Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 1375 The secret of the world in the body

In addition to controlling the law, cultivation Magic power and the power of the soul, it also needs to strengthen the world and the body.

In other words, once upgraded, in the highway boundary, all-round development is required.

Especially this world must be strengthened.

If you want to upgrade, you have to strengthen the Minor World in your body and eventually become a big world.

In Huqiu's memory, there is that unparalleled power, and it is rumored that the world in his body has been cultivated into a three thousand big world.

And Huqiu, he was a strong man who surpassed Heavenly Dao.

Want to transform him with the power of the world.

Unless it evolves into Minor World or above.

Of course, the specifics also depend on the level of Huqiu's true strength.

If Huqiu is strong enough, even if Longfeng's Hongmeng world evolves into Minor World, he can't be transformed into a single word.

Unless the big world, or even the three thousand big worlds!


Hearing such secrets, Long Feng was so shocked that his jaw almost fell off.

What's so special, Huqiu's words are too shocking.

Long Feng's mind almost didn't turn around.

"Then senior, look at my Hongmeng world, what level is it now, and where do you want to develop?"

"Boy, you Hongmeng World is just a prototype of Minor World."

"The same reasoning is that only by evolving to the world of the best Hongmeng can you become a complete Minor World and get the admission ticket to the promotion road."

"Of course, the world in your body is extremely advanced. After surpassing Heavenly Dao, you can leapfrog the challenge with the power of the world alone."

Huqiu was extremely envious of the Hongmeng world of Longfeng.

"The power of the world, what is it then?"

Longfeng immediately heard another new force.

"After surpassing Heavenly Dao, in addition to the power of the holy power, the power of the soul, and the power of the law."

"To fight, you must mobilize the power of the world."

"The power of the world is the power of the Minor World in you."

"Once the Minor World in the body is formed, you can mobilize its power to increase your combat power with the power of a world."

"It's powerful, even above the power of the law!"

"After all, the world is made up of three thousand laws."

Huqiu recalled the power of the world, it was really a huge power.

Now that I think of it, it's all making his soul faint.

"Is that so?"

"The power of the world, the world in the body, it seems that I have to upgrade the top Harmony World to the Consummation Harmony World as soon as possible."

Long Feng glanced around, and his world was already rejuvenated.

The Hongmeng purple gas was so strong that it almost disappeared.

Come to think of it, how can other people's internal worlds produce so many Harmony Worlds.

Their inner world, and the Hongmeng world, must be trampled to death for fear of death!

Shocked, shocked!

The amount of information today is a bit big!

I didn't expect Hongmeng World to have such an effect.

"Boy, in your chaotic world, no one has been able to breakthrough Heavenly Dao since ancient times."

"The most important thing is that no one controls the world's promotion methods."

"Also, it didn't pay much attention to creating the inner world."

"For example, the real person Shuiyue, if you have mastered the importance of promotion of the prototype of the inner world."

"With his luck and aptitude, I am afraid that Minor World has already been condensed in his body."

"Maybe, he has already breakthrough Heavenly Dao and become above Heavenly Dao."

"And now, he is walking the wrong way. Until now, he is still focusing on the law Realm."

"And he doesn't pay attention to the prototype of the Minor World in his body at all, so his strength has always been slow to improve."

Hearing what Huqiu said, Longfeng knew that the cultivation path after the Supreme was mainly Minor World in his body.

"Then senior, how to cultivate Minor World in his body?"

Long Feng asked again.

"It's easy!"

"Every time a realm is condensed, it immediately merges with Dantian."

"Dantian, the prototype of Minor World, will become stronger and broader."

"In this way, the process of integrating the law of Realm will be omitted, and the speed of cultivation will be accelerated."

"Until you condense the nine laws of Realm, then your Dantian will also merge the nine laws of ants."

"At that time, Dantian will be completely transformed into Minor World."

Huqiu explained again.

When Long Feng heard it, he nodded immediately.

"I understand."

For example, the real person Shuiyue, his original cultivation method was to condense a law Realm, and then condense a law Realm.

Then the two laws of Realm were merged.

At this time he became a master of fusing the two laws of Realm.

And this was not enough, he continued to condense the law of Realm, until the third, fourth, fifth...

The farther behind, the more difficult it is to merge, and therefore, the more difficult it is to cultivate.

Although the latter's strength is also stronger, the time consumed and the gain are not proportional at all.

Moreover, due to limited qualifications, it is too difficult to stack Realm in this way.

Therefore, even the three giants have stagnated since ancient times.

But Huqiu's way of talking is much simpler.

That is, after condensing a Realm, it merges with Dantian.

In this way, the strength is strong.

Condense another Realm, and the time will be reduced.

Then merged with Dantian.

By analogy, isn't it that the more you get to the back, the faster you can condense Realm.

To condense the first Realm, you need 100 million years, then the second, only 90 million years, and the third, only 80 million years.

With such cultivation, the speed will be doubled, and the strength will be stronger.

Because such cultivation is to strengthen Dantian, and Dantian is the foundation of the cultivator.

The law of constant superposition, Realm, is the external force of cultivation.

One outside, one inside, who is more powerful, at a glance.

Long Feng was shocked again.

It turned out that the cultivators in the Chaos World simply went the wrong way.

Fortunately, I have a system.

Immediately before sanctification, I started to give myself a prototype of Minor World.

And automatically promoted.

As long as you advance the Hongmeng World to Consummation, and then merge with Dantian, you can achieve the same effect.

Moreover, he also has Realm.

These are two cultivation systems.

At that time, if Hongmeng Realm and Hongmeng world were completely integrated Dantian, what kind of existence would it be?

Fusion is the big world?

At least better than Minor World!

It will definitely be strong.

Long Feng couldn't help but look forward to it.

Originally Longfeng wanted to change the cultivation method.

But I already have the Hongmeng world, and the road of integrating the nine laws of Realm can continue.

When the time comes, the two-pronged approach will double the power, and the combat power will definitely be stronger.

"Then senior, I have one last question."

"That means anyone has the opportunity to break through Heavenly Dao and advance to Heavenly Dao?"

Longfeng has been thinking about breakthrough Heavenly Dao, whether there are any restrictions.

"Of course not!"

"Heavenly Dao Sage, within Heavenly Dao, they may still have an advantage, immortal, and protected by Heavenly Dao.

"But being bound by Heavenly Dao, his limit can only reach the ceiling of Heavenly Dao, unable to continue to breakthrough!"

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