Taste the power of Heavenly Dao.

Long Feng planned that even the Demon Realm would not go over for the time being.

Of course, besides a little gain, he also paid a lot.

Just injured, almost consumed half of his life force.

"Fortunately, I run fast, otherwise I will be hit by the second person, Heavenly Dao, and I won't be seriously injured immediately."

At this moment, Huqiu looked fortunate.

"Senior, don't want to build others' prestige."

"Even if you don't leave, relying on the strength of the Ten Thousand Buddhas, Heavenly Dao, can't hurt us!"

Long Feng snorted coldly, his eyes full of dissatisfaction.

"Well, that's right, your kid has a lot of stuff, and it's possible that you can turn Heavenly Dao temporarily!"

"It's that Heavenly Dao is different from Heavenly Dao Sage, it's harder to kill!"

"You kill him once, and it will regroup again, and it will be annoying."

Huqiu gave his approval and nodded.

He knew that Longfeng still had a lot of cards in his hand that could exterminate Heavenly Dao.

But it’s a bit difficult to go extinct completely.

The most basic point is to destroy the world of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

But in this way, it will ruin the luck of the chaotic world.

The luck of the chaotic world is closely related.

Once the Qi Luck of the Chaos Great World is affected, then the three thousand Great Worlds under its jurisdiction will be greatly affected.

Even the prehistoric will be affected.

Especially during the period of calamity, once the chaos big world's luck is affected.

At least sixty percent of the amount of air luck gathered by the amount of robbery must be reduced by at least 60%.

"Huo Te, I don't know what is going on with these idiots?"

"Why do their strengths suddenly increase by leaps and bounds?"

"First it was Luo Hu and Li Guichen, and now it is this grandfather, what chance did they get?"

"Even Hongjun Daozu has this huge opportunity.

Longfeng still couldn't figure it out.

Why are these idiots violent for no reason.

The spokesperson of Heavenly Dao in the Three Eyes World, how could there not be such a good fortune.

There are also Nuwa, Tongtian, Zhenyuanzi and others, who are not so abnormal in strength.

"By the way, Yuan Zhunti and others, the strength and Tongtianzhen Yuanzi have changed a lot."

Long Feng suddenly remembered that the original Tianzun had the ability to fuse the Eight Principles of Realm the last time he fought with him.

"Well, you old Hongjun, it seems that you have begun to be wary of me."

Long Feng frowned.

"Senior, we will return to Honghuang immediately!"

Long Feng suddenly became a little worried.

It seems that the next Journey to the West will definitely not be that simple.

Dao Ancestor Hongjun is very likely to be involved in the calamity.

Going back this time, he decided to test Hongjun Daozu.

Even if he couldn't beat him, but he had the hole cards in hand, I expected that Hongjun couldn't help him.

"Well, the world of Ten Thousand Buddhas will definitely not be able to go back. Going back to the wilderness to increase your own strength is the kingly way."

Huqiu nodded, agreeing very much.

"Then go!"

Long Feng said, with a big wave of his hand, the two of them had disappeared.

When he reappeared, he had returned to the Great Hall of Heaven Sword.

"Xiao Shui Shui, come and see me!"

As soon as Longfeng took his seat, he invited the real person Shuiyue to see him.


In an instant, the Great Hall space began to twist, and a Daoist shadow walked out of the space.

"See the boss!"

When the real person Shuiyue arrived, he first saluted Longfeng.

Immediately, he glanced at the white tiger lying next to him, and his pupils shrank suddenly in his eyes.

"Boss, where did this white tiger come from? The strength is pretty good!"

Real Shuiyue had a hunch that the strength of this fierce tiger might be on par with him.

He became interested in this tiger in an instant.

"This is my new mount, how about it, mighty!"

Long Feng showed a triumphant expression.

"Yes, mighty and domineering, that's why there is no transformation?"

Real Shuiyue was puzzled.

"Uh, its blood level is too high, so it can't be transformed."

Long Feng didn't know how to explain, so he fudged at will.


"The bloodline level is too high?"

Real Shuiyue was suddenly surprised, and his bloodline level was so high that he couldn't transform it. This was the first time he saw him.

"Let me see!"

Real Shuiyue walked to Huqiu immediately, lifted Huqiu's mouth to check.

"Go away, Fatty, dead bald donkey!"

Huqiu was furious, it was so disrespectful to the beast.

"Hey, you can't transform your body, but you can speak. IQ should not be low. Let's talk about it. How high is your bloodline?"

Hearing Huqiu's words, Madam Shuiyue's eyes lighted up.

Looking at Huqiu is like seeing a human treasure.

"Go to f*ck, you're so dead, Fatty, let me die, it's disgusting to look at."

Huqiu roared, turned over and got up, and shot at the real person Shuiyue!


The Heaven Sword Great Hall trembled.


"Boss, this tiger is a bit grumpy!"

"Or I will discipline and discipline for you!"

Real Shuiyue's eyes condensed, and a bead suddenly suspended above her bright bald head.

It is the Hongmeng Supreme Shuiyue Yuan Shenzhu.


Inside the body of the real person Shuiyue, there were also bursts of explosions like fried beans.

Seeing that the two are about to fight.

Longfeng is shocked!

If these two were to work, they wouldn't be able to overthrow his Heavenly Sword Great Hall immediately.

"Stop, stop it to me!"

With a loud shout, Long Feng immediately interrupted the aura that the two had accumulated.

"You want to fight, when it's okay, go to the depths of the chaos and do a battle, now do business first."

Longfeng's majestic voice resounded.

"Hey hey, kid wise, that dead bald head, you wait for me, in the chaos, I want to punch out your shit."

Huqiu let out a cruel word, and then squatted back on the ground again.

"Fuck, dare to threaten me, I will be accompanied by real Shuiyue!"

True person Shuiyue did not show weakness either.

"Okay, Xiao Shui Shui, have any major events happened during this time?"

Counting from the time Long Feng left, he has been walking for more than a year.

In fact, he spent only more than ten days in the Chaotian Moen and Ten Thousand Buddhas World.

The reason why the primordial famine has passed for more than a year, must be the time in the chaotic sky, which flies faster than the primordial world.

"Report to the boss that within this year, the various forces are very honest, and no uncontrollable things have happened."

Well, it seems that the two bald donkeys in the West can really tolerate them. What about Heaven Court, what about Sun Wukong? "

The big Sages have not moved, Long Feng wouldn't think that they just gave in.

A big action must be brewing.

"Boss, speaking of it, Sun Wukong is a bit funny."

"On Heaven Court, that Lu Ya Daoist and Erlang Shen Yang Jian got together."

"The two of them attracted a large number of gods from Heaven Court to form a lobbyist team."

"This team is bombarding in turn, bewitching Sun Wukong to make trouble in the Heavenly Palace all the time."

Speaking of this, Madam Shuiyue felt a little funny.

"Oh, Lu Ya, Daoist? Tathagata!"

"It seems that this Lu Ya Daoist has already taken refuge in the West and is about to take up the position of Tathagata."

Long Feng smiled slightly, his face showing sarcasm.

Lu Ya Daoist, the tenth son of Emperor Heaven Court in ancient times.

I think at that time, the Golden Crow clan was so powerful and powerful.

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