Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 1366 Great Compassion City

Moreover, it seems that there are no precepts in this ancient Buddha world.

Because Longfeng saw nuns and monks holding hands, dragging their family into the city like a mouthful.

There was also a great monk holding a big pig's hoof, chewing on it as he walked, and his mouth was greasy.

A little nun over there unexpectedly carried a large hip flask on his back, opening and taking two mouthfuls from time to time.

But the people around are not surprised, obviously it is extremely normal.

What a strange world!

Long Feng shook his head, his face full of puzzlement.

This is so special that it has simply subverted his worldview.

Buddhism disciples, shouldn't they be paying attention to clear rules and precepts?

Why is it so normal in this ancient Buddha world.

However, the strength of this ancient Buddha world shocked him a bit.

Very powerful!

Although only a few hundred people have been seen for the time being, there are very few of them with a ring scar.

Only one percent.

And it's still a few young children.

Although they only have one ring scar, their bodies release the pressure of a quasi-sage.

It seems that this ancient Buddha world has a very high starting point.

Once born, he is a quasi-sage.

It really deserves to be the world of the three giants.

Compared with Honghuang, it is far from it.

Long Feng thought about it for a moment, and wiped it on his head, and six scars appeared on the top of his head in amazement.

On Lan Nu's head, he also implanted five ring scars.

With the power of Heavenly Dao on the ring scar, Long Feng was worried that if he did too much, it would attract people's attention.

The six ring scars are Sage Dzogchen.

Lan Nu's five ring scars are the pinnacle of Sage.

At first glance, Long Feng is a pair of masters and servants, two weak.

You know, after the great changes in the world.

The cultivators in the ancient Buddha world have become stronger, and they are basically at the level of the deity.

A cultivator who occupies almost three-tenths of the ancient Buddha world.

This kind of strong base, I am afraid that only the other two giant worlds can match each other.

The two entered the city with many bald monks.

The city is even more lively.

The surrounding Foundation Building was originally built in the form of a Buddhist temple.

The two walked around the city and walked into a building called Lai Ke Ju.

Obviously, this is an inn.

No matter which world it is, there will be no shortage of inns.

Although the cultivators do not need these, most of them are still greedy for enjoyment.

And also earn cultivation resources.

Everyone just got what they needed.

As soon as the two of them took their seats, a monk dressed as a junior appeared out of thin air.

"Two masters, what can I do?"

"What good food do you have here, even if you come up, we are not short of money!"

Lan Nu waved his hand and said domineeringly.

When the child heard it, he glanced at Lan Nu with surprise, thinking that this man is so handsome and charming.

"Okay, two masters, please wait a moment."

Then he flashed away and disappeared.

Longfeng glanced around, and the occupancy rate around him had reached 80%.

There are some strong men who have burned more than five or six ring scars on their heads.

Long Feng remained silent, his ears moved slightly, and he began to listen to information that was useful to him.

"Have you heard that the daughter of the City Lord's Mansion has been accepted as a Sage disciple, and her master seems to be a Bodhisattva from Wanfo Temple."

"Yes, I also heard that Heaven Killing of the Heavenly Family was accepted as a disciple by the Black Wolf Buddha."

"What, Black Wolf Buddha is the fifth disciple of Tiger Buddha Tianzun. Wasn't it a Niubi family that day?"

"Yes, although the city lord Qianjin has also become a disciple of Sage, she is a third-generation disciple, while Killing Tian is a second-generation disciple."

"It seems that Great Compassion City is about to change!"

"Hehe, fellow daoist was too worried, even though the Heavenly Family is now harder the day after tomorrow, it would not affect the position of the city lord at that time."

"Oh, why is this?"

"Because Killing Heaven is pursuing the city lord's daughter, once they marry, how can the family do it with in-laws that day."

"Really! But it is rumored that the city lord's daughter is a peerless beauty. Killing the sky is a big fat pig. The two don't match well!"

"Hehe, fellow daoist thinks too much, in the face of interests, no matter how bad he is!"

"Furthermore, the city lord's daughter is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It's famous for robbing people."

"Huh, the city lord daughter still has this hobby?"

"Of course, they have a very good experience!"

"Yes, I've heard of it too!"

"But it's really cheap to kill the big fat pig."

"Fellow daoist speak cautiously, beware that the partition wall has ears, that slaying sky is the greatest dad in Great Compassion City."

"Yes, yes, let's not mention it, or let him know, I am afraid that even the old sow of the poor monk's house will not let go."

Hearing several people's discussions, Long Feng's heart was shocked.

Unexpectedly, there are disciples from Wanfo Temple and Beast Buddha Cave in this Great Compassion City.

It seems that a good plan can be made to draw out two powerhouses in the Heavenly Dao Sage dojo.

Regarding the ancient Buddha world, Long Feng always had doubts in his heart.

It seems to be stronger than what the Netherworld Tutuo said.

To be safe, he must first investigate clearly.

Otherwise, it would be a tragedy if you can't pretend to be forced to act.

Soon, that Xiaoer appeared again.

He smiled at Longfeng and the two.

"Two masters, wait a long time!"

After speaking, with a big wave of his hand, a dozen delicacies immediately filled the table.

When Long Feng saw it, his eyes suddenly became round.


"Steamed Flower Dragon Scorpion!"

"Stir fried oolong lips!"

"Boiled green beef slices!"

"Fried the Zerg of Half a Step Avenue."

"Zerg tentacles on the hot half-step road."


The deliciousness of the table is all rare ingredients.

Except for the Zerg, they are all advanced alien beasts in the ancient Tianhe on the battlefield of Chaos.

Looking at the deliciousness of the table, Longfeng's appetite suddenly became stronger.

"Began to eat!"

Speaking of it, Longfeng hasn't tasted the smell of fireworks for many years.

Seeing delicious food today, I was already drooling.

Afterwards, he didn't care about eavesdropping, and immediately feasted on Lan Nu.

Soon, the table full of delicious food was swept away by the two.

I really want to pay the bill and leave.

But at this moment, a voice came.

"Oh, so handsome little monk, follow me, you will be mine from today!"

Long Feng raised his head and suddenly looked surprised.

I saw a coquettish nun standing in front of Lan Nu.

She shook the water snake's waist, flashing a pair of winking eyes, and her domineering tone was directed at Lan Nu.

Behind her, there were more than a dozen bald monks, who looked like doglegs.

"Fuck, the nun grabs the monk?"

Long Feng looked dazed.

"This...female donor, what are you talking about?"

Lan Nu was also taken aback.

"Grass, grab the monk, haven't you seen it?"

The nun looked fierce.


This was a bit of a joke, Lan Nu glanced at Long Feng with a grudge on his face.

Blame the master for making himself so handsome.

"Ahem, I said this female fellow daoist, in broad daylight, it's a bit wrong for you to do this!"

Long Feng cleared his throat, a little embarrassed.

This ancient Buddha world is really amazing.

"Who are you, a ugly man, get out of the way, otherwise don't blame me for being polite!"

Hearing Long Feng's words, the nun looked up and glanced, suddenly showing contempt.

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