Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 1388 Long Feng wants to preach

"Fuck, what's the situation? What did he say to me just now?"

Long Feng looked dazed.

What if I have my own thoughts after I have summoned them?

Long Feng was shocked for a moment, but looking at the sky full of blood mist, he was replaced by excitement.

Especially, Hongjun finally got his braids up.

"Let you be so fierce in front of me, this time you were pinched to death by a strong man who surpassed Heavenly Dao. I think you are not fierce."

A smile appeared at the corner of Long Feng's mouth.


"The big guy just now can be said, Hongjun has the power of blood evil, and he can't completely kill him."

"Meaning that Hongjun Daozu will be resurrected?"

Longfeng was taken aback.

But if Hongjun wants to be resurrected again, it's better to go first.

With a big wave of his hand, Longfeng took everyone into the Hongmeng World, then turned and disappeared.

As for whether Hongjun will trouble him after his resurrection.

Longfeng is very sure about this, not for the time being.

Because the big guy just now is too powerful.

Hongjun was pinched to death.

I am afraid that now Hongjun is still afraid that he is terribly scared.

I would not dare to take the initiative to find Longfeng trouble.

As Longfeng disappeared soon.

The space where Hongjun was killed suddenly fluctuates.

A Heavenly Dao power revolves here.

Not long after, Hongjun's figure changed from fuzziness to reality.


With a flash of light, Hongjun Yuanshen was gathered by Heavenly Dao and returned to his body.


A foul breath was spit out from Hongjun's mouth.

"So strong, so awesome!"

Hongjun opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were like swords, and he glanced around carefully.

He breathed a sigh of relief without the strong and powerful man, Long Feng and others in his sight.

"Longfeng, this son, can actually find such a strong person to help out, how is this possible?"

"Also, who is the strong man just now?"

"Why is his strength so strong?"

"One hundred percent surpassed Heavenly Dao. This is incredible. Under Heavenly Dao, there are powerhouses who surpass Heavenly Dao!"

"Fortunately, I also have the power of blood evil, otherwise it has completely disappeared just now!"

"so close!"

Hongjun couldn't help shivering.

Thinking of the feeling of powerlessness in the hands of the strong and powerful man just now, his whole body was trembling.

However, the hatred in my heart became stronger.

"Longfeng, today's shame will be doubled back in the future."

The feeling of Death just made Hongjun almost desperate.

Looking back now, it made him shudder.

He will avenge this grudge sooner or later.

But now, he really didn't dare to trouble Longfeng again.

He wants to find out who the strong and strong man is.


at the same time!

In a mysterious place, a sturdy man with his eyes closed, sitting cross-legged in the void, with his hands embracing him.

In the palm of his hand, it was a cloud of chaos.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes.

"What's the matter, why did you feel the sense of separation from the body just now?"

The strong man looked puzzled.

He immediately worked his whole body, and the whole body burst into a nine-colored glow.

I checked it, but there was no problem.

"Strange, why did I feel that way just now?"

The strong and strong man thought for a while, but had no clue and had to stop.

"Forget it, it's better to refine the world as soon as possible and restore it to the top, otherwise it will be a tragedy if you get ahead of the old man."

The powerful Han muttered to himself, then closed his eyes again and concentrated on dealing with the chaotic light ball in the palm of his hand.


Let's talk about Longfeng!

Returning to the Hongmeng world, he immediately mobilized the power of the world to fulfill his identity as the creator of the world.

With the supreme Magic power, everyone's lives were saved.

And gathered the tens of thousands of Hongmeng Purple Qi in the surrounding area to form several Hongmeng Purple Qi cocoons, wrapping up the severely injured people.

"I said, you will recover soon!"

Export of boundless creative power.

An unmatched vitality was injected into everyone.

In this way, there are countless grandeurs and purple auras, coupled with his ability to speak the law freely, several people will be able to recover quickly.

After fixing the wounded, Long Feng led Shuiyue, Huqiu and Long Aotian back to the Great Hall of Heavenly Sword.

"Boss, Na Hongjun won't hit the Sky Sword Sect after he is resurrected?"

Until now, the real person Shuiyue still had lingering fears.

The strength of Hongjun just now is simply boundless.

Under the massive Magic power, he almost died.

Although he resisted with all his strength, he was only slightly shocked.

But he knew that this was because Hongjun had dealt with too many people with one sword, and his power was scattered.

If he fights against Hongjun alone.

With the sword just now, he would be killed in a second.

Real Shuiyue is a bit depressed.

Especially, I seem to be the son of luck in the Chaos World!

Well, the first master of Chaos, why can't even a Hongjun deal with it now.

There are also Li Guichen of the Demon World and Luo Hu of the Demon Ancestor.

What happened to the current chaotic world.

Have you fallen asleep for a long time and can't keep up with the times?

After the failure just now, he just wants to go back to Closed Door Training again, not the nine rules of Realm, never going out.

Of course, this has to be done when Hongjun does not come to kill him.

"It's okay, Na Hongjun was slaughtered once, presumably he didn't dare to do it lightly."

"Besides, if he dares to come, I have my own way to deal with him."

Longfeng's eyes condensed.

Although Flying Daggers cannot be easily used.

But when it comes to the crisis, no one cares so much about him.

As for Hongjun's Magic Treasures, Longfeng is not afraid.

You know, natal Magic Treasures, he has two pieces.

And he Hongjun has only one piece.

Besides, this predecessor is not just what Hongjun said.

Above him, there is a Heavenly Dao.

During the amount of robbery, Heavenly Dao had rules, surpassing the Sage early stage and was not allowed to shoot.

The Heavenly Sword Sect is located in the prehistoric land, the ancestral land of the human race!

Heavenly Dao will never allow Hongjun to violate the rules and let him use his strength beyond Sage early stage in the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Even if he is the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao, he can't go against it.

This is the Heavenly Dao rule, unselfishness!

"In that case, the boss, I want to go back to the Blood Demon Hall and continue cultivation."

"I have just found the opportunity to break through the limit of Heavenly Dao."

"I believe it won't be long before the nine rules of Realm can be integrated."

"When the time comes, we will go to fight against the old man Hongjun."

Real Shuiyue has a serious face.

"Great good, but I want to preach to you first, and it's not too late for you to cultivate!"

Long Feng said slowly with a smile.

"Preach for us?"

Real Shuiyue looked weird.

"Yes, don't think your Realm is higher than me, just think I don't deserve to preach to you, right?"

"Hey, boss, that actually is not, I don't know what kind of Tao is the boss going to talk about?"

"What I want to talk about is the way beyond Heavenly Dao!"

Long Feng has a mysterious face.

"Beyond Heavenly Dao?"

Real Shuiyue looked shocked.

"Yes, just beyond Heavenly Dao, your cultivation method is simply wrong."

"According to your cultivation method, you will never reach the strength beyond Heavenly Dao."

Long Feng nodded and smiled slightly.

"Lord, please teach me!"

When the real person Shuiyue saw it, it looked like Long Feng was extremely confident, and coupled with the magic of the boss, he instantly believed it.

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