Huaguoshan, Shuiliandong!

At this moment, Longfeng clone flashed purple light, and in front of him, the demon ghost knelt on the ground.

"Tu'er Niu Devil, see Master!"

"Sun Wukong see the master!"

"See Datianzun for the Flood Demon King, the Peng Demon King, the Lion Camel King, the Macaque King, and the Tamarin King."

All the demons saluted Longfeng.

"Well, the Flood Demon King, the Peng Demon King, the Lion Camel King, the Macaque King, the Tamarin King, and You are all manufacturable materials. From then on, you will be my disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect!"

Long Feng glanced at the Five Demon Kings and saw that all of them were already in the Sage early stage and had reached their peak.

Suddenly very satisfied.

Coupled with the good performance of this riot in the Heavenly Palace, it was decided to include them in the Heavenly Sword Sect.

"Thank you Sect Leader!"

The Five Demon King was overjoyed immediately.

Heavenly Sword Sect!

The first big teacher of the prehistoric.

It is more promising than Heaven Court and Jiejiao.

Being able to join the Heavenly Sword Sect made the Five Demon King feel ecstatic.

"Well, get up!"

Long Feng nodded, raised his big hand, and everyone got up.

"Master, Wukong's clone was suppressed under Wuzhi Mountain by that shameless lead, is there a way to save it?"

Sun Xiaosheng has now recovered the real body of the Bull Demon King.

From now on, there will be no Sun Xiaosheng in the world.

"Yes, Master, although the clone only has the Cultivation Base of the quasi-sage middle stage, if the old grandson can be merged, the sanctification of the body can be accelerated for a hundred years."

Sun Wukong also scratched his head for a while, anxious.

"Haha, don't panic Wukong, I have my own way!"

"Look, who is this?"

Long Feng smiled faintly, stretched out his hand and waved, a comatose figure rolled out of the void.

"Hey, this is a monk!"

"Yes, is it a Buddhist monk?"

Sun Wukong and the Bull Demon were puzzled.

Yes, what fell out was a big bald head.

At this moment, the big bald head was facing the ground, and everyone did not see who this person was.

"Goku, wake him up!"

Long Feng sneered and said lightly.

"Yes, master!"

Sun Wukong was not polite, and walked forward, slapped down according to the monk's face on the ground.


Severe pain sounded in the water curtain cave.

"Long... Longfeng, it's you, why did you bring the poor monk here?"

"It hurts, it hurts me!"

The bald head on the ground was awakened from the pain, and immediately turned over and got up.

"Fuck, it's the dragon descending Arhat!"

"It's Jianglong bald!"

Everyone was shocked.

Jianglong Arhat is the boss of the eighteen Arhats.

Western Buddhism is divided into Buddha, Bodhisattva, Arhat, Shengwen, Bhikkhu, and novice monks.

Arhat is only under Buddha and Bodhisattva, occupying a huge proportion of Buddhism.

In Buddhism, there are now five hundred arhats.

Eighteen arhats are the first of all arhats.

As the boss of the eighteen arhats, Jianglong Arhat plays a decisive role.

It can be said that one percent of Buddhism luck is in the hands of Jianglong Arhat.

Although not many, it is also an important monk in Buddhism.

His identity and importance to Buddhism cannot be matched by many Buddhas and Bodhisattva.

Such a character has always been smooth in Buddhism, and has hardly experienced catastrophe, so he has cultivated to the pinnacle of the quasi-sage.

It can be said that his Cultivation Base is currently the first quasi-sage of Buddhism.

I believe it will be proclaimed and sanctified soon.

but now!

He was taken by Longfeng.

And they were thrown into the ground by dead dogs.

Just now, I was kicked by Sun Wukong.

At this time, nosebleeds flowed across his face, his face was blue, and two of his front teeth were missing.

It can be seen that Sun Wukong exerted great force with this kick.

"Drafting, Jianglong old bald donkey, he didn't kneel down when he saw my master, you are looking for death!"

Seeing that it was the dragon descending Arhat, the Bull Demon King was unceremonious, and kicked the opponent's calf with one kick.


A burst of bone cracking resounded.


Jianglong Luohan suddenly fell to his knees.

"Long Sect Leader, Grandpa Long, what do you want to do?"

At this moment, Jianglong Arhat panicked a group.

Longfeng is cruel!

Even the two leaders of his own family were beaten and conquered by him.

In Buddhism, the word Longfeng is even more a taboo, and no one dares to mention it.

Otherwise, Sage will be beaten up.

Therefore, in Buddhism, Longfeng's prestige is no less than the introduction of Zhunti's two saints.

But at this time, such a terrifying character was right in front of him.

Jianglong Luohan's careful liver had already been pounding.

"Hehe, what are you doing?"

"Good question!"

"Let me tell you, the old man would dare to press Wukong's clone under Wuzhi Mountain. I am going to let you replace him!"

Long Feng smiled faintly, looking in the eyes of Jianglong Luohan, like a Devil.

"No, how dare you?"

"I am the head of the Buddhist Arhat!"

"Also, you won't succeed. Sage will soon find out that I am missing, and then find Five Elements Mountain."

Jianglong Luohan looked terrified.

But he soon felt relieved.

With Sage's power, he will be able to quickly find Wuzhishan and rescue him from suffering.

"Ha ha……"

Longfeng just smiled faintly, not arguing with Jianglong Luohan.

After that, he began to make a series of Mudras of Fa Jue.

A series of handprints burst out and gradually merged into the soul of Jianglong Arhat.

Gradually, Jianglong Luohan felt sore and soft, and his soul was enclosed in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Colleague, he unconsciously started to spray.

"Buddhist bald donkeys, give birth to sons who have no eyes. Dog R's quasi-pick and lead, let me go out quickly."

"You wait for me, take Lao Sun to break through Wuzhi Mountain, you will destroy your shit Lingshan, and turn the eyes of the old pi who was attracted by Zhunzi!"

Jianglong Arhat kept repeating these two sentences, scolded extremely excitedly.

But deep in his eyes, there was a look of fear again.

He is afraid!

This is not what he wants to scold at all.

But he just can't control his own mouth.

"Fuck, Master, what did you do to him?"

Everyone looked shocked.

"A small spell, as long as he speaks, it will be these two sentences."

"With this spell, as long as it doesn't lead Zhunti's body to come, there is no solution at all."

"Not only is there no solution, but also can't be found. He is the dragon descending Arhat."

After Long Feng finished speaking, stretch out his hand a little.

Jianglong Luohan has been transformed into the appearance of Sun Wukong.


Longfeng draws Shattering Void, and when it reappears, it has already come to the foot of Wuzhi Mountain.

At this moment, Sun Wukong's clone is tired of scolding and is resting.

When Longfeng appeared, he was overjoyed.

"Master, save the disciple out!"

"Goku don't panic!"

Long Feng smiled slightly, and threw Jianglong Arhat to the ground.

Then he pinched the Fa Jue, and a light mask immediately covered the six-character mantra on the top of the mountain.


He ran the Magic power, held up Wuzhishan, pulled Sun Wukong out, and kicked Jianglong Luohan in.

Finally, withdraw the mask again, everything is unknowingly.

"Uh, master, he is..."

Seeing himself being pressed on Wuzhi Mountain again, Sun Wukong looked dazed.

"The Buddhist Dragon Dragon Arhat has been sealed by me, so temporarily let him be taken and suppressed here instead of you."

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