.

"Then senior, do you think this is your physical body?"

After Long Feng finished speaking, with a big wave of his hand, the head and four thighs stored in the system appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.


Huqiu looked dumbfounded.

"Boy, where did this leg come from?"

"And this head, why do I feel so familiar?"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Suddenly, Huqiu had three fucking troughs in succession!

His eyes were bulging and his face was purple.

"What's so special, why are you so like me?"

"Impossible, this is me at all!"

Huqiu jumped up suddenly.

"Who, the one of the horse, who has divided my body into five horses?"

Huqiu was furious.

There are clearly only the head and four legs.

What about the body?

It seems that I still have a very powerful tail!

Where's the tail?

Isn't it being stewed by someone?

"Boy, where's my tail and body?"

Huqiu's eyes were violent, two cold and electric eyes staring at Long Feng, and Long Feng's heart trembled.

"Senior, I already have the whereabouts of the tail. As for the body, I don't know."

Long Feng remembered that in the system space, there was also a picture of the location of the mysterious powerhouse's tail.

He hadn't had time to look for it all the time.

It seems that this matter has to be put on the agenda.

As long as Huqiu can regain his body, he can walk sideways in Chaos.

At that time, what Hongjun Daozu.

What Li Guichen, Luo Hu, and even the Big Three.

Even the entire Zerg race will crawl under their feet, allowing themselves to trample on them.

Even the prehistoric Heavenly Dao directly suppressed, and then led the journey to the west by himself.

Let the guide Zhun mention that the original daddy and others are eating instant noodles while eating melons.

When Huqiu heard it, he was overjoyed.

"Quickly, get me the tail right away."

"With that tail, even if you can't recover your physical body temporarily, it will greatly increase your strength."

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