Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 1364 Ancient Buddha World


Master Wonder suddenly blushed, and when he touched the bottom with his big hand, it was really wet.


This time Losing face lost a lot of hair.

I was so scared that I was peeing my pants. If I went back and was known by the master, I wouldn't be beaten to death.

"Shangxian retire!"

Where did Master Wonder dare to stay, hurriedly clamped his legs and ran.

In a blink of an eye, it disappeared without a trace.

"Hehe, I run very fast!"

Long Feng smiled faintly.

This bullshit, I must have dared not to come back again.

Immediately turning his eyes to look down, that Netherworld Tutuo was already prostrate on the ground like a puddle of mud.

When Longfeng stepped on his footsteps, he already appeared in front of Youming Toutuo.

"Did you die? Get up and kneel down for me if you are not dead."

Long Feng's eyes were cold.

When he first shot himself, although it seemed to be powerful, he had a sense of measure.

This Netherworld Tou Tuo was clearly injured, not even too heavy.

He was lying motionless on the ground, clearly wanting to pretend to be dead.

However, how did his methods deceive Longfeng.

While speaking, it was a foot in the belly of Netherworld Toutuo.

This kick is a bit famous.

It won't hurt his life, but it makes him want to die.


Nether Tutuo was kicked on his stomach suddenly and flew tens of meters away.

He felt that his own intestines seemed to be kicked off.

"Shangxian spare my life, Shangxian spare my life!"

Netherworld Tou Tuo was sweating profusely with pain, his whole body was trembling, and his eyes were full of fear.

too strong!

The person in front of him is at least above the middle stage of Banbu Avenue.

He felt that the gap between himself and the other party was like an insurmountable gap.

In front of him, he is an ant.

"Want to survive?"

Longfeng's eyes were playful.

"Think, Shangxian spare my life!"

Netherworld Toutuo immediately endured the pain, kneeling respectfully in front of Longfeng.

"Who are you and what force you belong to, report your name obediently!"

Long Feng has a sonorous tone, and his eyes are fierce, just like The Underworld Shura.

Netherworld Toutuo had no doubt that if he dared to disobey the slightest, he would definitely suffer the opponent's merciless violent beheading.

"Report to the immortal, little monk Youming Toutuo, a disciple of Tianlong Temple."

Netherworld Toutuo replied tremblingly.

"Tianlong Temple, grass, never heard of it!"

Long Feng said to himself.

Although his voice was very small, Netherworld Tutuo could still hear clearly.

Suddenly stunned.

Isn't this a soil bun who lived in seclusion before the ancients? He hasn't even heard of Tianlong Temple.

No, even the strong people before the ancient times should be more familiar with Tianlong Temple.

"Who is this person?"

Netherworld Toutuo couldn't help but wonder again and again.

"What kind of existence is Tianlong Temple?"

Long Feng doesn't care so much, just ask if you don't understand.

"It's good for Shangxian to learn that Tianlong Temple was created by Tianlong Buddha and is the largest anti-Heavenly Dao organization in the ancient Buddha world."

Netherworld Tutuo did not hide it, because it was not a secret.

Almost the entire world of Ten Thousand Buddhas knows it.


"You said this is the Great World of Ten Thousand Buddhas?"

Longfeng's body was shocked, and his heart was shocked.


"Yeah, don't Shangxian know?"

This time Netherworld Tutuo was even more puzzled.

Even if you were hidden in the ancient world, you should know that this is the Great World of Ten Thousand Buddhas!

Such a powerful Cultivation Base, how can you not know the name of the world you are in?

It's weird.

He didn't expect outsiders to think about it.

Because since the death of the real Shuiyue, the Buddha expelled the Heavenly Dragon Buddha, and then rose against the trend.

After becoming the Big Three, no one in another world dared to enter the ancient Buddha world.

"Grass, of course I know, I want to test you, to see if you are honest or dishonest."

"Now I ask you to answer, don't interrupt, or slap you to death!"

Long Feng's eyes were cold, and he threatened Netherworld Tutuo viciously.

"Yes, yes, the little monk would like to follow the order of the immortal."

When Netherworld Toutuo heard it, the sweat on his forehead couldn't help but burst out again.

He felt a cold swish on his neck.

The divine might on Long Feng made him feel like he was about to die at any time.

"Well, let's talk about it again, how much does your Tianlong Temple exist?"

Long Feng nodded, very satisfied with the other party's fear of him.

"Given the immortal, after the Tianlong Buddha competed with the Zufo for the first sage of Heavenly Dao in the ancient times, he hid in the ancient Buddha world, founded Tianlong Temple, and continued to fight against the Zufo."

"Lord Tianlong Buddha made a breakthrough in the great changes in the world some time ago, and currently integrates the six laws of Realm."

"Even if it is not inferior to Zufo."

Netherworld Tutuo didn't dare to conceal, and immediately replied.

"Oh, the Six Laws of Fusion Realm?"

"Then I ask you, what kind of Realm are Heavenly Dao Sage in the ancient Buddha world?"

This is what Longfeng cares about.

If Heavenly Dao Sage of the Ancient Buddha World is weak, he is ready to take a shot and get the nine Heavenly Dao Sage to hang.

Then come to surrender or die.

"Hey, wonderful, cool!"

You know, this ancient Buddha world is one of the three giants.

If it can be recovered, it would be equivalent to conquering one-tenth of the entire Chaos World.

"Given the immortal, it is rumored that Zufo has reached the limit of integrating the six laws of Realm."

"As for the other eight Heavenly Dao Sages, they have also integrated the Five Principles of Realm."

"And, it's all at the ceiling level."

The Netherworld Tou Tuo honestly got a horse.

At this time, he was already doubting Long Feng's identity.

Because these things are basically issues that the whole world knows about.

But the strong man in front of him didn't know.

He couldn't help but looked up and took a close look at Long Feng.

Suddenly felt something was wrong.

But what was wrong in detail, but I couldn't remember it for a while.

Suddenly, he seemed to realize something.

I can't help but tremble!

"You... are you a strong Otherworld?"

The eyes of Netherworld Toutuo almost stared out.

"Oh, how did you know?"

Long Feng looked at him with a smile on his face.

"You... are not a monk!"

Nether Tutuo's face changed.


"Not a monk?"

Long Feng did not expect that the other party would use this to judge that he was not a person in the ancient Buddha world.

"Yes, in the ancient Buddha world, there are no secular people, all monks."

Netherworld Tutuo quickly calmed down.

He only returned from the Chaos Battlefield not long ago and was used to meeting people of all races.

When I first saw Longfeng, I didn't react for a while.


"In that case, I am a strange flower in this ancient Buddha world?"

Long Feng's eyes widened.

"Uh, it's true!"

Netherworld Toutuo nodded.

"In that case, if I want to mix in the ancient Buddha world, I must first make myself a monk?"

Long Feng scratched his hair.

f*ck, it would be ugly to shave a bald head and put on a few ring scars.

That would definitely destroy my image of being handsome.

No, definitely not.

Long Feng thought for a while and swiped at the void.

A Sage shrouded, and the law came out in suspension.

That face changed, and he soon became a bald monk.

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